Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 191

"Takagi, are you on duty today?"

The person Fujimura Tachibana met was his colleague Takagi Shibuya who was in the search class in the past, so he asked Takagi Shibuya, and Takagi Shibuya replied nervously, "Guys! Today is me and the police department on duty, because the Olympics is about to When it arrived, the number of foreign tourists had increased a lot, so the search class was also assigned a security task."

After Takagi Shibuya finished speaking, he seemed to hesitate, but he still summoned the courage to say, "Jingshi, can you take the liberty to ask a question?"

"what happened?"

She looked at Takagi curiously, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"That... does the Sato Police Department have someone you like?"

Takagi hesitantly said that after Miwako Sato transferred out of the search class, Shibuya Takagi did not contact Miwako Sato for a while. He who had a crush on Sato wanted to inquire about Sato's situation. Today, he suddenly met Fujimura Tachibana and Takagi. She plucked up the courage to ask.

"Probably not. If you want to pursue her, you can take the initiative."

Said blankly, after she finished speaking, Takagi Shibuya seemed to be even more nervous.

"No, no, don't get me wrong!"

He immediately denied his idea of ​​pursuing Sato Mikako, Takagi's nervous appearance made Fujimura Tachibana understand that he was just hiding his thoughts.At this time, the elevator stopped, and Takagi hurried out of the elevator.

"Fujimura Police, thank you very much!"

After speaking, Takagi ran away in a hurry, while Fujimura Tachibana continued to take the elevator up, and soon reached the floor where the Hakuba Police Director was located, and she found that many of the office lights were still on. At this time It’s already time to get off work. It seems that the arrival of the Olympic Games has put a lot of pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, there are so many Olympic delegations and tourists from all over the world. If there is any mistake in security, then as the Metropolitan Police Department’s The highest officer, the White Horse Police Director will be a sinner.

"Mei, the Chief Superintendent is waiting for you."

Immediately after Fujimura Tachibana walked out of the elevator, someone said to Fujimura Tachibana.


So he walked quickly to the office of the Superintendent of Police, and Fujimura Tachibana opened the door.

"Director of Metropolitan Police, I'm back, any instructions!"

Salute to the Superintendent of the Police. The Superintendent of the White Horse Police, who was checking the report, raised his head, looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a pleasant expression, and then spoke.

"First of all, I have good news, Fujimura, prepare for the exam tomorrow. After passing the exam, you will be officially promoted to the police. In addition, your acting section chief will also cancel the word acting."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he told Fujimura Tachibana to take the test for the promotion of the police to the police. This is good news, but it also means that there will be bad news to tell Fujimura Tachibana.

"Yes, then is there any task?"

"Of course, this is the security mission of the Olympic Games!"

After speaking, the Chief Police Officer of the White Horse placed a document in front of Fujimura Tachibana with the words Confidential written on it.

Chapter 307: New position and press conference

The security task of the Olympic Games is not a simple task. From the beginning of the Olympic bid, the whole of Japan is preparing for the Olympics. From the eve of the Olympics to the end of the Olympics, one of the most important tasks of the Metropolitan Police Department during this period is to ensure that the delegations For the safety of tourists and the maintenance of public order throughout Tokyo, the Metropolitan Police Department not only has to go all out, but even the police headquarters in other areas have squeezed their hands into the Tokyo Support Metropolitan Police Department.

Just a while ago, the parasitic beasts and canyon incidents greatly deteriorated the public order in Tokyo, and the outside world had huge doubts about the public order in Tokyo.If these incidents are not resolved in the end, the Japanese police will be doubted by the Japanese government, and there will be huge doubts about whether the Olympic Games can be held.So after Fujimura Tachibana resolved these two things, she would receive huge awards.

After opening the file in his hand, Fujimura Tachibana began to check the file in his hand. This file is obviously part of the security mission of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Olympic Games, because the content involved is only within the scope of the nine public security classes, which will be held during the Olympic Games. Responsible for the prevention of paranormal crimes in Tokyo, and other security programs of the Metropolitan Police Department are not included in this document.

After a quick glance at this document, in addition to preventing supernatural crimes, the Nine Public Security Department also needs to do a good job in the paranormal security tasks for visiting delegations and officials from various countries. Of course, the Nine Public Security Department is not responsible for the most core security tasks. It is the responsibility of each country's personnel. The Nine Public Security Department only needs to deal with the security of the periphery.After understanding his task, Fujimura Tachibana put down the file. This task is not simple. If it is not handled well, it may cause chaos and even diplomatic disputes.

"I understand."

"Well, this task is very important. The Cabinet attaches great importance to your ability and believes you can do it well! Police Fujimura, do you have any plans?"

Encouragingly said to Fujimura Tachibana, the White Horse Police Director asked again, as if he wanted to hear Fujimura Tachibana's plan.

"Attack early to suppress the signs."

Directly speaking, the main reason why the task is not simple this time is that there is a certain degree of uncertainty.Supernatural crime is a very general term. Simple supernatural crime may be a crime in which some people use super powers to lift passing women's skirts and become morons. This kind of crime can easily capture the suspect with only two people.And some serious crimes, such as the Holy Grail War, are very difficult to deal with. Even the mobile team is not the opponent of the heroic spirit.

However, vicious supernatural crimes such as the Holy Grail War and the Lion God Hao incident are extremely sudden. No one knows where and who will trigger some uncontrollable supernatural crimes. This cannot be prevented at all, so this is the entire security. The biggest difficulty of the task.

Recalling the number of supernatural crimes counted in the past, although the number of vicious cases is not large, there will be no vicious cases even once a year, because most of the cases are very simple cases.However, it should be noted that quite a number of vicious cases occurred after Fujimura Tachibana became a police officer. In just a few months, there were several vicious cases such as parasitic beasts, ghouls, and lion gods, which seemed to be in the dark. Someone is targeting Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana can’t believe the statistics. The sixth sense tells Fujimura Tachibana that a major event may happen in the Olympics this time.

Since it is difficult to prevent malignant cases, we simply attacked in advance to eliminate the signs of crime as much as possible and minimize the possibility of developing malignant cases.Telling the Superintendent of Police about his plan, Fujimura Tachibana plans to conduct a major investigation in Tokyo to control all possible crises.

"Well, if necessary, the Metropolitan Police Department’s mobile team can cooperate with your actions, but you must be careful not to cause chaos. This is a very critical period. No news of Tokyo's public security is allowed to be spread. It must be done in secret."

"Don't worry, Superintendent of Police, the 9th Public Security Department has been in secret since its establishment. I will pay attention."

Appearing to be satisfied with Fujimura Tachibana’s answer, the Baima Police Officer pulled out another document from the drawer, and then took out another document and gave it to Fujimura Tachibana. This is another appointment and dismissal document.

"From now on, you will assume the post of Deputy Commissioner of the Shinjuku Police Station. You will not be responsible for any specific affairs of the police station. This is your public identity during the Olympics and it is also convenient for you to perform tasks. After the Olympics, this appointment and removal will be automatic. cancel."

The appointment and dismissal documents were handed over to Fujimura Tachibana, who immediately saluted and accepted it.Shinjuku is the main venue of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Tokyo New National Stadium. It not only hosts most of the Olympic Games but also one of the most concentrated places for athletes and tourists. Naturally, the security task here is the top priority.

Although the police rank of the deputy director of the Shinjuku Police Station is only the police officer, the director's job is the police officer.But Fujimura Tachibana understands that this is only a temporary method, and the position of deputy director is just a convenient identity for him.

"Then, Police Fujimura, I am sorry to call you back from the UK. You are tired along the way. Go back and rest first. Tomorrow, remember to take the promotion test for the Police. I believe this will not be difficult for you. The day after tomorrow the Metropolitan Police Department will hold a press conference on the security of the Olympics. Remember to come and attend."

"Press conference?"

I originally thought that this was the end of my business, but the White Horse Police Director added at the end.This made Fujimura stunned, after all, she is not a person who likes to expose herself.From small to large, although Fujimura Tachibana was as low-key as possible, as a genius girl, especially at the age of 18, she completed her studies at the University of Tokyo and entered the Metropolitan Police Department. The Metropolitan Police Department has publicly reported on Fujimura Tachibana. Rarely appeared in front of the media.In particular, after conducting a supernatural crime investigation, Fujimura Tachibana became even more low-key.

So when he suddenly heard that he was going to attend the press conference, Fujimura Tachibana's cold face showed a trace of surprise, why did he want to appear by himself?

"As the rising star of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, you are our pride! Police Officer Fujimura, go back and rest."

Superintendent White Horse Police said with a smiled expression, and signaled that Fujimura Tachibana could leave. She had to bury her doubts in her heart, so after bidding farewell to the Police Director, Fujimura Tachibana left his office.

"Press conference..."

Author's message:

The third thing...this month originally planned to update 150,000 words, but...there were too many things, it collapsed, and I couldn't write.About 120,000 words were written.The addition is probably less than 10,000 words...

Ask for a day off, make up tomorrow

Uh... Addicted to games... Escape at the speed of light!

Make up the number of words make up the number Make up the number of words

Chapter 308: The Shocking Police Officer Fujimura (first more)

The promotion of the Japanese police attaches great importance to qualifications, academic qualifications and civil service examination results. For example, the professional group that passes the national first-class civil service examination is promoted faster than the non-professional group and the semi-professional group, and the University of Tokyo is promoted faster than other universities and has longer working hours. Of police officers are given priority for promotion than those with shorter working hours.At the same time, promotion has nothing to do with whether the case can be solved and whether it can perform meritorious service, because these are not considered as promotion categories at all. Promotion only considers the qualifications, education and civil service examination results mentioned before.

In the professional group, as the elite of the elite, 90% of the people are sitting in the office of the police station, and will not appear at the front line of the case.Since Fujimura Tachibana entered the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, apart from her running around in the front line, she has only seen Rensaburo Shiratori, who is also the police department searching for the first division, appeared at the scene of the crime. Other professional team members will only command or In writing work, it can be said that the two are actually different from the professional group.

And the top part of the Japanese police, that is, the two police ranks of Superintendent Superintendent and Superintendent are mostly members of the professional team graduated from the University of Tokyo. It is almost impossible for others to climb to this point. This is also Fujimura Tachibana’s original One of the goals.

According to the normal promotion process, Fujimura Tachibana was promoted to the police department at the age of 19, and to the police department before the age of 22. After that, the police department and higher positions are the time to compete for education, family background and seniority. Fujimura Tachibana is not worried about this at all. a little.As a member of the professional group who graduated from the University of Tokyo, his family is the top richest man in Japan, Fujimura Tachibana is cheating at all.

But in reality, the promotion rate of Police Officer Fujimura is even more cheating than cheating! Police officers at and above the police station accounted for 0.5% of the total number of Japanese police officers. This level is equivalent to the second or third level police inspector of the celestial dynasty, which is equivalent to the chief of the municipal public security bureau. In terms of age, professional group members can be promoted to this level around the age of 35, while non-professional group members can only be promoted after the age of 55. Therefore, the successful promotion of Police Officer Fujimura at the age of 18 is beyond anyone's imagination. Even the daughter of the commander of the US Pacific Command, known as the Emperor of Japan, could not have such a speed of promotion!

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