Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 171

When approaching a few gangsters and this girl, Kamijou Touma suddenly felt that the picture had a déjà vu, but this idea only flashed by. He immediately worked out a battle plan halfway through, and then directly entered a few The gangsters caught the girl's hand.

"Well, thank you for taking care of my sister, I will take her away now!"

After speaking, she wanted to pull the girl away, but after taking a step, the hand she had grasped was taken out. The white-haired girl looked at him with an unrecognizable expression, which made Shangjo Dangma very embarrassed. Obviously, my plan failed.

"Boy, are you looking for death!"

"Boss, hit him!"

The gangsters were still a little dazed just now, but they immediately realized that after Shangjiao Dangma was playing with them, these gangsters immediately stopped Shangjo Dangma and surrounded him.Judging from the appearance of these little gangsters, they have already planned to treat Shangjo as hemp, which can make Shangjiao nervous. After all, a little gangster is sure to win, and the two can only draw a tie. But for the three small gangsters, Shangjo Dangma would have no choice but to run away.But looking at the current situation, if she ran away, then the girl would be bullied by a few gangsters.So he clenched his fist silently, even if he was beaten, he still had to protect the girl.

So when several gangsters were unprepared, Kamijou took a shot. He clenched his right hand and punched the face of the man called the boss almost instantly. The gangster was caught off guard. After suffering a severe injury, he fell down while holding his nose, and Kamijou Dangma immediately hit another gangster.

The melee immediately began, except that at first Kamijou Touma gained the upper hand by a sneak attack, and then the fist of the punk fell on Kamijou Touma's body, and Kamijou Touma was soon beaten to the ground.

"Run! Run!"

At this time, I was still worried about the white-haired girl on the side. Although Kamijou Touma was beaten, she still shouted loudly for her to leave.


Just when Kamijou Touma was yelling, the fists and feet that fell on him suddenly disappeared, and he raised his head in a puzzled manner. He saw that all the gangsters who were still beating him just now fell to the ground, and appeared on the side. A person.

Kamijou Touma swears that this girl is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Not only is she beautiful, she is also top-notch, but she is just an iceberg beauty with an expression that is far away.


She spit out a word coldly, and several punks stood up wailing, it seemed that she had just knocked down some punks.But this kind of thing is not surprising. This is the Academy City, the only super power development center in the world. A seemingly weak girl may be the first in the Academy City. It is natural to defeat a few incompetents. Easily.

"Thank you so much!"

He immediately got up and patted the dust on his body and said, Kamijou Toma was also observing the two people in front of him.It was obvious that the two girls knew each other, but the white-haired girl didn't seem to like each other and turned her head to look very unhappy.

"What's your name, thank you just now."

Fujimura Tachibana looked at the boy with a hedgehog head in front of her and said, although the boy in front of her looked very inconspicuous, she felt that the boy was strange.Because of the skill of the sixth sense, Fujimura Tachibana can tell who is a good person and who is a bad one, but when looking at this boy, Fujimura Tachibana can't see any information at all, as if his skills fell on him and he was What an unknown existence was erased.So there was a lot of interest immediately, Fujimura Tachibana said to him.

"Shangjo Dangma, my name is Shangjo Dangma."

Speaking embarrassingly, Kamijou Touma said, then suddenly he stared wide and studied, then looked at some small pieces of paper on the ground in disbelief.These little pieces of paper are his last 2000 banknotes, but I don't know when they were torn into pieces. These little pieces of paper just lie on the ground.And just when Shangma wanted to pick up these small pieces of paper, a gust of wind blew over, and the pieces of paper were blown away by the wind immediately, and disappeared without a trace.

"Unfortunate! This is the last meal money!"

Kneeling down immediately, Shang Tiao Dang Ma realized that his last bit of money was completely gone, Shang Tiao Dang Ma wailed.

"As a thank you, Yuriko and I invite you to dinner, Kamijou-san. Yuriko, he was saving you just now."

Seeing this situation, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly glanced at the side of the pass and said thoughtfully, and also patted the side of the pass on the shoulder, which made her hide away in disdain, and then turned her head away with a proud look. expression.

"This, no need..."

Kamijou Touma said embarrassedly, but Fujimura Tachibana said that he must thank him. Kamijou Touma was taken away like this. It was not only him who was also dragged to the restaurant, but the other party was also unhappy and was pulled over. , Fujimura Tachibana took them to a French restaurant.Looking at the luxurious decorations around, Kamijou Toma is a little nervous. Will it be expensive here?

"Order whatever, Kamijou-san."

Pulling one party to his side and sitting down with him, Fujimura Tachibana said to Kamijou Toma who was sitting opposite.

Author's message:

transaction hour

"The Great Reversal of the Evil Admiral"

The admiral was disqualified, and he was usurped by the ship's mother in a rebellion. Everything he did seemed to be for one goal.

Planning for several years has staged a drama that is more gorgeous than a nuclear explosion, but returned to the fleet through the body of the enemy, and is still recognized as an innocent girl who suffered dementia after being blackhanded after failing to die?

With the rich experience of two admirals and strong flagship-level strength, he can only take care of the new admirals who have hurriedly taken office while listening to the evil words of the ship’s wives against the previous self. Can he truly understand them in the intertwining of daily and combat What's your mood?

Battleship Girl X Azure Route, the past X the future, this is a magnificent movement from the two dream fleets in the blue sea.

Chapter 273: Woman, I want to grab Saber with you!

"this and that……"

Looking at the dazzling array of dishes on the menu, Shang Tiao Dang Ma is not ignorant of these dishes, but looking at the prices of these dishes, Shang Tiao Dang Ma feels a little flustered. It seems that he can eat one month's living expenses casually. Is it appropriate?So hesitated and didn't order any dishes, Shangjo Dangma looked at the menu for a long time.

"Oh, do you also date men?"

Just when Kamijou Touma hesitated, suddenly a voice that sounded awkward came out. Then a person suddenly sat beside Kamijou Touma and squeezed Kamijou Touma to the position inside. Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's appearance was very sudden, completely suddenly appearing and sitting opposite him, which made Fujimura Tachibana immediately nervous. Why did Gilgamesh appear here?Is Misaka Mikoto nearby?Not only was Fujimura Tachibana nervous, but the person on the side also widened his eyes. I still remember that the blond man in front of him injured himself. If it weren't for him, it would be impossible for Fujimura Tachibana to wear the aIM force field interference device. Lose your ability, let alone wear women's clothing!So there was anger in his eyes, and one party stared at Gilgamesh with hatred.

"Have I met you? Little girl."

After discovering the face of one party, Gilgamesh asked with confusion. Although he looked familiar, it seemed that he had never seen a girl with white hair.

"Gilgamesh, what are you doing here?"

Finding that Gilgamesh didn't seem to have the idea of ​​starting a war, Fujimura Tachibana held on to the side that wanted to hit someone to pass, and then calmly said to Gilgamesh, Fujimura Tachibana was also curious about why Gilgamesh appeared here. It seems that he is not subject to the 10-minute summoning limit. Does this mean that he has become a plug-in?

"Of course it's eating!"

As Gilgamesh said, he grabbed the menu directly from Kamijou Touma's hand, which made Kamijou Touma completely ignorant of the truth.Who is this blond foreign man?It seems to have met Fujimura Tachibana.But judging from the expressions of the two girls, he seems to have an antagonism with the two girls again. What is going on?

"The food here is really inferior, but the king is in a good mood, so he can barely endure it."

I ordered several expensive dishes at once, Gilgamesh put down the menu casually, and then looked at Fujimura Tachibana.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, woman, now this king is in a good mood, don't anger this king."

Gilgamesh said, and then it seemed that he found Kamijou Toma on the side. He frowned slightly because he also found some abnormalities on Kamijou Toma, but he didn't say much, but did not make a sound. He turned his head back, and then he looked towards one side to pass.

"What's your name, girl."

"My uncle is called one..."

"She is Lingke Yuriko, Gilgamesh, you won't be interested in little girls? I didn't expect you to be such a person."

One side seemed to be a bit irritated when he slapped the table and wanted to stand up and shout to Gilgamesh, but he was directly held by Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana shouted first. After this sentence was spoken, Gil Gamesh sneered.

"Hmph, you should know that the woman the king likes is Altria. At this point, should this king consider killing you?"

Gilgamesh knew that Black Saber and Fujimura Tachibana were together, so he looked at Fujimura Tachibana with an expression about to kill his rival. Fujimura Tachibana also stared at him tit-for-tat. The smell of gunpowder between the two was almost instantaneous. .This appearance made Lingke Yuriko feel a little interested, and Kamijou Toma hurried out to persuade her.

"Two people, what can you say well?"

Although it is not clear what happened, the good old man Kamijou Dangma tried to keep the two of them from fighting here, so he stood up and began to persuade him to fight.

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