Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 260

Lori stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and said with a seductive appearance. Ping Na was surprised by the conversation between the two, and she didn't understand what they meant.

"Second Saint McCully, Miss Fujimura, what are you going to do?"

Ping Na looked at the two of them suspiciously as they jumped directly off the wall, so she ran off the wall in a hurry. She saw Fujimura Tachibana and Lori getting in the car.Not only Pina was puzzled, but Yoji Itami was also surprised what they were going to do.

"Miss Fujimura, is it dangerous outside?"

Itami Yoji touched his head. He hadn't figured out what would happen next, but Fujimura Tachibana, who was already in the driving seat, said to Itami Yoji, "Drive."

With that, Fujimura Tachibana said to Pina on the side:

"Open the city gate."

"The gates are wide open..."

Ping Na just wanted to say that this is not too dangerous, but suddenly thinking of something, Ping Na said excitedly: "Are you going out of the city to fight the bandits!"

Ping Na said in disbelief, because Fujimura Tachibana only had two people, and they were facing thousands of bandits. They were all suicidal acts. Ping Na was about to organize, but Lolita also said at this time: "Open the door."

Looking at the smiling Lori, Ping Na hesitated, and finally ordered her men to open the city gate. Suddenly, Ping Na opened the door and got into the car as Lori did before.

"I also need to go!"

I don’t know where the courage came from, or why I did it. Pinna got into the car on impulse. This shocked the knights around her. Before they could stop Pinna’s behavior, Fujimura Tachibana Having stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle rushed out like an arrow from the string.

"Eh! Captain, are they going to fight!"

Kuribayashi Shino said in disbelief, and immediately yelled at Itami Yoji, who froze for a while, and then also yelled in disbelief: "What! Are they going to fight! Aren't they going for a ride!"

It’s only now that I suddenly reacted. Itami Yoji's appearance is really shameful, and at this time Fujimura Tachibana has drove hundreds of meters away. At this time, Itami Yoji hurriedly yelled: "Kuribayashi, call everyone right now. Go up!"

Although it feels that a team of only a dozen people is too dangerous for a band of more than 3,000 people, Fujimura Tachibana has gone up, and Itami cannot let Fujimura Tachibana fall into danger like this.And thinking of the appearance of Fujimura Tachibana before, the corpse of the Yanlong was still lying on the ground. Itami Yoji had confidence in Fujimura Tachibana.So he immediately ordered all the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces who had dispersed to assemble, and the Self-Defense Forces will also attack.

As for Pina's guards, they heard that Pina followed Fujimura Tachibana to attack the bandits, and these guards were immediately anxious.As the prince of the empire, Pinna could not fall into any danger, so her knights immediately began to gather for an attack, but it would take some time for them to gather. At this time, several vehicles of the Self-Defense Forces were full and people had already set off.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana was driving an off-road vehicle in the wild. Pinna who was sitting in the car was frightened by the speed of the off-road vehicle. He grasped the handle and watched the off-road vehicle came directly near the bandit camp. At this time, the off-road vehicle was already attracted. After the bandits noticed, a group of bandits appeared beside the off-road vehicle with weapons, and Fujimura Tachibana stopped the car.

"Lori, get ready to warm up."

Fujimura Tachibana said that he turned the Demon Sword Village right behind him, then entered the machine gun position and took the M2HB heavy machine gun down, aside; Loli had already got out of the car with the axe gun.

"You? Want to do this?"

Ping Na was a little confused. At this time, the gun went off, and Ping Na was frightened by the loud gunfire.

Chapter 428: I'm going to kill you

As a century-old gun, the M2 heavy machine gun is a mess, but Fujimura Tachibana doesn't care about the weight.For ordinary people, it is impossible to pick up, let alone shoot with a heavy machine gun, because the trigger of the M2HB heavy machine gun is not suitable for picking up and shooting.

But this is not a problem for Fujimura Tachibana. After dragging the gun body with his right hand and pressing the trigger with his left hand, Fujimura Tachibana assumed a strange posture.But despite the strange posture, M2HB still fired, and the bullet flew towards the bandit ahead.

When these bandits first saw the three girls of Fujimura Tachibana, they were very happy at first, because women are playthings to them. They did not expect that there would be a woman to send them to the door. These people planned to catch Fujimura Tachibana and do some strange things. Strange things, but Fujimura Tachibana’s bullets greeted them.

Turning sideways to shoot at these bandits, Fujimura Tachibana regretted why he didn't put the gun on the gun stand to shoot. This posture is really weird.But he had to finish pretending to be tearful. Fujimura Tachibana blankly continued to shoot at the bandits in front of him in a strange posture, and the bullets swept the dozens of bandits.

These bandits who just turned lewd. Smiling and lusting for Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt their body cold, and then these bandits felt their bodies fall down because the bullet interrupted their bodies.

A bullet from a heavy machine gun can interrupt a person’s hands and feet, and a few bullets can interrupt a person at the waist. These bandits were swept by the bullet without reacting at all. A large number of stumps and broken arms were scattered around. The picture was a bit gory, and Ping Na was shocked.

Before that, Pinna had learned that the elite of the empire was defeated and wiped out by the Self-Defense Forces, but she didn’t know what weapons the Self-Defense Forces used. She thought that she could defeat the Self-Defense Forces as long as she thought of a way. Pinna did not want to steal this time. The idea of ​​intelligence.As a result, watching the heavy machine gun in Fujimura Tachibana’s hand kept on fire, dozens of bandits in front of her were killed without any resistance, Pina was stunned. What kind of attack was this?

Although these bandits were bandits, they were also soldiers from various countries before, all wearing armors, but these armors were useless in front of bullets.As Fujimura Tachibana finished shooting the bullet from the machine gun, Fujimura Tachibana threw the heavy machine gun to the ground, looking like he would not recognize the person when he finished.

"Lori, let's go!"

At this time, the Demon Sword Village behind was pulled out. Fujimura Tachibana had seen more and more bandits approaching here, so she said to Loli on the side, but after she heard Fujimura Tachibana’s words Instead of going up to fight, she jumped on Fujimura Tachibana and licked Fujimura Tachibana's neck, and Lori fell into a certain state of estrus.


There was a weird laughter. After Lori flicked Fujimura Tachibana, she rushed up with her axe and gun. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the same Pina on the side blankly, which Lori did just now. Ping Na said he saw everything.

"I didn't see anything!"

Immediately shouted like this, Ping Na has a possibility that if she speaks nonsense, she might be silenced.So looking at Fujimura Tachibana nervously, Fujimura Tachibana said to her lightly: "Take care of yourself."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana pulled out the Demon Sword Village Masaru, and then rushed up with Loli's pace. The two attacked the numerous bandits in front of them, and the bandits were already prepared.

"It's McCurley! End up!"

Lori has been active on this continent for nearly a thousand years, so her information is well known by many people.Knowing that Lori is very powerful and has a heavy axe and gun, it is impossible to fight against Lori. So these bandits of soldier origin immediately took out heavy shields and spears and began to form a formation. They were already ready.


Lolly laughed like a queen. Lori saw her presence in front of a group of shields and spears. She didn't pause at all. Instead, she waved the axe and spear from a distance, and then she didn't hesitate. He smashed his axe gun into the shield wall from one side, and then an amazing picture appeared.

As if being crushed by a giant beast, wherever Loli's axe and gun went, the shields shattered one after another, and the people behind the shield were also knocked aside by huge power. With just one blow, Loli would The shield formed by a dozen people was completely defeated.Then Loli, who entered the crowd, easily killed the person who attacked her. No one was Loli’s opponent, and Fujimura Tachibana’s battle was not bad at all.

After Fujimura Tachibana rotated 360 degrees in place, the soldiers who originally surrounded Fujimura Tachibana saw their heads separated from their necks in horror, and then a corpse fell one after another. Fujimura Tachibana continued without pause. Kill the bandits who are attacking you.

Compared with Loli's violent battle mode, Fujimura Tachibana is more similar to a massacre.The Demon Knife in his hand was able to easily cut through the armor and flesh. The bandit approaching Fujimura Tachibana saw a flash of cold light, and then was cut into two pieces by Fujimura Tachibana.Some people lost their heads, some people had their waists cut open, and some people were severed from top to bottom. Every blow of Fujimura Tachibana can kill a person. The scene is more bloody than Lori’s battle. That's too much, at least there won't be a lot of blood on Loli.

Probably discovered that Fujimura Tachibana was not an ordinary person, and immediately some bandits formed a shield formation and approached Fujimura Tachibana. After Fujimura Tachibana cut a person diagonally into two pieces, he saw the approaching shield formation and looked at the shield formation. With spears sticking out, she walked towards the shield formation step by step with expressionless expression, which put great pressure on these bandits.


Watching Fujimura Tachibana keep approaching, the commander in charge shouted loudly, so spears were pierced at Fujimura Tachibana, but her figure disappeared in the next second, and Fujimura Tachibana jumped to a high place and then fell down. , Fell directly on the spears.With a long spear and glared forward, these bandits were taken down by great power. The original complete formation was immediately messed up, and Fujimura Tachibana entered the formation, followed by a massacre.

Without even needing a katana, Fujimura Tachibana threw these dozen soldiers around like sandbags with bare hands. Every time he knocked down a large number of people, Fujimura Tachibana quickly knocked down a large number of people. At this time a voice came over.

"Wind, destroy the enemy in front of you!"

A magician who belonged to a bandit appeared and was also a female magician.

Chapter 429: One Shot Eight Hundred Miles Away

There is magic in this world, but the level of magic is not high. If you want to describe it, the development level of magic in the world of Fujimura Tachibana is the 21st century earth, then the level of development of magic in this world is probably the era when gunpowder was just invented, but it was It is really weird to have spaceships like gods.

However, the weirdness belongs to the weirdness. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana immediately felt the airflow around him changed when he faced the attack of the enemy magician.

A gust of wind came suddenly, and...

Fujimura Tachibana avoided her body, an invisible wind blade flew over her side, and then a gully appeared on the ground behind her. If the wind blade stabbed the human body, the human body would It was cut directly into two pieces.


The magician who attacked Fujimura Tachibana exclaimed in surprise. He didn't expect the invisible wind blade to be hidden away. How could this be possible?Then the magician saw Fujimura Tachibana shifting her gaze to look at her, she immediately took a step back, and a few soldiers with shields beside her immediately protected her, but Fujimura Tachibana arrived in the next second.


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