Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 162

The teleportation process was very short. Fujimura Tachibana found himself in a strange room only after feeling a flash of green light.


Looking around, Fujimura Tachibana was also observing the room, and then Fujimura Tachibana fell silent.

"Sister Orange, ah, sister, listen to me to explain!"

Shirai Kuroko wanted to say something at first, but after seeing Fujimura Tachibana’s silent expression, Shirai Kuroko immediately exclaimed and exclaimed because there are huge photos posted around the room. Although there are many photos, There are only two protagonists in the photo, one is Misaka Mikoto, and the other is Fujimura Tachibana.From the shooting point of view, these photos were taken secretly by Shirai Kuroko, and the angles of some of the photos are very tricky and they don't look so harmonious.But if it was just like this, Fujimura Tachibana would not have any thoughts. After all, this is just a photo, but Shirai Kuroko has something more excessive.

Although the distance between the photo and Fujimura Tachibana is still several meters away, but Fujimura Tachibana can see that the photo is wet with watermarks on it. What did Shirai Kuroko do to the photo?

"I will settle accounts later, what time is it now?"

It was dark when Fujimura Tachibana came here, and here, Fujimura Tachibana could see the sunlight entering the house, so he raised his hand to adjust the time, Shirai Kuroko immediately picked up a mobile phone from a table on the side.

"Sister Orange, it's 8:32 AM on August 18!"

Kuroko Shirai immediately reported the time, Fujimura Tachibana adjusted the time of his mobile phone, and asked Kiko to change the time in his glasses, and then put down the weapon in his hand.

"I need a computer, and I want to enter your dormitory to investigate. By the way, are there any well-known armed groups in Academy City?"

After putting down the things and checking that there was nothing he was carrying, Fujimura Tachibana saw Shirai Kuroko take out a laptop from the room and put it on the table. Fujimura Tachibana came to the computer.

"Sister Tachibana, look at this computer! It is the Commission for Discipline and Discipline Inspection that maintains order on weekdays in the academy city. The Commission for Discipline and Discipline is a group of students in the academy city. I am a member of the 177 branch. There will be rioters, then there will be a security team to deal with them. They are the guards and security guards in the school city. They are served by adult teachers and use various firearms and explosion-proof equipment."

While talking, he helped Fujimura Tachibana pull out the information of the garrison and the Disciplinary Committee on the computer. After checking the information, the garrison was not a big threat. It was just an ordinary conventional force, and it was a voluntary force, not a professional combat force.Therefore, no matter how strong the garrison is, it will not be stronger than the mercenaries of the umbrella, and the threat to Fujimura Tachibana is not great.

However, the Commission for Discipline Inspection made Fujimura Tachibana pay attention, because the Commission for Discipline Inspection is made up of students in the Academy City, and the Academy City is a place to develop super powers, and the students in it have all kinds of weird abilities. , If you encounter a person with strange abilities, it is not impossible to roll over.

"Heizi, in the next investigation, you have to help me block the investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Speaking of Fujimura Tachibana placing his glasses next to the notebook and pulling out a data cable and plugging it into the computer, both worlds use USB interfaces. Is this the inertia of the world?

"Kiko, try to retrieve all the information about Misaka Mikoto. If you can't break through, then stop the investigation to avoid being discovered."

"Yes, Master Orange!"

Kiko immediately started investigating the database of the Academy City after answering her words, and the expression on the side of Heizi suddenly became strange.

"What's wrong? Heizi?"

He immediately noticed the change of Kuroko's expression, so he asked, Fujimura Tachibana did not stop, but was checking the condition of the pistol.

"Sister Tachibana, the two strongest hackers in Academy City, one is my friend Chuchun Shili, she is also a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the other is Sister Misaka. Sister Tachibana, I will help make Chuchun unable ..."

When Shiraizi was speaking, Xizi's sorry voice suddenly came.

"Master Orange, I just met a master and it will take some time to break through her defenses, but don't worry, I won't be broken by her...Wait, let's go! Here again!"

It seemed that he was engaged in an offensive and defensive battle with a formidable opponent. The laptop on the desktop had already reached its limit, and Kiko had no time to speak.

"This is probably made by Chuchun Shili... I'm so sorry!"

Shirai Kuroko looked very sorry, and seeing her trying to take out her phone to stop Hatsuharu Shiri, Fujimura Tachibana stopped her.

"No, don't disturb others, Kuroko, next I'm going to your dormitory to check if there are suitable clothes."

I took a look at the black suit on my body. Although this suit is not strange in other places, it is still too conspicuous in Xueyuan City, a place full of students. At first glance, it is not a student's dress. It is better to replace it with one. Low-key clothes are better.


Heizi thought for a while, and there was a sudden excitement in his eyes, and then excitedly said: "What is the size of Sister Orange? Heizi will help you buy a set of clothes! Or let Heizi use both hands to measure Sister Orange's size"

Kuroko stretched out his hand towards Fujimura Tachibana's chest as he said. Fujimura Tachibana immediately grabbed the demon sword Muramasa on the side and knocked Kuroko on the head with a scabbard.

"I will tell you the size, hurry up and buy a set!"

Speaking of reporting his size, Kuroko then walked out of the room with a disappointed expression holding his head to buy clothes for Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana began to check the map of the school city and began to look for his destination. It is the location of Tokiwadai Middle School's dormitory, and quickly analyzed the surrounding main buildings and streets. If there is an accident, Fujimura Tachibana will need to evacuate through the surrounding streets. It is not good if you are not familiar with the road.

"The academy city in this world is very powerful..."

Looking at the academy city that almost occupies the two cities of Tama City and Tachikawa City in Japan, Fujimura Tachibana said with emotion.

"Visitors from another world are really rare."

And while Fujimura Tachibana was talking to herself, in a building with no windows and no doors, a person in a life support device also opened his mouth and said that this person is the founder of Academy City-Aleister .

Author's message:

Happy new year everyone, smile face

Chapter 257: The Tachibana Hiding Under the Bed

"Sister Orange, this is my dormitory!"

Kuroko whispered to Fujimura Tachibana, at this time the two were already in the dorms of Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto.Relying on Heizi's transmission ability along the way, the two avoided the sight of passers-by and the dormitory superintendent entered the dormitory directly without attracting the attention of anyone else.

"Then, let's start."

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana was wearing a shirt and short skirt bought by Kuroko, looking very youthful, but Fujimura Tachibana felt a little uncomfortable, because this kind of dress was a long time ago for her, and The short skirt is a bit short, and Kuroko didn't buy safety pants for herself, so Fujimura Tachibana felt a bit cold. The last time she wore this coolness should be the time when she dated Black Saber. That time they both wore dresses.

However, this kind of dressing is not uncommon, and Fujimura Tachibana didn't care, so he put on his glasses and began to check the dormitories of Misaka Mikoto and Kuroko, ready to search for valuable clues.

"Sir Tachibana, this part belongs to Sister Misaka, and this part belongs to me."

Kuroko pointed and said in a low voice, Fujimura Tachibana immediately began to check Misaka Mikoto's belongings.According to police regulations, a search warrant must be obtained to search the room, but this is not the world of Fujimura Tachibana, and Fujimura Tachibana is invited to come for a secret investigation, so what is the procedure?Fujimura Tachibana hadn't kept it much in the past, and it didn't matter this time.

After opening Misaka Mikoto's wardrobe and checking, Fujimura Tachibana found that most of the wardrobe was Tokiwadai Junior High School uniforms. Except for underwear and safety pants, Fujimura Tachibana found no other clothes.

"Tokiwadai's school rules stipulate that students wear school uniforms even in normal times. If they are found to violate school rules, they will be punished."

Heizi explained that at this time, Heizi was also wearing a school uniform. No wonder Fujimura Tachibana saw her wearing this set of clothes. It turned out that he didn't wear school uniforms because of poverty.

Without speaking, Fujimura Tachibana continued to inspect the closet, but except that the number of black safety pants a bit exceeded the normal number for ten days, Fujimura Tachibana did not find any valuable information.Not only did Fujimura Tachibana fail to find it, but the multi-function glasses she wore also did not find any traces that could not be detected by the naked eye. Fujimura Tachibana turned to check Misaka Mikoto's desk.

"Higher mathematics, Russian, French, how to repair the frayed Persian carpet...Are all the students in Academy City so good?"

On Misaka Mikoto's desk, I saw a lot of textbooks that should be covered by universities, as well as textbooks in multiple languages ​​and some strange home economics textbooks. According to analysis, these books are not decorations, but have been used for learning.

"Because Misaka-sama is a superpower and stands third among the 7 people at the top of the academy city. Although the elder sister is only 14 years old, she has completed the college courses and is fluent in English, French, Russian, Italian, etc. Multilingual! By the way, what school did Sister Orange graduate from?"

Kuroko was also a little curious, so he asked. After listening to Kuroko's question, Fujimura Tachibana did not stop the inspection, but bent down and suddenly knelt on the ground. He went under the table and wanted to check whether the underside and back of the table were right. Hidden something, so the lower part of the body was exposed outside the table, Shirai Kuroko looked at Fujimura Tachibana's long white legs and the faint fat times under the short skirt, Kuroko had a nosebleed.

"I was admitted to the University of Tokyo at the age of 14. I studied law. If I didn't become a police officer, then I would become a top lawyer."

Probably he didn't notice that he was empty, and Fujimura Tachibana was still checking the table.No hidden grid was found, nothing was pasted, and nothing was engraved on the table. Fujimura Tachibana found nothing, so he drilled out of the table again. Fujimura Tachibana found that Shirai Kuroko was holding his head while holding his hand. With his nose, a tissue with red blood stains has fallen aside.

"Master Orange, I'll report it, this slut just saw you look like you've gone!"

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