Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 259

Hearing only a roar from Black Saber, the video that was being connected was interrupted. Fujimura Tachibana wanted to explain, but at this time, the more important thing was that he was gone!


Immediately whispered to Loli, Loli behind her also cooperated, and quickly released her hand, but this hand deliberately moved along the position of Fujimura Tachibana’s clavicle, stroking her clavicle, shoulder, back, The position of the waist and buttocks left Fujimura Tachibana's body, and finally covered her mouth to block her smile. Loli did all this deliberately.

He immediately wrapped the bath towel on his body, and then turned to look at Lori with an unhappy expression.

"How did you get in."

This room is Fujimura Tachibana’s private room. The door is locked. How did she get in?

"Come in from the window!"

Loli stretched her finger to the side window. It turned out that although Fujimura Tachibana closed the door but did not close the window to let the wind out, Loli jumped up directly from downstairs and then climbed into Fujimura Tachibana’s room, in order not to cause Fujimura Tachibana’s room. Attention, her axe and gun were all thrown on the ground on the first floor.

As if she had succeeded in making trouble, Loli covered her mouth and laughed, and also deliberately put on some seductive poses.

"I already have someone I like, you don't need to do this, I won't be attracted to you."

Although the task of the system is to let himself abduct an envoy, it didn't say that it was abducted by sex, and the envoy was more than Loli, so Fujimura Tachibana would not be attracted by Loli's behavior!And Fujimura Tachibana spoke at this time.

"Lolita, just be my lover, went to Japan after that time, I suggest you hide, otherwise you will be ...... beat up meal."

"Oh? Then I am looking forward to it."

She didn't seem to care about the threat of Fujimura Tachibana, Lori looked at Fujimura Tachibana and said, "Actually, I feel that you are more suitable for mastering the priesthood of love than I am."

As if seeing through Fujimura Tachibana is an amorous girl, Loli then smiled and left Fujimura Tachibana’s room, but when she left she added: "Remember to wear clothes~"

Chapter 426: Fleeing from Domestic Violence Fujimura Tachibana

Although I felt like I was in danger of capsize, I could delay a day if I could return to Japan one day later, so after running off the black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana took over a task the next day, which was to go to a town near the base. .

In previous battles with this world army, the Self-Defense Forces killed a large number of flying dragons, and these flying dragons were just randomly discarded in the wild without being dealt with.After Fujimura Tachibana came to the camp with two magicians, the two magicians said that the scales of these flying dragons are expensive materials and can be sold at a price not low.So the Self-Defense Forces arranged for manpower to collect the scales of the flying dragon, and arranged for Itami Yoji to take Relai to a nearby town called Italica to shoot the scales, hoping to obtain more valuable information.

In order to postpone the time to return to Japan, Fujimura Tachibana voluntarily said that she would also go, so she also joined Itami Yoji's team, and the addition of Fujimura Tachibana also caused two girls, Loli and Toka, to join the team, so Fujimura Tachibana again She looked at Lolita sitting on her lap with a helpless expression, while Du Jia sat behind and looked at the two with a jealous expression, her expression looked very resentful.

"Father, you are too close to the priest!"

Almost endured all the way, when approaching Italica, Du Jia finally spoke, with a deep resentment in his tone.When Du Jia spoke, Itami Yoji, who drove aside, sighed and looked out the window. Why do girls from another world like Fujimura Tachibana?In the dark, he felt as if he had lost something, and he had lost a lot.

"As the priest of Lord Gomorrah, I just do what I want."

With a natural expression, Lori even turned her head to look at Du Jia provocatively, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.Relai, who was reading a book on machinery, seemed to feel the atmosphere of change. She raised her head to look at Du Jia and Loli, and then lowered her head to read the book. She from the magical world seemed to feel Fascinated.

"We got to the place, we should get off."

Just as the atmosphere became more and more tense, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly spoke, and looked at the distant city, which is a town with tall walls, and...

"Have experienced battle before."

Fujimura Tachibana saw traces of burning remaining around the city wall, and some blood stains slightly, and then recalled that when he came along, he could see broken armor and corpses on the side of the road from time to time. This place should have been attacked. Who is the only attacker?Robber?

After hearing Fujimura Tachibana's words, Itami Yoji immediately understood the meaning of Fujimura Tachibana's words, that is, the town that was just attacked was in a state of tension and distrust, and a group of people might be stopped outside the city gate.

"Ms. Fujimura, do you need Miss Loli to go out?"

Loli is the priest of the god Gomorrah, and the priest has a transcendent position on this continent, and even appears frequently in national ceremonies, with a high reputation.If Loli comes forward, then gaining the trust of people in the town shouldn't be a problem.It was also at this time that a voice came from the city wall, questioning if they were robbers, and said if they weren't robbers, why not get out of the car!

"It looks like this can only be done."

When Lori finished speaking, she opened the door and got off the off-road vehicle. Fujimura Tachibana immediately got out of the car when she saw it, and the two walked towards the gate.It can be seen that there are soldiers on the city wall. These soldiers initially watched a few off-road vehicles appear nervously, but after Loli got off the car, these people relaxed a little. After all, the priests could not become bandits.

Seeing the people on the wall put away their bows and arrows, Fujimura Tachibana relaxed a little, so they walked to the wall with Loli. There was a small door under the wall. Fujimura Tachibana had discovered through the sixth sense that there were several people behind the door. , Seems to be hesitating to open the dull.At this time, Yoji Itami in the back was telling the purpose of the group, probably because of Itami Yoji, or perhaps Loli’s identity. Soon Fujimura Tachibana saw that the city gate in front of him was suddenly opened. A red-haired female knight Appeared and shouted enthusiastically: "Thanks for coming from afar!"

It can be seen that the female knight in front of her is a little nervous. Although she tries to cover up her nervousness as much as possible, it can still be seen that she is actually very nervous.

Fujimura Tachibana suddenly became curious about the person in front of him, because the breath of the person in front of him seemed to be not an ordinary knight, but... the royal family?There will be people from the royal family?This is a coincidence too!And this seems to be so embarrassing, because the Self-Defense Force has just wiped out the main force of this country. What is the attitude of the other side?So Fujimura Tachibana slightly changed the position of Demon Sword Muramasa, and if there was an accident, she could immediately pull out the sword.But looking at this red-haired female knight looking a little dull, Fujimura Tachibana felt that she didn't seem to make any stupid decisions.

But what she said is too embarrassing, right?Neither did any self-introduction, nor did they continue to speak after speaking, neither Fujimura Tachibana nor Loli answered, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while.

"This is His Royal Highness Pina Go Landa, the third queen of the Empire! Don't be rude to Your Highness!"

At this time, another female knight probably said to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere, and she also carried a peculiar pride, in other words, it was the stench of nobility.

"Wang daughter?"

Fujimura Tachibana suddenly spoke at this time, with some kind of unkindness in his tone.

"Even the real king talks to me on an equal footing. Shouldn't the prince's daughter be even lower than me?"

After Fujimura Tachibana said these words, the loli on the side could not help but look at the same Fujimura Tachibana when she heard it. She thought of the black Saber she had seen before.But Lori just looked at it and didn't say anything. The female knight who just opened her mouth looked a little embarrassed. She didn't know if what Fujimura Tachibana said was true or false. She didn't know how she should answer, so she seemed to hesitate. For Ping Na's queen daughter broke the embarrassment at this time.

"Just call me Pinna, dear Saint McCully, and... what should you call it?"

Although Pingna is a queen, her attitude is surprisingly good. Some nervously asked Fujimura Tachibana’s name. She saw some cold Fujimura Tachibana and replied: "Fujimura Tachibana, you can also call me Miss Fujimura, or Special Commissioner Fujimura."

Chapter 427: Let's go for a ride opposite

"It's a bandit made up of the defeated coalition forces."

Standing on the city wall, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the camp in the distance, which looked a little messy. Before, the Self-Defense Forces had two large-scale battles with the armies of this world. The first was against the imperial army, and the second was against the imperial army. The armies of the principalities of various countries fought, and these bandits were the bandit groups formed after these coalition forces were defeated.

Although the bandit group composed of the rebellion is much stronger than the average bandit, after all, it lacks siege weapons. Under normal circumstances, these bandits are not a threat to Italica, a major commercial town, but there are always surprises.

The noble family to which Italica belonged originally had three daughters. After the eldest daughter and the second daughter were married, the minor daughter inherited the title and fief, so the eldest daughter and the second daughter disputed the title.After a part of the fief’s soldiers were killed in battle with the Self-Defense Forces, Itarica’s defense fell into the worst. Then the bandits surrounded the city. The youngest daughter asked her two sisters for help, but both sisters Refusal to send troops to support, so lacking the guardianship of soldiers, Italica was almost about to be attacked.Fortunately, Queen Pingna arrived here at this time, and she led her Knights of Guards to help defend the city, which prevented the city from falling.

But even so, the situation in Italica is also very bad. After all, the guards led by the princess are not many, and there are only a few hundred soldiers in the city, and the number of bandits outside the city is at least several thousand. It's not that the city walls are still strong, this town might have been broken long ago.

After understanding this situation, Fujimura Tachibana asked Itami Yoji to prepare for battle, and Fujimura Tachibana went to the wall to observe the bandit camp in the distance, and Lori and Heina were next to her.

"The number is about 3,000. There are no heavy siege weapons, and no things like heavy crossbows. They are mainly composed of infantry, with archers and loli. Is this a threat to you?"

Fujimura Tachibana put down the telescope and said, feeling the other person's situation, Fujimura Tachibana had an idea, so she said to Loli on the side, Loli put the axe gun in her hand against her shoulder.Although as a divine envoy, Lori didn't participate in the struggle between humans very much, but she didn't mind killing evil humans.After hearing what Fujimura Tachibana said, she seemed to understand something, so she smiled and said, "There is no threat."


Fujimura Tachibana spoke and took out a communicator, and then spoke:

"Itami Yoji, prepare a car for me."

"Miss Fujimura, do you have any instructions? What do you want the car to do? The cars are in their original places."

After putting down the communicator, Fujimura Tachibana turned her head and said to Loli.

"Want to go for a drive?"

"Then, please lead the way, Miss Fujimura."

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