Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 184

"I can't wait!"

Yuriko said impatiently, as the number one in the Academy City, Lingke Yuriko had never flinched in the past and wanted to shoot a long time ago, so she immediately prepared to stand up, and Fujimura Tachibana’s sniper rifle had been locked to the left. The head of the land, and Kiko also transmitted the voice in front of the person to Fujimura Tachibana at this time.

"The wheat is up, the car is down!"

The place on the left seems to be chanting a spell. The American man in front of him has hurriedly got into the car, ready to drive away with his family from here, but the place on the left seems to move faster. The weapon was slashed towards the car under the control of the land on the left. At this moment, Fujimura Tachibana shot, and a bullet flew towards the head on the left.

Author's message:

Grumble, sleep

Chapter 294: Origin Bullet (first more)

Since Fujimura Tachibana’s painting style has become closer and closer to a samurai, she has become more and more accustomed to using Demon Sword Muramasa to solve problems instead of firearms, but this does not mean that Fujimura Tachibana’s shooting skills have declined, but on weekdays, In addition to practicing swordsmanship, Fujimura Tachibana did not reduce his training in shooting, and even the 3.6 attribute of the original gun shooting has risen to the level of 3.7.

Special forces-level marksmanship, even if Fujimura Tachibana has no other abilities, she can still be qualified as a sniper in the special forces by relying on this pistol technique alone.The cross of the scope locked the head of the place on the left, and Fujimura Tachibana could even control the bullet. The bullet’s landing point was the eye socket of the place on the left. If there is no other obstacle, the place on the left will be blocked by Fujimura Tachibana’s. Killed with a broken bullet.

"The human body is up, the weapons are down!"

However, just as the bullet was about to hit the land on the left, the land on the left suddenly stopped attacking the car, instead, he said the curse again, the next second the bullet hit the land on the left.

The demon-breaking bullet is a bullet specifically aimed at magicians. It has a very good effect on various magical defenses, but at this time, Fujimura Tachibana was surprised to see the bullet hit the place on the left. After the eyeball was deformed and shattered as if it hit an iron plate, the bullet had no effect on the land on the left.

"It looks like there are scientific ants!"

Although he is an uncle who seems to be thirty or forty years old, he unexpectedly has an unexpectedly frivolous tone when he speaks. At the end of the sentence, with a mouth addiction, when Kiko tells Fujimura Tachibana from the land on the left, Fujimura Tachibana Feel some discomfort.

He continued to shoot blankly, and the benefits of the semi-automatic rifle were immediately reflected. Fujimura Tachibana pulled the trigger several times, and the bullets were shot out of the muzzle one after another. In less than a second, all the 8 bullets in the magazine. Fired out, if you count it, it is roughly equivalent to the rate of fire of 17 rounds in 2 seconds.The rate of fire like cheating makes the sniper rifle in Fujimura Tachibana's hand look like an automatic rifle, and the bullets are very dense, almost all on the left side of the head.But only to see the bullets shattered one after another after hitting his head, and Fujimura Tachibana’s attack was invalid.

"Let this uncle come!"

After discovering that Fujimura Tachibana’s attack was ineffective, Lingke Yuriko grinned and stood up openly. Lingke Yuriko has unfolded the reflection barrier and kicked the ground casually. Dozens of stones and cement blocks flew around. Go landed on the surrounding barriers, and each collision made the speed faster. Soon there were high-speed flying stones inside the Lingke Yuriko barrier, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately ran out to avoid being attacked by the Lingke Yuriko. accidental injury.

"The human body is on top, the soil is on the bottom!"

After seeing Lingke Yuriko, the place on the left was not worried about Lingke Yuriko's attack. After the same spell, Lingke Yuriko's attack came.

Because of the high-speed movement, the friction between these stones and the air has completely vaporized into a mass of high-temperature gas and emitted a dazzling light. After a short while, the attack fell on the body on the left.If there is a tank in front of Lingke Yuriko, these high-temperature gases from stones are enough to penetrate the front armor of the tank and completely destroy the tank.But Lingke Yuriko was surprised to see that after her attack landed on the land on the left, the place on the left that seemed weak and windy did not move, letting the attack hit her, and then the hot gas hit his body. His body fell apart immediately, and he was completely fine.If it hadn't been for the torn apart high-temperature gas that swept across the ground on the left, causing the surrounding ground to appear a series of high-temperature melting gullies, she would have to wonder if there was a problem with her attack.

Just when Lingke Yuriko was surprised, the land on the left came back.I saw a weapon like a guillotine knife attacking Yuriko Lingkei, and Yuriko Yuriko slammed on the ground forcefully, and the ground immediately lifted up. A huge cement board blocked the middle of Yuriko Lingke and the land on the left. The mouth of the land on the left read: "The wheat is up, the soil is down!"

I thought that the huge cement board could block the attack on the left, but was surprised to see that the weapon stained with wheat flour easily penetrated the cement board and hit Yuriko Lingke in the next second.

"It hurts!"

With the reflection turned on, Yuriko Lingke thought that her ability could block the attack on the left, but when the weapon on the left hit her, Yuriko Lingke felt that the opponent’s weapon contained something that she could not analyze. The strength and the huge impact immediately made Lingke Yuriko feel a severe pain, and she unconsciously covered her stomach and paused.

"The wheat is on top, the human body is on the bottom!"

Just as the place on the left continued to speak and was about to kill Lingke Yuriko, suddenly Yu Guang from the place on the left suddenly saw a figure approaching him, this was Fujimura Tachibana!Watching Fujimura Tachibana approaching with a weapon, the place on the left seemed a little nervous, so she immediately withdrew her attack on Yuriko Suzuki, but Fujimura Tachibana’s speed was too fast to take back the weapon. Fujimura Tachibana’s Demon Blade Village is already in front of him.

"The human body is up, the weapons are down!"

Speaking of a defensive spell, the blade of the katana fell on the body on the left, and the samurai sword, which used to be invincible in the past, sounded like a normal katana slashed on steel. In the voice of, you can even see a cluster of sparks coming out, smiling on the left side.



Before he finished speaking on the left, Fujimura Tachibana’s fist directly landed on the head of the place on the left. This time, he felt his fist hit the human body firmly, and he could even see a big fist. A mass of blood spurted from the mouth, nose and ears on the left, and the body on the left flew backward like a broken sacks.

"The wheat is up, the human body is down!"

Probably the magician’s body is relatively sturdy. Fujimura Tachibana, who has specially increased his strength, did not blow the head of the land on the left with a punch. Instead, when he flew back, the land on the left had finished chanting the spell. His weapon was attacking Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana took down the M1 Garland behind her back, and a special bullet was loaded into the magazine by Fujimura Tachibana. This is the origin bullet.


Before the attack on the left side came, the bullet struck the body on the left side after crossing a distance of less than 10 meters between the two sides, and a cloud of blood exploded.

Author's message:

First more

Chapter 295: Sister Zhixinteng (second more)

"What is this person's ability?"

Lingke Yuriko clutched her belly and said, there was a red mark on her belly, and Fujimura Tachibana was giving her medicine.At this time, she and Fujimura Tachibana were in a hotel. After defeating the land on the left, they entered the city of Rome.

"Probably it is some kind of magic that can change the priority. You can set the strength and weakness relationship arbitrarily, such as weapon and body. You can make yourself ignore the attack of the weapon or make your own weapon ignore the opponent's defense, but it seems that you can only set it at a time. A strong and weak relationship, so after his body can block my knife, my fist can cause damage to him. And when he is about to attack me, my gun can cause damage to him."

A simple analysis of the ability of the land on the left, if the face on the left is facing an enemy with a relatively single attack method, then the land on the left may be invincible.But he was unlucky enough to meet both Lingke Yuriko and Fujimura Tachibana at the same time, and Fujimura Tachibana analyzed his magic in the shortest time, so this was the result of Fujimura Tachibana who changed his attack methods one after another to defeat him.

"Why not kill him!"

Lie on the bed and let Fujimura Tachibana wipe the wound medicine for himself. After Fujimura Tachibana's hand touched Yuriko's belly, he felt a cool sensation, and the pain originally caused by the collision was gradually relieved.While applying medicine to Lingke Yuriko, Fujimura Tachibana explained that she finally did not kill him after wounding the ground on the left.

"The origin bullet is a bullet that can destroy the body functions of a magician. The more powerful a magician is hit by the origin bullet, the more miserable it will be. The land on the left will become a waste person instead of a powerful magician. ..."

As Fujimura Tachibana said, he took his glasses and put them in Lingke Yuriko's hands. Lingke Yuriko put them on curiously, and then saw the scene of an attack on tourists from the left side.

"As the right seat of the Roman Orthodox Church, every move on the left represents the planet of the Orthodox Church. If the scene of his attack on ordinary people is exposed, the prestige of the Orthodox Church will be a huge blow. I have taken these The picture was handed over to Aleister, and he also told him what happened here. I believe he will sell these things for a good price." After finishing talking, Fujimura Tachibana put away the wound medicine in his hand, Yuriko Suzuki I felt that my lower abdomen, which was so painful just now, no longer felt any pain, so I sat up from the bed and looked at Fujimura Tachibana, who was packing his things, and asked, "What about next? Continue killing?"

Lingke Yuriko's tone was filled with excitement. As a villain, Lingke Yuriko was never afraid to make trouble.

"Of course I spent a day in Rome and then returned to Japan!"

To Yuriko's surprise, Fujimura Tachibana did not say that he would continue to attack the people of the Orthodox Church in Rome. Instead, he said that he would stop. This surprised Yuriko Ling. Why?

"If the Orthodox Church of Rome doesn't want this video to spread all over the world and hit the image of Orthodox Church in a devastating way, then they can only swallow this breath and have to quit the Academy City."

Casually speaking, Fujimura Tachibana can guess that Aleister will use this video to make a deal with the Orthodox Church in Rome, and the Orthodox Church in Rome may have to give up the place on the left for his own image.Moreover, the abolition of the land on the left is considered to satisfy Fujimura Tachibana’s initial plan. After all, he was very lucky to meet a member of the right seat of the Roman Orthodox God. This is enough to make people on the magic side know the difficulties. Retreat, after all, besides the saint on the magic side, there are not many people who are stronger than the land on the left.

"Really disappointed."

When she heard that she was going to return to the school city next time, Yuriko Suzuki felt bored, but at this time Fujimura Tachibana suddenly asked Yuriko Suzaka a very sensitive question: "What is your feeling for the Misaka sisters?"

Suddenly I talked about Sister Misaka. Yuriko Suzuki killed more than 10,000 Sister Misaka in the evolution plan of the Absolute Power. Although the evolution plan of the Absolute Power has been stopped because of the Holy Grail War, the dead sister Misaka will not be repeated. resurrection.After talking about Sister Misaka, Yuriko Lingke's expression suddenly changed. Although Yuriko Lingke showed a disdainful expression as much as possible, it could be seen that she was actually panicked.

"Those dolls are 180,000 yen each, but they are just assembly lines..."

"You panic!"

Fujimura Tachibana directly pointed out the inner thoughts of Lingke Yuriko, and Lingke Yuriko took a step back unconsciously.


He denied it immediately, but the look in Yuriko's eyes looked even more flustered, and in Fujimura Tachibana's questioning eyes, Yuriko finally spoke.

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