Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 190

At this time, an American media on TV was doing propaganda news about the Olympics, and Fujimura Tachibana suddenly realized that the Tokyo Olympics in Japan was approaching.

Chapter 305: I worship myself and delete 150,000 words below

Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, England, is said to be the place where King Arthur and her queen Guinvia were buried. Many people come here to worship King Arthur and his queen. A girl appeared here.

Black Saber, blue Saber, X, X·Alter, four girls standing in front of a small sign look weird.

"I am the heroine X, and I am not dead yet, here is King Arthur, and my Aalto...what does it have to do with my heroine X!"


The heroine X folded her hands in front of her chest and turned her head and said nonchalantly, while her enemy, opponent, roommate, Jiyou, and her heroine X·Alter also nodded and said immediately, although both of them are actually Altori Ya, but the world they come from is a high-tech interstellar world, claiming to have nothing to do with King Arthur, but they are not convincing at all.

"Hey, blue guy, were you buried here after you died?"

Black Saber poked Blue Saber with her elbow and said, she has no memory of where she was buried, so she doesn't know where she was buried, so she poked Blue Saber, as if she wanted her Answer.

"I was a hero who signed a contract with the world when I was seriously injured and dying after the battle of the sword fence, so my memory is only after the battle of the sword fence."

Blue Saber also said helplessly, several people came to worship him, but unexpectedly found that several people didn't know where they were buried.Although it is said to be his own grave here, is it true?A group of people did not confirm.So the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing. Could it be that a group of people ran for nothing?

"Hahahahaha! I laughed to death, you guys are going to laugh at me!"

At this moment, a ridiculous voice came over, and the four people turned their heads almost at the same time and looked at Mordred on the side. At this time, Mordred was sitting on the side with a drink, facing the four fathers in front of him. The behavior is very funny. A group of people ran over without knowing where they were buried. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if they went wrong?

"Nizi! I'm going to clean the door today!"

Black Saber first set an example and walked towards Mordred, but Blue Saber didn't seem to be outdone.

"Mordred! If you are like this, I won't admit your heir status! I can only clean up the portal again!"

She also walked towards Mordred, she rarely reached a consensus with Black Saber to fix Mordred.You must know that before she became a hero, she had just killed Mordred herself, and she was seriously injured by Mordred. If it were not for his rebellion, Britain would not have died!Although she put aside a lot of this matter after the Holy Grail War, but after seeing Mordred again, Blue Saber felt that he still needs to teach Mordred a lesson. This guy is completely a bear kid. !

So he walked to Mordred from left to right, and they all looked menacingly uncomfortable, which made Mordred suddenly panic.So he immediately stood up and took a step back. Mordred said in a panic: "Don't come, mothers and queens, if you come, I will go to the father!"

"Nizi! I am your father!" X2

Hearing that Mordred actually recognized Fujimura Tachibana as his father, the black Saber and the blue Saber shouted displeased.Black Saber's reaction is naturally normal, because she can think that she should be the one above, and Fujimura Tachibana should honestly be her wife.Blue Saber’s reaction was a bit weird. It was obvious that Mordred was one of the important criminals who led to the demise of Britain, but she paid special attention to what Mordred called herself, so she reached an agreement with Black Saber. He quickly grabbed Mordred, and then a person grabbed Mordred with his cheeks, and then pulled him aside.

"It hurts, it hurts! Father, save me!"

Almost as if to cry, Mordred’s voice attracted the attention of many people around, but the people around only regarded this place as a fight between several girls, at most it was against Altolia. The baby (the fog) has some interest, and more people ignore the movement here and continue to do their own things.

At this time, the Fujimura Tachibana that Mordred said was in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel. According to Black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana was fooling around.

"Is it really okay? We are in the hotel, let them go out by themselves?"

Hugging Fujimura Tachibana from behind, Rin Tosaka said in Fujimura Tachibana’s ear, besides Rin Tosaka, Makiri Sakura was washing her body in the bathroom.Judging from the fact that the two of them are not connected and the messy rooms around, they have just done something indescribable, missing at least 50,000 words.

"The five heroic spirits go out. If they are in danger, it may be a crisis that can destroy Britain. Don't worry."

He said indifferently, Fujimura Tachibana was lying on the bed and savoring the aftertaste of passion. After all, Xiaobaisheng was newly married, and the sisters hadn't seen each other for a while, and the three were very active.However, it was accidentally discovered that the sisters seemed to have a lot of new poses. Did they do something taboo during the time when they didn't meet?

"You obviously know that I'm not talking about this, isn't Black Saber jealous! And why do you go out and have another daughter!"

Tosaka Rin said tastefully, Mordred's appearance caused a huge crisis to Tosaka Rin, which means that the black Saber's position in the palace is stronger, and the ghost knows which girl this scumbag will hook up with?If my sisters don't continue to work hard, they will probably be surpassed by more and more bitches!

"She is Altria's daughter, but now she recognizes me as her father."

After speaking faintly, Fujimura Tachibana was about to kiss Rin Tosaka, but suddenly a voice rang from the glasses on the side: "Master Tachibana, there is a call here, it's from Director Hakuba Police."

Kiko said to Fujimura Tachibana, she was a little surprised why the Chief Police Officer Hakuba would call herself suddenly, so she kissed her on the lips with Rin Tosaka's dissatisfied expression and took the headset from the side and put it on her ear. , And then the voice of Baima Police Superintendent came over.

"Chapter Fujimura, there is an important task here. Your vacation has been cancelled. Be sure to rush back to Tokyo within 24 hours!"

"Yes! Superintendent of Police...Hmm~"

When reporting to the Superintendent of the Police, Rin Tosaka deliberately touched Fujimura Tachibana’s white rabbit, which made her unconsciously hum, but she immediately held it back, and then after speaking with the Superintendent of Police. Fujimura Tachibana turned off the headset.

"Xiko, buy the fastest plane ticket for me..."

First he said to Kiko, and then Fujimura Tachibana grabbed Rin Tosaka's hand with a cold face.

"Rin, be prepared to not get out of bed for three days!"

100,000 words are deleted below.

Chapter 306: Police Officer Fujimura, you have been promoted again

"Class leader."

After getting off the plane, Fujimura Tachibana saw at the exit of the station Zhu and Sato who were coming to pick up the plane. The two immediately called her after seeing Fujimura Tachibana.So he handed the suitcases to the two of them. Chang Shouzhu and Sato seemed to be fighting for a while, and the last two shared half of Fujimura Tachibana's luggage, which seemed very tacit.

"What's the specific situation?"

I found that Chushou Zhu and Sato Miwako did not have any worried expressions on their faces, and they also asked Kusanagi Motoko before. Kusanagi Motoko looked mysterious and said nothing. It didn't seem to be an urgent call to me back during the vacation. Something big happened.

"We don't know. We are going to the Metropolitan Police Department next. The Director of the White Horse Police Department will tell you in person."

On the way to the parking lot, Mikako Sato explained that a group of people soon came to the front of a GTR. This GTR was the one of Fujimura Tachibana. The two took the key from Fujimura Tachibana’s home and took her. After the GTR came, Sato, who was in charge of driving along the way, was very excited. She also had the habit of drag racing. She did not expect that Fujimura Tachibana’s car had such a good performance. If it weren’t for the hard drive in the city, she could not help but step on the accelerator. Up.

"Give me the key."

When he came to his car and took the key, Fujimura Tachibana sat directly in the driver's seat.After everyone got in the car, Fujimura Tachibana stepped on the accelerator.

The car drove out of the parking lot in a flick, and the roar of the engine immediately resounded through the parking lot. Then, in the surprised eyes of a group of people, the car rushed out immediately.

Neither Tsunemori Zhu nor Sato Mikako sat in Fujimura Tachibana’s car to watch her sprinting. Even though Sato had met Fujimura Tachibana on the road before, she didn’t know that Fujimura Tachibana was driving so fast.

It was already night, and there were not many cars on the road. Some road racers even drove their seats out for underground road races, but when they were racing on the road, Fujimura Tachibana’s car A flash from their side, they immediately caught up, but none of the cars could catch up with Fujimura Tachibana’s car. Instead, she couldn’t even see her taillights. The black GTR immediately started to catch up. The underground racing world in Tokyo spread.

In the case of the car all the way, Fujimura Tachibana quickly reached the destination. After a drifting directly into the parking space, Fujimura Tachibana opened the door and said to the two subordinates in the car.

"Go back yourself, don't wait for me."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana walked to the elevator, while Miwako Sato and Zhu Tsumemori swayed out of the car and unconsciously held the door. Both of them were uncomfortable at this time.

"Does the class leader drive so fiercely!"

Chang Shouzhu retched and said, if she hadn't grasped the handle of the car and fastened the seat belt, she felt that she would be thrown out of the car.I've heard that the Fujimura Tachibana is very powerful in the past, but this is too exaggerated!Looking at the time, it only took less than one-third of the time to rush from the airport to the Metropolitan Police Department. This speed is too fast!

"I heard that the section manager is also a well-known racer in Qiu Mingshan. Let's go, Xiao Zhu, how about we go for a drink? Speaking of which, the section manager is not yet of drinking age?"

Miwako Sato initiated an invitation to Chang Shouzhu, and then thought about the age of Fujimura Tachibana. She is still only 18 years old, but she is already a rising star in the Japanese police circle. People are really angry.

"Well, I remember there is a nice wine house nearby, let's go there!"

After talking, Tsunemori Zhu left the parking lot with Mikako Sato, while Fujimura Tachibana was riding up the elevator to the floor of the office where the Superintendent of Police is located, but she met an acquaintance in the elevator.

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