Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 172

"Woman, I will let you know what regret is!"

"Try it!"

It was probably that Kamijou Touma’s persuasion was effective, or it was possible that both of them were concerned about something, so the two of them looked at each other and then sat down, but the atmosphere became very embarrassing, Kamijou Touma felt that they were Isn't it wrong?So Kamijou Dangma began to consider whether he should leave first?Although it is a pity that the French feast, but life seems to be more important.But before Kamijou Touma spoke up, the restaurant door suddenly opened, and then two girls walked in.

I saw a blond star-eyed girl holding a tea-haired girl's hand and entered the restaurant. The blond-star-eyed girl looked smiling, while the tea-haired girl looked helpless and seemed to have been forcibly pulled.The two were still looking for seats after entering the restaurant, but immediately both saw the four people sitting together, and their expressions were different.

The bee-eater who entered the door immediately saw Kamijou Toma. Although his expression did not change much, his eyes were filled with a different kind of sentiment, and Misaka Mikoto saw Kamijou Toma. , Thinking of the scene of the previous encounter with Kamijou Touma, but then her attention was immediately placed on Gilgamesh.After learning about the Holy Grail War from sister Misaka, Mikoto Misaka knew that Gilgamesh was the hero he had summoned. Shouldn't he be called back in 10 minutes?Why is it here!

Then Misaka Mikoto saw Lingke Yuriko and Fujimura Tachibana sitting across from Gilgamesh, and did not recognize Lingke Yuriko's identity. She was even more surprised that Fujimura Tachibana would be here.If Misaka Mikoto remembers correctly, Fujimura Tachibana and Gilgamesh are mortal enemies, why would they sit together?With the addition of Kamijou Touma on the side, Misaka Mikoto has too many questions in her heart.

"Let's sit here, Misaka-san!"

In the end, it was the bee-eater to get back to God, because she knew that Kamijou Touma did not have herself in her memory, and she did not know anyone else, so she took Misaka Mikoto and sat at the table next to Fujimura Tachibana. Feng Cao Qi greeted Misaka Mikoto with enthusiasm to order any dishes, and she treated her today.

Watching Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater sit down, Fujimura Tachibana was also a little surprised that they would appear at the same time.The intelligence shows that the relationship between the two does not seem to be good, but why does the two seem to have a good relationship at this time?Is the intelligence wrong?And Fujimura Tachibana knows that Bee Eater Kaori and Misaka Mikoto are both participants in the war, maybe they are allied?

Chapter 274: Lily Halo is omnipotent

"Woman, although it's a bit crude, I'm still satisfied with your service!"

Gilgamesh said to Fujimura Tachibana like an uncle, and Fujimura Tachibana's complexion naturally looked at her with a cold face. She didn't want to pay Gilgamesh at all, so she turned her head and looked at Yuriko Lingko. , It seems to be a sign for Lingke Yuriko to pay.


Yuriko Suzuki wanted to call herself her grandfather, but Fujimura Tachibana immediately looked at her with a cold face. Suddenly, Yuriko Suzuki got stuck with her words. Suddenly she felt inexplicably that she should obey Fujimura Tachibana. Yuriko Suzuki hesitated. After opening his mouth, he took out his wallet and paid for it.

After paying the money, Fujimura Tachibana pulled up Lingke Yuriko and walked directly outside the restaurant, leaving Gilgamesh and the bewildered Kamijou Toma. Fujimura Tachibana did not even say hello.But Gilgamesh did not follow up, just sat there.Kamijou Touma, who had long felt that the atmosphere was not right, also bid farewell and ran out. At this time, there was a big stomach nun in the family who needed him to solve the food problem.

"Who is this guy!"

When she walked out of the restaurant, Lingke Yuriko finally spoke.As the first in the Academy City, she has always enjoyed invincible treatment. No one in the Academy City is her opponent. Even the third Misaka Mikoto in the Academy City is just a defeater in front of her, Lingke Yuriko completely suppressed Misaka Mikoto in less than a minute. If it weren't for the prevention of Misaka's sister, Suzuki Yuriko could easily defeat Misaka Mikoto.But in yesterday's battle, the vector control used by one party could not reflect Gilgamesh's attack. If Ilia and Fujimura Tachibana hadn't appeared, then Lingke Yuriko would be dead.I saw Gilgamesh again today, and she discovered from the conversation between Gilgamesh and Fujimura Tachibana that Fujimura Tachibana seemed to know him.

"Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, can also be called the hero king."

"Is he a hero!"

Lingke Yuriko recalled what Aleister had said to him earlier. The Holy Grail War not only gave the participants a certain level of ability, but also had three chances to summon heroes. It was obvious that Gilgamesh was Misaka Mikoto. Speaking of the summoned heroes, but why Gilgamesh was not recalled?Also full of doubts, Lingke Yuriko wants to figure it out, and then find a way to defeat him!

"Yes, and he is still one of the strongest heroes. I once fought with him. At that time, several heroes besieged him together and defeated him. In the end, I cut off his head, so he would Have an enemy with me."

"Tell me his abilities, I want to beat her!"

Pursing her mouth, Yuriko Suzuki said firmly, and Fujimura Tachibana looked at her and smiled.

"Suzuki Yuriko, your ability is reflection, isn't it? You can reflect all the vectors you know, but what if you are attacked by a power you don't know? For example, magic."

Fujimura Tachibana said that he took out a charm from her arms. This charm was one of a large number of charms she had accumulated in the past. Only this charm was clamped by Fujimura Tachibana’s two fingers. Then a burst of magic power entered the spell.The curving charm was erected almost instantly, and then Fujimura Tachibana threw the charm out, and an electric current hit Yuriko Suzuki.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Suddenly hit by an electric current, Lingke Yuriko immediately called out pain, and this result also made Lingke Yuriko immediately discover a strange place, because he felt a different power.

Although Fujimura Tachibana installed an AIM force field interference device on Yuriko's body, Yuriko's ability is not completely lost. At least there is a level 2 level. Yuriko's ability to reflect ordinary attacks can still be done, for example, Such current.But why the reflection has no effect at all? This current is not a current caused by the transfer of electric charges in a scientific sense, but another existence.

"Although the Academy City is the base camp of science, there is not only a power such as science in this world, magic is one of them. The Holy Grail War is a ritual born by the Holy Grail consumes huge magic power. As the hero in the Hall of Heroes, Gil Gamesh’s existence in this event naturally relies on magical power. And his weapon to attack you is one of his treasures. These treasures have various abilities. Enchanting is just a very common one, so your ability Can't stop Gilgamesh's attack."

After Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, Lingke Yuriko's expression was very ugly, with a stinking face, it seemed that it was not easy for Lingke Yuriko to defeat Gilgamesh.But just a few seconds later, Yuriko Lingke said, "Huh, this uncle will not be stumped, just wait for me to see how I kill him! And you, this uncle will also suffer himself. Humiliated and revenge came back."

Despite the difficulties, Yuriko Lingke would not show weakness, saying that he would kill Gilgamesh.Not only that, but Lingke Yuriko also said viciously to Fujimura Tachibana, which made Fujimura Tachibana smile, and then looked up and down Lingke Yuriko, which made Lingke Yuriko immediately feel a certain threat, as if she was being stared at by some hunter. It's the same.

"You are already a high school student. As a result, you had menarche only yesterday, and you have to be breastless or assless. Who will marry you in the future?"

Said in a contemptuous tone, this caused Lingke Yuriko to explode in an instant.

"My uncle is not a girl! You forced me!"

Lingke Yuriko immediately shouted excitedly, but when she was speaking, a gust of wind blew over her short skirt, which made her feel chilly immediately. Her cheeks turned red almost instantly, and she immediately pressed her hands. I pressed the skirt down before putting it on, and Lingke Yuriko looked very cute.

"As a girl, don't do things that hurt your body, Yuriko, when the hormone levels in your body become normal, I will relieve the interference with your ability. Then if you still find me trouble..."

As Fujimura Tachibana spoke, her tone suddenly became cold, and the air-conditioning field instantly spread around her centered on her, and Lingke Yuriko's body trembled.

"I will let you know that the so-called number one in Academy City is nothing more than this!"

Looking at Lingke Yuriko like a devil, Lingke Yuriko gritted her teeth without speaking, but stared at Fujimura Tachibana's eyes firmly.But when I watched, Yuriko Lingke suddenly felt a little shy, her face started to get a little hot, and Yuriko Lingke's eyes began to drift, and the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

"Sister Fujimura, please wait a minute!"

At this moment, a voice broke the embarrassment.

Author's message:

First more

Chapter 275: I'm Summoning Altria Pendragon

After hearing someone calling himself, Fujimura Tachibana turned his head and saw Misaka Mikoto running with the bee-eater. Misaka Mikoto seemed to be fine, except that the bee-eater on the side was tired, even though it was just a few runs. It's only a walking distance, but the bee-eater is panting from exhaustion, and it seems that he is almost out of breath.

"Missaka-san, wait a minute, I'm going to be exhausted."

Probably she is the one with the worst physical fitness among the seven superpowers in Academy City. The bee-eater can't get tired after just running a few steps, so she bent over and panted there, her chest constantly undulating.


Probably the reason Fujimura Tachibana was a scumbag. After seeing Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater Fuck, her first sight was not elsewhere, but the chest of the Bee Eater.As a 14-year-old junior high school student, although the bust of the bee-eater is a little worse than that of the Fujimura Tachibana, if it continues to develop, then the Fujimura Tachibana will be willing to go down.

"Sister Fujimura, I have something to find you!"

Misaka Mikoto did not notice the problem with Fujimura Tachibana's eyes, but said anxiously, and then looked at Yuriko Suzuki who was aside, Misaka Mikoto hesitated.

"Hmph, my uncle is not willing to listen!"

Lingke Yuriko immediately turned his head to conceal her blushing before, and then lifted up her footsteps to walk aside. Soon Lingke Yuriko walked more than ten meters away, and Misaka Mikoto spoke.

"Sister Fujimura, what the hell is the Holy Grail War!"

Although I learned part of the Holy Grail War from my sister Misaka, and the bee-eater had also informed the same situation, Misaka Mikoto was still full of doubts.Why do 7 people fight each other, can the one who wins really become an absolute person?

"As you know, the Holy Grail War is a ritual that allows the winner to step into the realm of God."

When Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, Misaka Mikoto shouted excitedly:

"So, will there be casualties in the Holy Grail War? How can a loser be a loser?"

This is Misaka Mikoto’s biggest question. Originally, she thought the Holy Grail War was just a game, but after yesterday’s battle, if Fujimura Tachibana had not intervened, one party might have become the first victim of the Holy Grail War.On the second day, Misaka Mikoto, who was still curious about the Holy Grail War, met the bee-eater, and the bee-eater directly proposed an alliance.

In the mouth of the bee-eater, the Holy Grail war will definitely cause casualties, and the bee-eater does not have absolute confidence to ensure that he is safe, so the bee-eater has found Misaka Mikoto and hopes that the two can join forces.At first, Misaka Mikoto didn't think there was any kindness in the bee-eater, after all, in the past, the two could be regarded as rivals, and they would fight when they met.But the bee-eater was very sincere and apologized to Misaka Mikoto for his past behavior. This is how Misaka Mikoto and the bee-eater ate at the restaurant.

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