Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 185

"Well, actually if those dolls ask for mercy, I won't kill them!"

When Lingke Yuriko spoke, a little tear came into her eyes, and she immediately reached out her hand to wipe her tears. Lingke Yuriko forcibly resisted crying and said, "Don't look, my stomach hurts suddenly. I’m not crying! It’s all you who made me a girl, how can this body not control the tears."

The arrogant Lingke Yuriko cried unconsciously at this time, and tears filled her cheeks in an instant. Things that she didn't want to touch in the past were suddenly spoken by Fujimura Tachibana. Yuriko Suzuki hid her in her heart, or she kept Suddenly, the escaping emotions erupted, and Lingke Yuriko suddenly rushed into Fujimura Tachibana's arms and began to cry.

"Cry, cry."

Like a big sister, comforting the sad and crying Yuriko Suzuki, Fujimura Tachibana continued: "After returning to the school city, find sister Misaka to make up for her past behavior. There is also Misaka Mikoto. You also need to find her. apologize."

Hearing Fujimura Tachibana's words, Suzuki Yuriko first hugged her tightly, seemingly struggling for a moment, and then made a slight voice of consent in Fujimura Tachibana's arms, and then Fujimura Tachibana stroked Ruzina Yuriko's hair suddenly Laughed.

"Okay, be a girl in the future, you have already started to develop, you must protect yourself, do you understand."

At this moment, Lingke Yuriko blushed.

And at this moment, in the Roman Orthodox headquarters in the Vatican, watching the video from the Academy City and lying on the bed, the place on the left that has completely lost the qualifications of magician, is also the water behind the right seat of the gods. He stretched out his hand to the neck of the land on the left, and then in the horrified eyes of the land on the left, the water from the back directly twisted his neck and continued: "Let me go and meet her."

Author's message:

Second more

Chapter 296: Policewoman vs. Water in the Rear

Rome, as a historical city, has many monuments, such as the arena, etc. If you want to have a good time, I am afraid you can play for a long time, but the plane arranged by Aleister will not arrive until tomorrow, so Fujimura Tachibana and Lingke Yuriko will play The time is only one day.

After waking up and patted Lingke Yuriko in his arms, Fujimura Tachibana and Lingke Yuriko got up.After the two of them washed their faces, brushed their teeth and made makeup, they opened the door of the hotel and went downstairs. As a result, an unexpected person appeared in front of them.

"Introduce yourself, the water behind the right seat of the Roman Orthodox God."

If the dress on the left is a non-mainstream dress, then the water in the back in front is like a strong handsome uncle. There will be many girls screaming for him on the street, but this is definitely not included. Fujimura Tachibana and Lingke Yuriko.

"What are you here for?"

It can be seen that the rear water has been waiting here for a while. During this period of time, the rear water did not attack Fujimura Tachibana and Lingke Yuriko, but patiently waited for the two to dress up and go out. It seemed a bit like waiting for a woman. The same as the boys of friends.The person in front of him seemed not hostile, but Fujimura Tachibana did not dare to underestimate him. After all, this person is a member of the right seat of the Roman Orthodox god, and...

According to the information obtained from Aleistana, the existence of the water behind is very special.Not only is he the right seat of God with the power of God, but he is also one of only 20 saints in the world, combining two powerful forces into one, and he is the strongest existence of the Roman Orthodox Church.Of course, this is not to say that the other members of the God’s Right Seat are inferior to him. The other members of the God’s Right Seat have very powerful abilities, even if the left side is badly injured by Fujimura Tachibana when singles out opponents who only have a single attack method. It's also invincible, but it's just a nemesis.In theory, the various forces on the magic side, such as the masters of Russian adultism and British Puritanism, combined are not as good as the four of the right seat of the gods. I did not expect that I would have encountered both of them.

"The land on the left has been cleared by me. His attack on ordinary tourists is unforgivable. Thank you very much for saving the innocent tourists."

The water from the back expressed thanks to Fujimura Tachibana, which made Fujimura Tachibana feel a little confused. The water painting style in front of him seems to be something wrong?A core figure of the Roman Orthodox Church actually killed another core figure who tried to kill several heretics?Even if the land on the left has been beaten by Fujimura Tachibana, he is still a member of the right seat of the gods unless he is removed, and the water on the back is just equal to his identity.

"Thanks no more, we should be enemies, right? What is your real purpose?"

Speaking coldly, Fujimura Tachibana was ready to take a pistol out of his clothes and shoot, but the water behind stood up, and he didn't seem to be ready to fight here.

"Let's go to the outskirts. If there is a war here, the buildings here will be damaged."

After speaking, the water in the back walked outside the hotel and waited for a while, as if waiting for Fujimura Tachibana and Lingke Yuriko to follow.

"Yuriko, go get my knife."

"What are you afraid of? Let this lady go and beat him up!"

"Go get it!"


Yuriko turned around and went to the room to fetch Fujimura Tachibana's weapon. After a while, Lingke Yuriko returned, and Fujimura Tachibana held the Demon Sword in his hand.

"Then, lead the way!"

So the two followed the water in the back to the outskirts of Rome, and the water in the back did not speak, and Fujimura Tachibana did not speak.Probably because the water behind it used the art of dispelling idlers, Fujimura Tachibana did not see any figure.As the surrounding houses gradually became thinner, the three people came to an open area, and the water behind them stopped.

"Then, right here. Although the behavior on the left is very bad, he is still a member of the right seat of God. In order to maintain the prestige of the right seat of God, I must take action. If you give up, you I can return to Japan now, otherwise I can only kill you."

As the water behind said, his tone gradually became serious, but listening to his words, Fujimura Tachibana did not have any emotions of fear, but showed the expression of ice beauty, and pulled out his demon sword village little by little.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see how strong the world's only god's seat and saint's magician is! Yuriko, go aside!"



After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana threw the scabbard to the ground, then held the Demon Sword with both hands and pointed it at the water behind, and the water behind also showed a serious expression.He stretched out his hand, and a huge metal rod emerged in his shadow. This metal rod looked a bit like the skeleton of an umbrella, but it was completely solid.And the length of this metal rod is about 5 meters, which is very heavy at first glance, but the water behind it picked it up with one hand, and it looked very relaxed.

"Doping is on! Strengthening is on!"

The moment the water behind took up the weapon, Fujimura Tachibana whispered, as the magical strengthening magic lines appeared on his body, Fujimura Tachibana narrowed his eyes, and the next second Fujimura Tachibana moved.


Quickly burst into the water behind. When the opponent has an ultra-long weapon, the advantage of the opponent's weapon length can only be offset by narrowing the distance, but she saw the water behind and waved the huge steel in her hand at extremely fast speed. Stick, Fujimura Tachibana’s path forward was blocked by this huge weapon, and even he entered the opponent’s attack range. Fujimura Tachibana had to erect the Demon Sword Village to block the attack from the water behind, and then Fujimura Tachibana’s The body flew out.


Standing on the ground with both feet, the Demon Blade Village was inserted horizontally into the ground. Fujimura Tachibana's body slid to the rear for more than ten meters before stopping, but three deep marks were left on the ground.If it hadn't been for Fujimura Tachibana to take advantage of the force to break away from the attack range of the rear water, I am afraid that Fujimura Tachibana could have his whole body fractured just then.It is worthy of being the only combination of the right seat of the gods and the saints in the world. This blow showed a level of strength that surpassed the place on the left, and Fujimura Tachibana showed a trace of excitement.

"Sure enough, but...I am not weak!"

Taking out the pistol from his arms, Fujimura Tachibana shot at the water behind without hesitation, and at this time Fujimura Tachibana was still moving at high speed.

Author's message:

Third more.go to bed!Get up tomorrow morning

Chapter 297: The musket is also a lancer

In this Holy Grail War, Fujimura Tachibana got the rank of Lancer, but in the previous battle, Fujimura Tachibana had never used the ability of this rank. It was not that the ability of this rank was not strong, but it was unnecessary.But at this time, facing the threat of the water behind, Fujimura Tachibana immediately activated the ability of the Lancer rank.

After taking out the pistol and firing, the water behind did not have any worries, because bullets were not a threat to him, let alone pistol bullets, even the cannon shells he could easily see clearly. The trajectory of the cannonball flies and escapes easily, and the power of the bullet is too small. As a combination of the saint and the right seat of the god, the water behind does not think that the bullet shot by the Fujimura Tachibana pistol is a threat, but he Miscalculated.

Obviously watching the bullet shoot out from the muzzle, on the side of the water behind him, the bullet will grazed the side of his body and missed.And he also watched as the bullet flew by his side and fell to the rear, but a pain came from his heart.

"Distorted cause and effect, must hit the heart!"

This is the ability given by the Lancer rank to Fujimura Tachibana. The source of this ability is probably Kuchurin, the son of light in Ireland. The bullet hits the heart and then the bullet is shot out. This ability is very cheating, but it also has a bullet. The price is that it will bring bad luck to users.

Choking from drinking water, falling down on foot, losing your wallet, or being pressed by your lover on the bed can be called bad luck. So after learning about this side effect, Fujimura Tachibana maintained a vigilance against this ability. No need. She really had to use it when she had to. So in the previous battle, Fujimura Tachibana had not used this ability, but in the battle with the water behind, she had to use it.But at this time Fujimura Tachibana also wondered why the ability of the pikemen would be added to the gun. Although these two characters are unified as a "gun" in Chinese, in Japanese they are cold weapon guns and firearm guns. Are two completely different words!

"What kind of magic is this?"

The water behind can feel that his chest was hit by the bullet, and the bullet contained the power for magical defense.If it weren't for his saint's physique to be much stronger than ordinary people, just this one was enough to kill other magicians, and he hadn't discovered how to avoid this kind of attack, and the water behind him increased his vigilance.

"A magic that makes people's luck worse."

Speaking in a nonchalant tone, Fujimura Tachibana's wrist flicked, and the pistol's magazine slipped down. At the same time, the hand holding the pistol went deep into the skirt. The next moment a magazine was thrown out.


The pistol and the magazine collided in the air without any error, and the magazine was accurately inserted into the pistol. But at this time the attack of the water from the rear came. Although there was a distance of more than ten meters between the two sides, Fujimura Tachibana only felt that the figure of the water from the rear appeared in front of him. This is not a teleportation magic, this is the water behind it exerts an astonishing speed relying on its own physical power, and this speed is really astonishing.

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