Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 189

"Let me break your illusion!"

Almost at the same time, an angry male voice came, and Kamijou Touma waved his right hand and punched Gilgamesh in the face.

Chapter 303: Heizi is the biggest winner

Kamijou Touma, this ordinary high school student with many nicknames spent another ordinary day. Although his right hand hit the face of a hero named Gilgamesh on this day, it was still an ordinary day. .

As the fantasy killer and Gilgamesh’s face came into contact, everyone saw that Gilgamesh’s face disappeared as if the handwriting was erased from the eraser when it touched the fantasy killer. Kamijou Touma couldn’t even feel himself. He hit something with his right hand, but he staggered a few steps forward because he couldn't hold his hand with all his strength, and then turned his head to see Gilgamesh's headless body being teleported away and disappeared by the green magic circle.

"Have you won?"

Kamijou Touma stretched out his hand questioningly and looked at his right hand. He should have hit it, right?A group of people are also concerned about this issue, because at the last moment, Kamijou Touma did hit Gilgamesh and disperse Gilgamesh's head, but his body was taken away by teleportation magic, and the group couldn’t. Confirm Gilgamesh's whereabouts.

"The Holy Grail didn't get the magic power that Gilgamesh returned after being defeated, and the system did not remind myself that Gilgamesh was defeated."

Fujimura Tachibana is the clearest person. Gilgamesh seems to have been defeated, but he does not seem to be defeated. Did he manage to run away?Or maybe it was because it was teleported to other worlds that Gilgamesh's remaining magic power could not flow back to the Holy Grail, so it was not defeated. After all, Gilgamesh without a head didn't seem to be alive.

"Sister Orange!"

While Fujimura Tachibana was thinking, suddenly a voice came from behind Fujimura Tachibana, and then a person hung directly on Fujimura Tachibana’s back and hugged Fujimura Tachibana’s neck with both hands. This person was Shirai Kuroko.When Shirai Kuroko suddenly appeared and shouted Sister Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana's keen sixth sense could feel multiple lines of sight looking directly at him.

As a scumbag girl, Fujimura Tachibana can guess who is looking at herself.Needless to say, it was Altolia’s sight. As Fujimura Tachibana’s eldest wife, Altolia was extremely vigilant towards Kuroko, so when he saw Kuroko hanging on Fujimura Tachibana, Altolia immediately He looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a look of scum.And the second look is not surprising. Naturally, it is Yuriko’s roommate Misaka Mikoto. As the target of Shirai Kuroko’s raiders in the past, Misaka Mikoto has long been accustomed to Shirai Kuroko’s various harassment and even sexual harassment, but suddenly one day, his own Hao Jiyou suddenly appeared on another girl?Misaka Mikoto suddenly became jealous, so the eyes of Fujimura Tachibana and Shirai Kuroko seemed jealous.

Also jealous is Lingke Yuriko. Although nothing happened between her and Fujimura Tachibana, in Europe it was just sleeping in the same bed, and there was no disharmony. However, the Lingke Yuriko had a relationship with Fujimura. Tangerines are full of complex emotions, so being jealous is inevitable.

As for the other people, there is no strange look, after all, it has nothing to do with them.

"Come down, many people are watching."

Fujimura Tachibana was surprised that Shirai Kuroko would appear, and because of the aggressive eyes around, Fujimura Tachibana, who had a strong desire to survive, signaled Shirai Kuroko to come down from her, but before she came down, Fujimura Tachibana noticed Shirai Kuroko's back of hand. A red mark appeared on it, which belongs to Berserker!How did Kuroko Shirai become a participant in the Holy Grail War?

At this time Fujimura Tachibana suddenly remembered the heroine X Alter who appeared on the battlefield before. She was obviously the hero of Maiye Shenli who had been defeated, but after Maiye Shenli was defeated, she disappeared.Unexpectedly, she chose Shirai Kuroko to become her new master. No wonder she would re-enter the battlefield and attack Gilgamesh together. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly flashed a thought, but before this idea, Fujimura Tachibana still There is something to do.

"Speaking of which, what are your plans? If you want to stay in this world, I can help you. Every hero who does not return to the Hall of Valor will weaken the magic power that the Holy Grail can ultimately provide. The winner of the field, this should not cause conflicts between the scientific side and the magic side!"

After speaking to Kamikazuhoori, Kamikazukaori quickly understood Fujimura Tachibana's plan.The Holy Grail War frightens the magic side the most because the powerful magic power of the Holy Grail directly makes the science side an unmatched opponent, but if the winner cannot reach the realm of the gods, then this does not break the gap between the science side and the magic side. Balance, but the heroic spirits that exist in this world?So many heroic spirits stronger than saints appeared in this world, which seemed to be a big problem.

"Who is going to return to the Hall of Valor, and who is going to follow me to another world?"

Asked to the heroes present, Fujimura Tachibana had just spoken, and Altria patted her butt.

"I want to go back and continue to supervise you! You scumbag!"

Altria whispered viciously in Fujimura Tachibana’s ear. Although the voice was clear, it was also heard by the people around him. Many thin-skinned girls blushed a bit, but Lungominiad was aside. The opening made the embarrassment alleviated.

"I will return to the Hall of Valor, Master will send me back."

Although they are all Altolia, Lungominiad did not intend to stay. Instead, he made a request to leave. Fujimura Tachibana immediately agreed, and Lungominiad immediately turned into a burst of gold. The light disappeared and returned to the Hall of Valor.

"I want to compete with X, so I and X will continue to stay!"

Although the protagonist X·Alter has a certain tone, she unexpectedly has the breath of a literary girl. Then she looks at the heroine X on the side full of competitive murderousness, and the heroine X is not to be outdone.

"It must be me to win!"

"If that's the case, I'll stay here, Father, I will help you take care of your mother and queen~"

Mordred finished speaking to Fujimura Tachibana with a smirk, and Altolia had a headshot immediately after he was finished, and Altolia also shouted something like Niko, as if he planned to Mordred was expelled from the house.

"I'm going back to my own world, Sister Lin will be anxious!"

In the end, only Illya was left. Illya was not actually a heroic spirit. She came to participate in this Holy Grail War, so it was normal to return to her own world.So after bidding farewell to Yi Liya, Yi Liya also left this world.In this way, with only one hero returning to the Hall of Valor, the magic power in the Holy Grail is no longer enough to give birth to a god. It may be possible to produce a superpower who is weaker than Lingke Yuriko but stronger than the second place, Fujimura Tachibana indicated Participants on the scene gave up their qualifications to participate in the Holy Grail War, so the bee-eater Kaoji, Misaka Mikoto and others began to give up the qualification to participate in the Holy Grail War under the signal of Fujimura Tachibana, and then only Shirai Kuroko was left.

"Sister Orange, I'm coming too."

Just when Shirai Kuroko was about to give up his qualifications, she suddenly saw Fujimura Tachibana actively shouting: "Lancer gave up his qualifications for the Holy Grail War!"

The Holy Grail appeared almost immediately after finishing talking. As the only Shirai Kuroko who did not give up his qualifications for the Holy Grail War, the golden Holy Grail appeared on Shirai Kuroko's head. Fujimura Tachibana breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to eat with Misaka Mikoto. What kind of amazing journey is Feng Caoqi going on in another world, she is not a beast!And the Holy Grail is his own, and I can bring it back when I use it up this time. It's not a pity that I didn't win this time, and it's good to make Shirai Kuroko stronger.

"The mission failed, and the mission rewards could not be issued...The mission rewards were new winners, and the courier Shirai Kuroko got a surprise tour of another world with Princess Tokiwadai and Queen Tokiwadai!”

As soon as the system's voice fell, Fujimura Tachibana's expression froze a little, what's the situation?However, compared with the system's prompt, the Holy Grail that appeared on Baijing Heizi's head just turned over, the magic in the Holy Grail poured on Baijing Heizi's head, and the colorful magic power disappeared after contacting Baijing Heizi.

Volume VII Olympic Disturbance Chapter 304: Return to the United States

"finally come back!"

Back to a familiar room, this is the safe house arranged by the people in black for Fujimura Tachibana in the United States.It's just that Fujimura Tachibana went to the school city with big bags and small bags, and Shirai Kuroko led the way. This time Fujimura Tachibana came back but only one person.

In fact, Fujimura Tachibana was not the only one who came to this world. In addition to her, there were Altria, X, X·Alter, Mordred, and Misaka 10031, but five of them did not return to the United States, Fujimura Tachibana. Let Shirai Kuroko take the four of them directly to Japan. After all, Japan is considered to be Fujimura Tachibana’s territory and the United States is not. It is hard to explain the sudden addition of a few more people.

The appearance of the four heroic spirits was discussed before, which is not surprising, but the appearance of Misaka 10031 was completely accidental.When Fujimura Tachibana was about to leave the world of Academy City and return to her own world, Misaka 10031 suddenly appeared and said that she would follow Fujimura Tachibana to this world, which was beyond her expectations.According to Misaka 10031, Misaka hopes to be able to travel to different worlds alone to bring different experiences to other Misaka sisters, and Misaka 10031 has become the representative of other Misaka sisters.

At the request of Misaka’s sister, Fujimura Tachibana agreed to Misaka 10031’s request, so Misaka 10031 followed a group of people to Tokyo. At present, this group of people live in her mansion in Tokyo, which was originally quite spacious. It became very congested, and the idea of ​​buying a manor appeared in Fujimura Tachibana’s plan again.

"Let's talk about it when you return home! Xizi, send me the latest email."

Taking out his glasses from his pocket and putting them on, Fujimura Tachibana began to check who had sent him emails in the past few days.Most of the e-mails were sent by Motoko Kusanagi. Motoko Kusanagi compiled the work report of the 9th Public Security Department and sent it over. After Fujimura Tachibana checked it, nothing happened during this time, except for a few things. Everything is peaceful except for the sub-ordinary paranormal crime.

Continued to check, and saw that both Kazuki and Asuna had sent emails to herself, as if they wanted to ask herself out to play, but Fujimura Tachibana was not there.So after replying to the two people that they were in the United States, the two quickly replied. Although it was only text, she seemed to be able to feel the joy in the tone of the two.

"Is this Tosaka Rin's message..."

It was unexpected that Rin Tosaka, an electrical idiot, had also sent a message to herself. This was a rare thing, so she clicked on the email that Rin Tosaka had sent to her, and Rin Tosaka described her plan in the email.

After the Holy Grail War is over, Rin Tosaka intends to go to the Clock Tower in the UK to study abroad. Together with Rin Tosaka to the United Kingdom are her sister Makiri Sakura and the summoned hero Saber, but Makiri Sakura does not Going to the Clock Tower, instead, obtained the qualification to study abroad at Hogwarts College.As for Blue Saber just accompany her, she just wants to go back to England to see and pay respects to her tombstone in England.

Compared with the two sisters who studied abroad, Shiro Wimiya chose to stay in Fuyuki City. At this time, Shiro Wimiya had already learned magic and fighting under the guidance of Soichiro Katsumi and Caster Medea. It is said that Shiro Wimiya was trained by the two. Every day is very hard.

"Study in the UK?"

The Clock Tower is one of the largest magic associations in the UK. It has the top magic talents in the UK and is also the world's top magic school. It is normal for Rin Tosaka to study at the Clock Tower.But it was surprising that Ma Tong Ying was able to enter Hogwarts to learn.The news from the Supernatural Investigation Headquarters is different from the magic organization that the Clock Tower belongs to the Magic World. Hogwarts is an officially established magic organization in the United Kingdom. It hardly admits non-British citizens to enter the school. Qualified?But compared to these, Fujimura Tachibana thought of something that seemed a bit embarrassing.

"There are four different Altrias in this world, how does Mordred recognize his mother?"

Thinking of the relationship between Black Saber and Mordred, Black Saber called him the father and king to Mordred, and the behavior of calling Black Saber the mother and queen has been unbearable, and the attitude of severing the relationship between mother and daughter is with Mord. Reid was in the cold war.If Mordred knows that there is a blue Saber in this world, Fujimura Tachibana doubts that Xiaomo will abandon the black Saber without hesitation and fall into the arms of the blue Saber...

"No, Blue Saber is more likely to kill Xiao Mo again... Blue Saber has a staid personality. It may be very difficult for her to accept Xiao Mo's existence. Although Black Saber is usually very cold and not close. Humanity, but sometimes it is still very humane, otherwise it would not have played with Xiao Mo for so long instead of driving her away."

"Forget it, there are two other weird Altrias, so let Xiao Mo have a headache."

For the family ethics drama of the Altria family, Fujimura Tachibana did not have much interest. For her, she was just having another daughter. Anyway, there was already a precedent for Ilia. Multiple Xiao Mo is nothing.

After checking these emails, Fujimura Tachibana responded to these emails one by one, and then asked about the whereabouts of Kou Kou at this time. Kou Kou, who went to buy the nuclear bomb, has no news at this time. It seems that he has entered something that does not shit. Areas without signal and wifi are temporarily out of connection.

Taking off the glasses, Fujimura Tachibana sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. At this time, she was still in the holiday period, so it would be nice to relax.So he tossed off his suit, and then unbuttoned the top buttons of the white shirt, Fujimura Tachibana unconcernedly exposed most of his chest.If someone at this time, especially the subordinates of the 9th Public Security Department, see the appearance of Fujimura Tachibana, I’m afraid they will be surprised. After all, the image of Fujimura Tachibana Iceberg is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to maintain an elegant and heroic posture at all times. Associate this charming beauty with her usual appearance.Perhaps apart from the cold expression on her face, the other qualities are completely different.

"The Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan has entered the countdown stage. The public security issues in Japan that have been criticized by the outside world have been greatly improved under the vigorous management of the Japanese police. It is said that the Japanese police will hold a press conference in the near future to announce the Olympic security. Matter, we are now interviewing experts..."

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