Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 160

After Dr. Isaacs entered the end of a passage surrounded by glass, Fujimura Tachibana stood on the other side of the passage and said expressionlessly, then Fujimura Tachibana walked into the passage and walked towards Dr. Isaacs.Striding towards Dr. Isaacs in front of her, she didn't seem to be afraid when she saw Isaacs in front of her, but showed a trivial expression of success.At this time, there was the sound of the passage door closing automatically, but the door behind Isaacs opened. He immediately stepped back and left the passage, and the door closed immediately, and Fujimura Tachibana was locked in the passage by himself.

As soon as Dr. Isaacs retreated, he was ready to rush to catch him, but Fujimura Tachibana’s footsteps were only two steps forward and had to stop, because a blue beam suddenly appeared in the passage. It shot out from the glass on the side, and made a buzzing sound. She said she was moving from where she was standing. This is a laser!

This is Dr. Isaacs' plan to use the laser of this laser channel to kill Fujimura Tachibana, and then leave through the secret channel.The laser temperature in the laser channel is very high. Even if tungsten with a melting point of 3410 degrees is placed in the laser channel, it will be melted and cut or even vaporized by the laser in an instant. Does the human body want to withstand the high temperature of the laser?This is simply impossible!

So confidently looking at Fujimura Tachibana standing in the laser tunnel, Isaacs directly controlled the laser in the laser tunnel to form a large airtight net, without giving Fujimura Tachibana any room to escape. He wanted to look at Fujimura. Tachibana was cut into pieces by the laser net, but the next moment he saw Fujimura Tachibana standing in the laser tunnel and took out the dominator.

"Execution mode, destruction, decomposition!"

A ball of blue light shot from the dominator’s muzzle, ignoring the existence of the laser net and piercing the door in front of Isaacs, and Dr. Isaacs at the door felt his body fall to the ground lightly, his last sight Seeing that his lower body has completely disappeared, the attack of the dominator evaporated most of his body, and even the ball of light continued to advance. The wall behind him also evaporated out of a spherical area, and then he fell into darkness. .

After the shooting was completed, the laser net had arrived in front of him, Fujimura Tachibana immediately backed up and turned around, and then hit the gate behind him with a palm. The metal gate flew out instantly, and Fujimura Tachibana also left the laser immediately. Passage, and then a burst of heat rushed to his face.

Chapter 253: Section Chief Fujimura, you are on holiday, don't come to harm Japan.

There is a good saying that the police only show up after the fact, and sometimes the organization of people in black is similar.After Fujimura Tachibana killed Dr. Isaacs and took control of the entire umbrella company building, reinforcements from the Men in Black and the US government finally arrived.

I saw a large number of American soldiers approaching Raccoon City, and there were a large number of traces of aircraft in the sky. Then the U.S. Army quickly controlled the entire Raccoon City, and the mercenaries of the parachute company chose to surrender in the face of absolute force. There are a large number of employees with umbrellas.

"T, good job, let's leave it to us next."

K appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana and said approvingly that the People in Black organization has now controlled the entire Raccoon City, and the antidote to the T virus is being distributed in large numbers to prevent the bitten people from becoming zombies.It is said that about one-third of the survivors in Raccoon City, most of the Raccoon City Police Department said that the line of defense established to contain them so as to avoid becoming food for zombies, and this suggestion was also made by Fujimura Tachibana.

"Wesker ran away, did he stop his helicopter?"

Fujimura Tachibana has something to do with Wesker's whereabouts. This person decisively betrayed Dr. Isaacs and fled in a helicopter alone, so she had a hunch that if Wesker ran away like this, she would have a chance to see Wesker.

"We have shot down a helicopter, and J has gone to search the crash site of the helicopter."

"Okay, I need to report the situation to Japan, K."

After signaling to K, Fujimura Tachibana left here, and then came to an unmanned room and closed the door. Fujimura Tachibana took out his multi-function glasses, and then contacted the Supernatural Phenomenon Investigation Headquarters through a secret channel.


He Sheng Yangzong appeared in his vision. Although Hesheng Yangzong couldn't see Fujimura Tachibana, only her voice could be heard, but just hearing her voice could feel a relief. Fujimura Tachibana deserves to be found Super lucky star.

"MIB has already informed me, it's a good job."

Only then did Fujimura Tachibana go to the United States, but within two days, we got good news from Fujimura Tachibana.The Umbrella Company’s own death caused the Resident Evil incident. Because of this, the U.S. government was determined to eliminate the Umbrella Company. The original seemingly powerful umbrella company was destroyed almost overnight. The remaining forces of the umbrella company are fighting to ensure that the T virus does not spread.

"Um...I will send back a briefing of the process in the evening, Director, when will I return to Japan?"

While speaking, Black Saber released the spirit state and appeared next to Fujimura Tachibana, hugged her from behind and started to lift her hands. This made Fujimura Tachibana unconsciously make some noises, which could make Hesheng Yangzong. noticed.

"Is it a little tired, Section Chief Fujimura, do you want to take a break first, and about the date of your return to China... You have been working hard recently. I have already granted you a special one-month holiday, so let’s have fun for a month. Go and harm other places and save Japan. There will be people who will help you lead the nine classes of public security, but you must pay attention to your body and don't have more lovers!"

Hesheng Yangzong seemed to have noticed something and teased Fujimura Tachibana. Although Fujimura Tachibana's face remained cold, he turned his head and glanced at the black Saber with a smirk after hearing the last words of Hesheng Yangzong. Stared at her.

"Then I will go to rest first."

After closing the communication, Fujimura Tachibana immediately reached out and pressed Black Saber's hand on his chest, and then spoke.

"Are you done?"

"No, we haven't seen each other for three days! I want to see if my wife has cuckold me!"

He said in a distrustful tone that Black Saber even went deep into Fujimura Tachibana's clothes, which made Fujimura Tachibana's complexion darker. Why did Black Saber become more courageous and call himself a wife?So Fujimura Tachibana turned and lowered his head, looking down at Black Saber with great momentum, and then said: "You should call me your husband, Altria."

"Then, you come to prove your ability."

Squeezing Black Saber's chin, Fujimura Tachibana kissed him, Black Saber did not refuse, and the two immediately kissed.

While kissing the black Saber, he pushed the black Saber against the wall and pressed her against the wall. The kisses were not small.As the kiss between the two became more intense, the ambiguous feelings in the air continued to increase, the atmosphere suddenly turned pink, and the door was suddenly opened.

In almost an instant, Fujimura Tachibana and Hei Saber immediately separated, and the two turned their heads at the same time, with a trace of sullen expression on their expressions. Who disturbed them both!Moreover, the two confirmed that the door was locked before, how did this person appear!

"Ahem, by the way, although it is dark now, this is a public place after all."

The person who showed up turned out to be King Ada. After King Ada, who was captured by Fujimura Tachibana before, was handed over to the Men in Black Organization by Fujimura Tachibana, why did she appear here at this time?Glancing at King Ada's arm, the handcuffs that had been handcuffed to the arm had disappeared.

"King Ada is a secret spy of the US government. She was previously involved in the umbrella company as an insider. We have confirmed her identity."

K entered and said expressionlessly. After speaking, he smelled a certain smell in the room, and K reacted immediately.

"Pay attention to contraception...well, you don't need contraception."

K, a serious-looking person, even spit out teasingly. After speaking, he immediately left and disappeared, leaving only a smile, but he seemed to stand at the door alone with the jealous King Ada.

"Anything else?"

After tidying up his shirt, and then buttoning the unbuttoned suit button, Fujimura Tachibana said as if nothing had happened, and the black Saber smiled and leaned his head on Fujimura Tachibana’s shoulder and hugged her. In an intimate look, King Ada felt that Black Saber seemed to be provoking himself!

"Wesker ran away and he was not found in the helicopter that crashed."

King Ada immediately said solemnly, which made Fujimura Tachibana frown, which is a hidden danger.However, this matter is no longer the most important thing for Fujimura Tachibana, and the People in Black Organization will continue to investigate it, so there is no need to worry about it.

"By the way, Alicia is dead. She is the clone of Alice, but she suffers from disease and will age rapidly, so she looks very old, actually about the same age as Alice. She just changed Her childhood memories were preserved and handed over to Alice. She chose to die. By the way, Alice now owns 50% of the umbrella company. Although the umbrella company is about to be dismantled, she will be a rich woman in the future. I want to Thinking about working for Alice in the future!"

At the beginning, King Ada was a little serious when he said it, but when he said it, he became a little unreliable. Fujimura Tachibana looked at her blankly, and then complained about her with a cold face.

"I think, let you enter the company, I am afraid that a fox was put in the rabbit nest, but maybe you can consider going to Alice as a toilet cleaner."

Chapter 254: Let's save my sister!

"Are there any plans to go where to play?"

The black Saber wrapped in a bath towel hugged his lover from behind Fujimura Tachibana, and watched his lover quickly typing and writing reports in a notebook. Compared with the report, the black Saber was more concerned about Fujimura Tachibana’s holiday arrangements this month. .


Indifferently replied to Black Saber with two words. Fujimura Tachibana is actually a very immoral guy at some point. She may prefer to practice swordsmanship in the practice room rather than traveling.

"Well, do you want to go to England? I want to see what Britain is now like! In addition, I can also worship my tombstone!"

Although Fujimura Tachibana looked very uninterested, the black Saber said with great interest, which made Fujimura Tachibana unavoidably complain, so he stopped typing, and then turned his head and said, "I worship myself? What are you doing? Don’t you simply announce your own resurrection and take back Britain from the hands of the Windsor dynasty? I believe the British will respond to your call."

"I have been the king of Britain. Compared with the power of the king, I like your body more now, do you want to come from it once?"

Expressing his desire nakedly, Black Saber saw that he was about to put his hand into Fujimura Tachibana's clothes, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately grabbed her hand.

"It's getting late, I have to write a report..."

"Sister Orange, help!"

While Fujimura Tachibana was speaking, a unique voice suddenly came to interrupt her, and then Shirai Kuroko appeared as if calling for help, and hugged Fujimura Tachibana's thigh.


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