Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 180

"Father, it seems that your position on the bed is not very stable. There is no Lingshu to order you? That means you were under the coercion of Lingshu before, was it the one below?"

Continuing to die there, Mordred's words made Altria's face even darker. Why is this bear kid so ugly!When he was a knight of the Round Table, Mordred was clearly a good knight, although he rebelled in the end, it was also the bear kid in search of a sense of existence, and he was not as unfavourable as he is now.So he stared at Mordred with wide eyes. Altria decided to fix Mordred later. Does this bear kid know what it means to respect his father?

"Father, don't forget, in theory she is also my father, I am not afraid that no one will love me!"

He continued to say deadly, Mordred looked at Lungominiad and said to Altolia, this made Altolia angry, is this bear kid planning to recognize his weapon as the father!

"I do not want."

But before Altolia could teach Mordred, Lungominyard actively said, with indifference in his tone, Lungominyard directly rejected Mordred as his father king. He even added a sentence: "If it is the past, not even the city gate will let you in."

With an attitude of rejecting others from thousands of miles away, after Lungomiard's words were finished, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a bit awkward, and Mordred's expression froze.

"I don't care, then I will find the other two fathers!"

It seemed that he was a little bit self-defeating because he was rejected by Lungominiad. Mordred immediately shouted again. Naturally, what she was referring to was X and X·Alter. Although the two seemed a little weird, Mordred was sure Both of these were his own father and king, so he immediately shouted, Mordred said that he was not a bear kid that no one wanted.Then the atmosphere became fierce again, Mordred and Altria stared at them with big eyes, when Fujimura Tachibana's voice came.

"Cough cough, let the family ethics drama go temporarily, Altria, let Xiaomo stand up, it's very hard to kneel for so long. Yuriko, please summon Ilia, I have something to ask Ilia."

First he said to Altria, and then he said to Yuriko who was watching the play. Fujimura Tachibana was very interested in Ilia that Yuriko had summoned. How did Ilia become a hero?

"Illya? How did Illya become a hero?"

And hearing Ilia's name, Altria asked curiously, not at all seeing that Ilia had the potential to become a hero. What was going on.But then, Altolia said again: "It's not a family ethics drama that you shouted out Ilia. Are you qualified to talk about me?"

Altria seemed a little unhappy.

Author's message:

Ah ah ah ah ah, swear, unless something unexpected happens, tomorrow's five watch, otherwise book friends send out women's clothing!Book Friends: 145377695

Chapter 287: This Illiya is only 10 years old!(First more)

Fujimura Tachibana didn’t care about Altolia’s dissatisfaction at all, because it was not that Altolia was unhappy at all, but that this blonde lady was trying to seek the right to speak and let herself become the master of the words between two people. The right person, thus affecting the question of who gets on and who gets off the bed, so Fujimura Tachibana would not give Altria a chance, but signaled Yuriko to summon Ilia.

After getting a signal from Fujimura Tachibana, although Yuriko looked a little nonchalant, she still summoned Ilia very obediently. After a while, a girl with white hair appeared in the room.

"Eh eh eh eh!"

After being summoned, Illya seemed to be a little surprised that there were so many people in the room. She thought she was summoned to participate in the battle, but looking at the people around, it didn't seem to be a battle.

Lungominiad sat on the sofa expressionlessly, and did nothing after Ilia appeared, and Ilia ignored her temporarily.Then came the blonde and black silk Loli Flanda, who didn't seem to be an important person, so Ilia's eyes continued to shift to see Mordred kneeling on the sofa.The same recognizes that Mordred is also a hero, but why does she kneel here?Does the heroic spirit have to kneel down and admit it when he makes a mistake?Just when Ilia was surprised, she looked at the master Yuriko who had summoned herself. Yuriko had a stinking face at this time. After Ilia saw it, she just snorted and motioned to Yiliya to look at Aside, she noticed Fujimura Tachibana and Altria who were also sitting on the sofa.

"Are you Elia?"

I asked after looking at it, Illiya was taken aback for a moment and then nodded.When Ilia nodded, Fujimura Tachibana was also looking at Ilia.The Ilya in front of her was wearing a uniform similar to a school uniform. Compared to her own Ilya, she seemed to be younger and more cute.And she was holding a thing that looked like a magic wand in her hand, and at this moment, the thing suddenly came out of Ilia’s hand like alive, and then made a sound: "Ilia, Have you come to this world again? Where is this place? Eh, isn't this Saber!"

This wand seemed to look around for a while, and finally said in surprise after seeing Altria. Her words meant that Ilia had seen Altria in Saber's form in the past.

"This is the Academy City, and a Holy Grail War is being held here."

Facing Ilia who was full of doubts, Fujimura Tachibana spoke.The Ilya in front of her was not the one from her own family, but she seemed to be from another world, so she opened the mouth and said, Illya showed a doubtful expression.

"Holy Grail War? What a familiar name? It seems that Mom once said the Holy Grail War?"

Ilia’s words suddenly caught Fujimura Tachibana’s attention, mother?Who is this Ilia's mother?So I asked immediately, Illia was a little surprised at first, but then she said: "My mother is Alice Phil von Einzbern, and my father is Keith Eimiya. Is there anything wrong? "

Sure enough, she was a child, and Illya directly answered Fujimura Tachibana’s question, and after Fujimura Tachibana heard this answer, she thought about it and made a decision.

"Ilia, I come from another world. In that world, there is also Fuyuki City. This Fuyuki City has fought many Holy Grail Wars. After the last Holy Grail War, I adopted a daughter named Yilya Sfeier von Einzbern, so I am also Ilia’s mother."

While talking, Fujimura Tachibana took out her phone and took out a photo of herself and Illya. Illya was a little confused at first, but looking at the photo on the phone, Illya showed a surprised expression. .

"Let me drive, Illya, looks like Illya in the photo is a bit bigger than you?"

Ilya’s wand was hovering next to Fujimura Tachibana’s cell phone and looked curiously. After coming to this conclusion, Fujimura Tachibana interrupted and said: “Illiya is 19 years old even though she looks very young. "

"19 years old! Am I so young at 19 years old!"

Immediately shouted in surprise, the Illia in front of me seemed a bit disbelieving that she was only that old after 19 years old. Then she immediately interrogated Fujimura Tachibana many details about the other Ilia, and Fujimura Tachibana answered one by one. .In the conversation between the two, Fujimura Tachibana and Ilia both understood that although the two worlds looked very similar, they were completely different.

In this Ilia’s world, the Fourth Holy Grail War did not take place, so Kirishu Uemiya and Alice Phil are still alive, but Ilia is only 10 years old instead of 19, and she has another The younger sister named Xiaohei.During the conversation with this Ilya, Fujimura Tachibana could feel that this Ilya is a very cute and kind little girl, and that Ilya in my own family is a bit naturally dark.

"So you die, Illya's mother in another world?"

Finally, Ilia looked at Fujimura Tachibana with some entanglement, as if she was still digesting the information, and Altria suddenly spoke.

"So, I am another Ilia's father! If you don't mind, I can also be your father. Whoever bullies you in the future, I will go and teach him well!"

Altria spoke with a doting expression, and Fujimura Tachibana said in a mocking tone: "You are just Ilia’s little mother. Don’t change your title casually. Besides, Ilia, I’m very curious. Why would you...become a hero?"

Finally asked in a puzzled voice, because Fujimura Tachibana found that Ilia seemed to be living well in another world and did not die, but why did she become a hero?Will not all the heroic spirits become heroic spirits if they are already dead?

"That, I don't know, I just felt that someone was calling me, and then I showed up here. I was with Big Sister Rin before, so if I leave for a long time, she will be worried."

Speaking of Ilia, she looked at the time. By this time, 10 minutes was almost up, and Fujimura Tachibana asked one last question.

"So, this wand? Does your ability come from this wand?"

"What is this magic wand, I am Ruby, the highest magic dress of the Association!"

It seems that he is not satisfied with being called this way, Ruby said with a somewhat arrogant self-introduction.

Chapter 288: Misaka X Bee Eater (second more)

"What are we doing here?"

Misaka Mikoto looked at the bee-eater and said with a speechless expression. The bee-eater was to discuss with herself how to deal with the Holy Grail war, so Misaka Mikoto was called out by the bee-eater.However, after he came out, Misaka Mikoto pulled Misaka Mikoto to go shopping and went all the way to the cosmetics store. Seeing Mikoto Misaka's eager expression, Misaka Mikoto was helpless.

"Of course it's shopping! Misaka-san~"

Without concealing it, the bee-eater said that she was going to pull Misaka Mikoto into this cosmetics shop.Obviously, the physical strength of the usual performance is very poor, but in the shopping, the bee-eater exercises show amazing combat power!However, Mikoto Misaka is more concerned about another thing than this one, that is, will walking with the bee-eater fucking cause misunderstandings?

Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater Choki are both superpowers of Tokiwadai. Probably because of the incompatible characters, the relationship between Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater Choki has not been good, and even has some hostile attitudes.Although I don’t care much about the competition with the bee-eater, if you are seen so close to the bee-eater, especially if you are seen by acquaintances, the explanation will take a long time.So she expressed her concern, but the bee-eater exercise Qi said without worry at all.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten what my abilities are? No one will remember it! ~ Don't worry, I didn't modify other people's memories, I just made unrelated people ignore us."

Looking at the smiling bee-eater, Misaka Mikoto was a little displeased at first. After all, she didn’t like the ability of bee-eater to modify other people’s memories, but when she heard the explanation of the bee-eater, Misaka Mikoto didn’t speak much, and let her eat. Feng Cao Qi pulled herself into the cosmetics store, when Misaka Mikoto suddenly remembered something.

"No, didn't we come out to discuss matters related to the Holy Grail War? How did it become shopping? Did you use your power on me? Why did I ignore this before!"

When he stepped into the cosmetics store, Misaka Mikoto suddenly realized that there was always an idea in her mind, but she couldn't find what the idea was. At this time, she finally remembered. Misaka Mikoto's hostility suddenly came up. Could it be that the ability of bee-eater exercise affects you?However, the ability of the bee-eater should not be able to break through its own electromagnetic barrier. Is it because the Holy Grail War strengthened the ability of the bee-eater?

"My hero is with Sister Fujimura at this time, and your hero doesn't know where the runway is going. I don't think anyone will look at it..."

The bee-eater was still talking, and suddenly the ground shook.

"Eh eh eh!"

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