Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 163

Kiko suddenly said, and shouted in a righteous manner. Fujimura Tachibana did not speak, but glanced at Heizi, and then planned to check other places, but at this time there was the sound of high heels footsteps at the door and stopped. At the door of the dormitory, the two immediately became nervous.

"Hurry up! It's the wardens here, hiding under the bed!"

Kuroko seemed to have encountered some natural enemy and immediately pushed Fujimura Tachibana to hide under the bed. At this time, the sound of the key being inserted into the door had already been heard. Fujimura Tachibana immediately bent down and hid under the bed, but just hid. At that time, I accidentally ran into the giant bear puppet on Misaka Mikoto's bed. The bear puppet fell to the ground with it, and the door was opened.

"Heizi, when did you come back, why didn't I see you come in!"

A cold-sounding voice came over, and then I heard Kuroko's nervous explanation. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the source of the sound, and she found that the dormitory at the door could not only exude a kind of kindness, but also feel There was a sense of killing, as if this was not a dormitory administrator of a girls’ school, but a super soldier who had been on the battlefield. Even a special force can only be a little cat in front of her. , There are such people in this school?

However, Fujimura Tachibana did not pay attention to the ward for too long, because she found a clue.

The doll bear on the ground brought to the ground by Fujimura Tachibana's actions revealed a hole, and a corner of a document was exposed in the mouth. It was obvious that this was specially hidden inside the doll bear.So Fujimura Tachibana carefully pulled out the document from the doll bear. These two files were stacked together. When Fujimura Tachibana took a look at it, he saw two huge titles: "Mass-Production-Type Abilities Project."

"The absolute abilities have evolved."

Although he has not read the content yet, Fujimura Tachibana keenly sensed that there are huge secrets hidden in these two files, so Fujimura Tachibana opened the file and began to check the contents of the file. Then Fujimura Tachibana's eyebrows wrinkled, because The content here is really shocking.

"Master dormitory, go slowly!"

At this time, Heizi finally flicked the dormitory away. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the non-existent sweat. Heizi turned around and shouted at Fujimura Tachibana who was hiding under the bed, "Sir Tachibana, you can come out. !"

Heizi finished shouting, but did not see Fujimura Tachibana coming out of the bed, so he cried out again curiously, Fujimura Tachibana still didn't respond, so he walked over suspiciously. Heizi suddenly saw Fujimura Tachibana coming out of the bed.

"Heizi, there is no clue found here, I will look for it again."

Fujimura Tachibana lied.

Author's message:

Second more ~ ​​Meow Meow

Chapter 258: The Absolutely Powered Evolution Plan

The mass-produced capable person plan and the absolute capable person evolution plan, two documents in the hands of Fujimura Tachibana describe the specific content of these two plans in detail.

The purpose of the mass-production capable person plan is to directly manufacture superpowers in batches, turning the superpowers that were originally triggered by accident into inevitable, and finally mass production of superpowers called Level 5 by the Academy City, and the researcher’s choice of genes Mikoto Misaka is the third of the 7 superpowers in the school city.

By extracting Misaka Mikoto's genes and performing cloning and duplication, the researchers created clones that are exactly the same as Misaka Mikoto's genes. These clones are called Sister Misaka.However, after these clones were manufactured, the capacity of the mass-produced "sisters" was less than 1% of Misaka Mikoto's. The average capacity was only level 2 and could not meet the requirements of the original plan. So the mass-produced capable person plans Was abandoned.

However, although this plan was abandoned, another plan soon restarted Misaka's manufacturing plan, that is, the Absolutely Powerful Evolution Project.

The ability levels of Academy City from 0 to 5 are called the incompetent, the low ability, the supernatural ability, the strong ability, the high ability, and the super ability. Among them, the super ability is enough to fight against an army.However, above the superpowers, there are also those with absolute powers called Level 6, and those with absolute powers are said to have transcended humans and reach the existence of the realm of gods, which is also the goal of the entire Academy City.

This is shown in the plan. After the precise calculations of the supercomputer "tree designer" in the academy city, only the first ranked one of the seven superpowers in the academy city has the chance to evolve into an absolute power. , But it takes more than 250 years of general course training to evolve into an absolute capable person.Because there is no method that can make people live for 250 years, the "tree designer" has found another method, which is to use actual combat to promote the growth of ability, that is, to prepare a specific battlefield, as long as 128 This battlefield kills the super-electromagnetic gun Mikoto Misaka 128 times, and one party can evolve into an absolute capable person.

However, there is only one Misaka Mikoto in the academy city, so the experiment focused on the Misaka Sister in the "Mass Production Ability Project" that was carried out at the same time. Because the mass-produced Misaka Sister has less ability than the super-electromagnetic body 1% of the gun-that is, the level of "Level 2", so according to the calculation results of the "tree designer", as long as 20,000 battlefields and 20,000 Misaka sisters are prepared, the same goal can be achieved.

According to the content of the plan, the first 9983 battles will be conducted indoors, and the subsequent battles will be conducted outdoors. After each battle, a sister Misaka will die. This is a very cruel and inhumane plan. Fujimura Tachibana watched The plan looked solemn.

"Xiko, it seems that the world is not so friendly. Speaking of which, more people who planned to die than the SAO incident died."

There was no one beside Fujimura Tachibana, only Kiko, who was an artificial intelligence, spoke to her. After hearing the SAO incident, Kiko expressed a sorry voice.

"Sorry, Master Orange, it was me then..."

"It's not you, but Akihiko Kaaba, who caused the SAO incident. You are different. Kiko, has the system of Academy City broken?"

He said to his artificial intelligence Xizi with a comforting tone, and then asked about the task that was given to Xizi. At this time, Xizi proudly said: "Master Orange, although there is a very powerful guy in the Academy City, I have succeeded. Infiltrated into the surveillance system of the Academy City, as long as there is a camera, you can always call up the camera shots!"

Said in an inviting tone, Kiko on the screen blew a kiss to Fujimura Tachibana.

"Search for the trace of Misaka Mikoto."

Looking out the window, it was already dark at the moment. If Misaka Mikoto had to do anything, she might choose dark.


After Kiko finished speaking, he began to search for Misaka Mikoto's traces, and Fujimura Tachibana was also inquiring about some of the Disciplinary Committee documents that Kuroko gave to Fujimura Tachibana. Among them, Fujimura Tachibana paid special attention to more than a dozen reports of damage to the research institute.

In the report, there are problems with these studies. Some are due to equipment failure, some are due to accidents, and some are damaged by armed attacks from outside the school. It seems that there is nothing strange, but Fujimura Tachibana checked the research of these institutes. After the name, a huge problem was discovered, that is, these institutes are all undertaking the scientific research tasks of the Absolutely Absolute Person's Evolution Project. Obviously someone is targeting the Absolutely Absolute Person's Evolution Plan, and this person is most likely Misaka Mikoto.

"Tachibana-sama, I'm sorry, I didn't find Mikoto Misaka's trace, but I found traces of surveillance being disturbed by intrusion."

At this time, Kiko said apologetically. After Kiko checked the surveillance, she did not find Misaka Mikoto in the academy city. Not to mention where Misaka Mikoto is now, and Misaka Mikoto was not found in the previous surveillance video.But this is not surprising. Misaka Mikoto is a superpower capable of manipulating billions of volts UHV currents, electromagnetic waves, and magnetism at will. With her ability, she is almost the strongest hacker in Academy City, and she wipes out her presence from surveillance. The simplicity, this is not unexpected.

"Take out the disturbed monitoring tone and display it on the map!"

Immediately, the map on the screen showed the monitored location that was interfered with, as well as the locations of the research institutes in the Absolutely Powerful Evolution Plan. Fujimura Tachibana immediately made a decision, that is to go!

"Xiko, hide my traces and stay online."

At present, there are still two research institutes of the Absolutely Powerful Evolution Project that have not been destroyed. Fujimura Tachibana determined the next target of Misaka Mikoto based on the order in which the monitoring was disturbed. By this time, Misaka Mikoto was very close to the destination, so immediately Decided to go.After thinking about it, Fujimura Tachibana tied the pistol to the thigh inside the skirt after standing up. Although the skirt is a bit short, it can still block the holster of the pistol.Then the Demon Sword Village was brought up, and Fujimura Tachibana walked toward the door.

"Xizi, tell Heizi to let her stay in the dormitory not to run around, let her be obedient."

"Understood, Master Orange, I will inform that slut!"

Xizi seems to have agreed somewhat angrily, and seems to be a little unhappy.

I made a modification earlier, changing the time of crossing to August 18, which was delayed by one day.

Chapter 259: Fu] Landa

One side is passing, the elementary matter, the super-electromagnetic gun, the atomic collapse... Driving a car that was stolen by Fujimura Tachibana... Temporarily requisitioned, Fujimura Tachibana also checked the abilities of the school city superpowers along the way.Everyone claims to be able to fight against an army. Although he doesn't think he will fight Misaka Mikoto, Fujimura Tachibana feels that today is not so peaceful, so he naturally increased his vigilance to avoid accidents.

"One side can pass... As long as you touch the skin, you can freely manipulate the direction of all energies such as kinetic energy, heat energy, electrical energy, etc., and can reflect all physical attacks. The ability limit can slow the earth's autobiography by 5 minutes. This is no longer able to counter the army. , But can destroy the entire human civilization..."

Looking at the information of the first person in the Academy City, the core character of the evolution plan for the Absolutely Powerful, Fujimura Tachibana frowned. If this is the case, isn't it invincible?

Whether it’s bullets, explosions, flames or other attacks, it’s all the damage caused by various vectors. Conventional weapons can't hurt one party at all. If you want to defeat him, you can’t use conventional methods. Fujimura Tachibana immediately began to think about how to deal with it. One way.

Toxic gas, hypoxia... I thought of many methods at once, but each method is not so good. The fact is that one party is not a fool and will not stand there and attack, so the success rate of each plan is not high. , And this time Fujimura Tachibana has reached the destination.


There was a loud braking sound. The car that was speeding on the road stopped almost instantly and stopped not far from the institute. Then Fujimura Tachibana took out the binoculars and looked at the institute.

"Kiko, look for Misakami..."

When Fujimura Tachibana asked Kiko, there was a loud noise, and an orange-red flame emerged from the window. Fujimura Tachibana immediately noticed an explosion in a corner of the research institute. Fujimura Tachibana’s initial reaction was that Misaka Mikoto started destroying the research. It was done, but it was immediately discovered that there were two auras in the institute, which made Fujimura Tachibana immediately notice something wrong.

"This person should be Misaka Mikoto, but there are others..."

There is still a trace of a person near Misaka Mikoto, and it can be seen that the person's aura is not so friendly, but also has some evil aura, this is not a good person.Seeing the explosions happening around Misaka Mikoto, it was obvious that this was another person attacking Misaka Mikoto.

"So many explosions did not affect Misaka Mikoto, but moved very quickly."

After walking down the car, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Misaka Mikoto's breath and said, at this time, the other party was also constantly moving and attacked Misaka Mikoto. Fujimura Tachibana took the Demon Sword Village from the car.

"If that's the case, let's go! Strengthen, start!"

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