Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 179

"When I hug you, you won't be able to run away! I want to prove to my father that I am no worse than her!"

Xiaoshou continued to move forward, preparing to hug her when Fujimura Tachibana did not react, and then relying on his heroic power to do certain things to Fujimura Tachibana. Xiaomo's plan is very simple, and at this time, Tachibana is fragrant. It was even more obvious, Xiao Mo's eyes began to become blurred, and one hand had slowly followed Fujimura Tachibana's skin towards the big white rabbit, and Xiao Mo couldn't help making a hey voice.But just as Xiao Mo's hand was about to press on Fujimura Tachibana's big white rabbit, suddenly one hand grabbed her hand.

"You get out of here too!"

There was an angry voice, Xiao Mo couldn't react at all, and then he felt his body flung out and hit the wall heavily, which made Xiao Mo dizzy.Before she stood up, she heard the sound of the door lock being opened, Xiao Mo felt that he was caught up again, and then found that he seemed to be thrown out and fell on the sofa.

Looking up at the poor Altria lying on the sofa, Xiao Mo didn't even know how to speak. At this time, the door was heavily closed and the door was locked again.

"I feel, did you do something sorry for me?"

Altria's faint voice reached Xiao Mo's ears.


Xiao Mo's voice was so small that he could hardly hear him.

Chapter 285: What do you eat with such a big breast?

"So she knelt all night?"

While brushing his teeth, he said to Altria, who was still lying on the sofa. On the side of the sofa, Xiao Mo, who was still very arrogant yesterday, knelt beside Altria and did not dare to move. He saw Fujimura Tachibana walking out. After that, Xiao Mo's eyes burst into tears, as if to ask Fujimura Tachibana for help.Only when faced with Xiao Mo's cry for help, the scumbag did not respond, but went into the bathroom to brush her teeth on her own, and only asked Altria after she walked out.

"Yes, you need to be punished if you do something wrong!"

With an ineffective attitude in his tone, Altria came to Xiao Mo's side as he spoke.


As if trying to please Altolia, little Mora spoke to Altolia with a long tone, but Altolia's expression sank.

"Keep on knees!"

Judging from Altria's attitude and performance, she didn't feel sorry for her daughter at all, as if Xiao Mo picked it up by herself.But in fact, it's almost the same. Mordred is the daughter of Altria's sister who had intercourse with Altria after using magic. In a sense, Xiao Mo was indeed picked by Altria.

"Ah~ it's a wonderful morning~"

At this moment, Flanda, the blonde and black silk loli, walked out of the room where she was passing through in her pajamas. Although yesterday, she was dragged into the room by one party as a villain, but it seemed that Flanda had fallen asleep. Sleep well.

"How is this going?"

After walking out of the room, he saw Mordred kneeling on the ground, so he asked curiously.

"Someone made a mistake, naturally they will be punished! Yuriko, are you awake too?"

Fujimura Tachibana left this sentence coldly, and saw Lingke Yuriko come out while speaking. After saying hello to Yuriko, Fujimura Tachibana noticed some changes in Yuriko's body.

In the past, due to the suppression of the secretion of hormones in the body, the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of Yuliko was very slow.Judging from the figure, Yuriko is exactly the figure of a thin boy.But at this time, with Fujimura Tachibana’s superhuman eyesight, she could already see that Yuriko’s figure had already shown a slight S-curve, which meant that her buttocks had become warped and her chest was slightly raised, but strictly speaking it was still the same. It is the airport.

"Humph! Cows!"

Probably he noticed the look in Fujimura Tachibana looking at her. Lingke Yuriko put down these words with an unpleasant expression and then entered the bathroom. This sentence made Fujimura Tachibana stunned. It seems that Yuriko Suzuki was talking about herself?

"How is this eaten? Why can it grow so big?"

Almost at the same time, I felt that my chest was being lifted up, and when I lowered my head, I found that Flanda was standing behind him and propped up her chest with her hands, and said the previous words. .Altolia on the side saw this scene, not only did not step forward to stop Flanda, but also smiled with her mouth covered.And Mordred seemed to be a little dumbfounded. He hadn't succeeded in getting started yesterday. Why could this blonde and black-breasted loli do this?I am also blonde and poor breasts. Is it because I don’t have black silk?


He bit the sound and shouted, Fujimura Tachibana turned around and looked down at Flanda. At this time Flanda suddenly reacted, did she do something bad?A cold sweat broke out behind her, and Flanda's body stiffened again.

"That one……"

Wanting to explain his behavior, Fujimura Tachibana stretched out his hands and twisted Flanda's face, and then pulled it to the sides.

"Next time, I will throw you to Mai Ye Shenli!"

"Woo, woo~"

He warned fiercely that Fujimura Tachibana's hand left Flanda's face, as if she was saved, rubbing her reddish cheek, Flanda looked saved.But even though Flanda was saved, the dead man appeared again.

"How is this eaten? Why can it grow so big?"

Saying exactly the same thing as Flanda, Altolia's hand directly climbed on Fujimura Tachibana’s white rabbit, and even kneaded it twice. After all, when wearing pajamas, Fujimura Tachibana I didn't wear bra, and an itchy feeling passed.

"You are also looking for death, right!"

He immediately warned that Fujimura Tachibana immediately hit him with an elbow blow, but Altolia’s hand directly blocked Fujimura Tachibana’s elbow blow, and then defended against Fujimura Tachibana’s multiple attacks. Sub-successfully cut Fujimura Tachibana's hands back, and said in Fujimura Tachibana's ear: "Don't forget, this time I was summoned by the bee-eater, and your magic spell was invalid for night! Remember to wash it clean!"

I probably remembered some key things. This is not the original world. A lot of magic spells on Fujimura Tachibana have no effect on Altria!So suddenly became a little unscrupulous. At this moment, Altria was unexpectedly active. He even planned to kiss Kamimura Tachibana’s neck to plant a strawberry on her, and put a hand on her shoulder. This is the goddess Rengo. Minard's hand.

Suddenly remembered that Fujimura Tachibana was not without summoning heroic spirits in this world. She summoned a very similar but completely different existence to herself. Altria's complexion turned black. Does this scum girl want to make an idea in the goddess Rengo? Minard's body?At this time, the expressionless goddess Lungominiad reached out and grabbed Altolia's hand, and then, with a harder effort, Fujimura Tachibana broke away from Altolia's control.

"Who are you! I haven't asked you clearly last time!"

Although the expression still had a smile, the power in his hand did not weaken at all. It seemed that he was wrestling with the goddess Lungominiad. Altria sneered, and the distance between the two was slightly closer, but The height of the goddess Lungominiad was 171, while Altria was only 154. A pair of huge white rabbits appeared in front of Altria. This is the goddess Lungominiad than Altria. Knowing how much body she is, it makes her feel like she has lost in an instant.

"Forget it, don't play anymore, I'm very curious what exactly are you from?"

Because of a momentary loss of consciousness, Altria felt that she was about to lose, but pretended that she didn’t want to continue, so she let go and sat aside and asked, she was very curious about the origin of the goddess Lungominiad. Because strictly speaking, two people are not the same person.

Chapter 286: A Family Ethical Drama of Dog Blood (Poisonous Oath)

The height is not as good as the opponent, the bust is not as good as the opponent, and the appearance is the same as the opponent. This is the conclusion that Altria made after comparing himself and the goddess Lungominiad.As for the origin of the goddess Lungominiad, Altria is a little unclear about the truth.

As an outstanding hero, Altria knew that she could be qualified for a variety of ranks including Saber, such as Archer, Lancer, and Rider, as if she is now appearing as Rider.And if Altolia wants to appear as Lancer, then Lancer will appear after Altolia’s Holy Sword Caliburn breaks. Altolia did not choose to pick up Excalibur, but chose to pick it up. Holy Gun Lungo Minard.

After picking up the Holy Spear Lungominiad, Altolia's body, which had stopped developing, will continue to develop and eventually develop into a hot body.But even so, Altolia is still Altolia, even if the rank changes, the two are the same.However, although the goddess Lengominyade and Lancer are very similar to themselves, they are definitely not the same person. Not only are the armors different, the pupils of the eyes are also different, and the most important thing is that she claims to be the goddess Len Gominyade instead of Altria Pendragon.

"When Altolia was holding the holy spear but failed to die when it was time to usher in death, becoming an undead wandering around the world with the holy spear, and Altolia, who was eroded by the characteristics of the holy spear, became To the goddess Lungominiad."

Speaking coldly, the goddess Lungominiad briefly told her origin. It turns out that she was born after the death of Altria in Lancer state, and compared with Altria in Lancer state, She has been completely deified, and extremely calm, or even more devoid of human emotions.In other words, she is not so much one of Altria's different identities as she is the Holy Spear Lungomindi.

Hearing Lungomiard’s explanation, Altolia finally understood her origin, so he smiled at once, and Altolia teased and said: "Then, you are my weapon, Lungomi. Niad, right? Mo, what do you think?"

Suddenly said to Mordred, who was still kneeling on the side, that Altolia had a very bad eye at this time.Because after Mordred came back, Altolia killed Mordred with Lungominiad, so theoretically, the goddess Lungominiad was the one who killed Mordred. (arms?).

"Father, this kind of agitation is useless to me!"

Although he has been kneeling for many hours, Mordred still shows no signs of softening, and still maintains a tough attitude. Mordred even continued: "Father, you are jealous of her figure. Huh? You can only use poor body shape..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mordred’s little head was hit hard by Altolia, a vicious expression warned Mordred, and Altolia then looked at the goddess Lungomini Yad, then said: "What is your purpose for participating in the Holy Grail War, I warn you, you must not attack your lord, that is, my wife Fujimura Tachibana, otherwise I will not give you a good face!"

He stared at Lungominiad with his hands on his chest and said, Altria's tone was hostile.After all, in front of me is a person who has a perfect figure, looks similar to him, and even has a very outstanding temperament. If he is not careful, his scumbag wife will probably wear a green hat again!

"You should call me husband."

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana, who had just washed his face, heard Altria's words, and then said a blank expression before returning to his room.

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