Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 282

Hearing Fujimura Tachibana’s sophistry, Ma Tongsakura did not expose it, but showed a smile, and then put her whole body on Fujimura Tachibana’s body: "Sister Tachibana, no matter how many women you have outside, you are all these days. mine!"

She said with an expression of eating Fujimura Tachibana. Although Ma Tong Sakura’s tone is very gentle, but Fujimura Tachibana can vaguely feel a blackening aura on her body. Ma Tong Sakura is not like her on the surface. She is a simple gentle girl!She was black when cut!So just after Ma Tongying finished speaking, her hand went deep into Fujimura Tachibana's clothes. The two were clearly still by the lake. Although there are usually few people here, it doesn't mean that there is no one!Especially in the lake, there is a Loch Ness monster named Nissi, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately wanted to stop Ma Tong Sakura's movements.

"Don't be here, you will be found here!"

"Then let's go to the Forbidden Forest, there is usually no one in the Forbidden Forest!"

Speaking of directly pulling her hand back, Ma Tongying’s mouth turned up, seeming to have achieved some goal, so she was delighted to take Fujimura Tachibana’s hand and she was about to take her to the forbidden forest. Fujimura Tachibana felt like she had fallen into In the routine of Tongying.However, Fujimura Tachibana didn’t hate this kind of behavior, and he was not only doing some disharmonious things with a girl in the field. Fujimura Tachibana let Makiri Sakura pull herself to the forbidden forest, but they turned around. In an instant, a roar came from behind, and Fujimura Tachibana felt the howling of the wind as if approaching him quickly.

Chapter 467: The Devil

Before the roar appeared, Fujimura Tachibana did not notice any abnormalities. Everything seemed to be normal around him. In addition to being with Makiri Sakura, Fujimura Tachibana relaxed his vigilance, so after feeling a whistling noise behind him, Fujimura Tachibana only It could have been instinctive to push Makura Sakura to the side and pushed her down to a safe place, and then Fujimura Tachibana felt a pain in her shoulder, and in the next second she was knocked into the air by a huge force.


His body slammed heavily on the ground, and Fujimura Tachibana's body hit marks were immediately left on the ground.

"It's Nissi!"

Before he could care about his injured shoulder, Fujimura Tachibana immediately recognized that the attacker was Nissi, a plesiosaur living in Loch Ness, but was different from the Nissi she had seen before. At this time, Nissi’s eyes were red. The surface of the body was constantly squirming, and things similar to tentacles were constantly squirming on its body. Just now, one more tentacle attacked Fujimura Tachibana.Fujimura Tachibana watched its body undergoing terrifying mutations, this is T virus!

The reason for Nissi’s body changes was recognized almost immediately. The unique breath of T virus can be recognized at a glance, but the virus on its body seems to be not only T virus, it seems to be a T virus. A more powerful virus made for prototypes.


Just when Fujimura Tachibana stood up reluctantly, Nissi's red eyes looked at Fujimura Tachibana and said, these words let Fujimura Tachibana immediately understand that Nissi had not lost his reason.

Although Nissi was infected by the T virus at this time, it was not completely controlled by the T virus and turned into a monster. Instead, it was competing with the T virus for control of the body. Therefore, there will be a scene of the confrontation between Nissi and the T virus. .

"Armor bodyguard!"

At this moment, Makiri Sakura, who was pushed to the ground by Fujimura Tachibana, came back to her senses. She hurriedly took out her wand and placed a protective spell on Fujimura Tachibana. Makiri Sakura also discovered that she was mutating. Nissi in China.

"Leave here, go to the castle, and call for support!"

Seeing Ma Tong Sakura holding a magic wand seemed to be trying to help herself, Fujimura Tachibana immediately stretched out his hand to stop Ma Tong Sakura's actions.

"Call Saber, and Mordred! They are all at Hogwarts! I'll hold it, fast!"

Feeling the breath of Nissi's body is constantly rising, Fujimura Tachibana instinctively felt the danger, so she immediately shouted to Ma Tong Ying. After gritting her teeth, Ma Tong Ying knew that she could not delay time, so she immediately turned to Hogg. Watts’ castle ran away, leaving Nissi and Fujimura Tachibana here.

"Control yourself and don't be defeated by the virus!"

Shouted to Nissi in front of him, the mutation on its body was even more terrifying at this time. There were always huge eyes on the slender neck, dozens of tentacles appeared on the back, and its fins became sharper. The blade of Nissi seems to be completely eroded by the T virus.When Fujimura Tachibana shouted to it, Nissi immediately turned his head and noticed Fujimura Tachibana. The 50-meter-long body was a giant in front of Fujimura Tachibana. Nissi opened his mouth, and there was still a trace in his sharp teeth. The red flesh, the next second, its big mouth rushed to Fujimura Tachibana.


Almost instantly, Nissi’s mouth swallowed the place where Fujimura Tachibana was just standing, but apart from eating a pile of soil, he didn’t feel the trace of Fujimura Tachibana, but immediately he felt something on his neck. Things climbed up, this is Fujimura Tachibana standing on Nissi's slender neck.

"T virus is terrible!"

Just when Nissi attacked him, Fujimura Tachibana jumped up and landed on Nissi’s neck. As soon as it fell, she saw the huge eyes growing on Nissi’s neck and looked at herself. The next second it was back. The upper tentacles attacked Fujimura Tachibana.


Although he was just standing on the slender neck of the plesi-necked dragon, Fujimura Tachibana did not slip off. Instead, he stood steadily in the starting position of the Bajiquan, and then a set of Bajiquan moves constantly blocked. The tentacles that pierced her attacked, and every time the hand and the tentacles collided, there would be heavy noises, and with every impact, red blood and broken flesh and blood spilled around, this is the tentacles broken.

At this time, the wound on Fujimura Tachibana’s shoulder has healed. After signing a contract with Loli, Fujimura Tachibana obtained half of Loli’s power of immortality, so the wound healed very quickly, just tens of seconds, Fujimura Tachibana no longer felt the pain in her shoulder, so she could stop Nissi's attack with her bare hands.

"hurry up!"

At this moment, Nissi's consciousness seemed to have the upper hand slightly, and he warned Fujimura Tachibana to shout, but Fujimura Tachibana did not leave.

"Hold on, someone will come over soon, there are drugs that can suppress this virus!"

She encouraged Nissi, but just after her encouragement, she felt the air in all directions suddenly solidified, and Fujimura Tachibana’s movements became sluggish, as if the surrounding was no longer air but thick syrup. Fujimura Tachibana felt difficult to breathe.

"Do you think about power!"

I immediately understood what was going on. Although it would not be why Nissi had the power of mind, but was attacked by the power of mind, Fujimura Tachibana was surrounded by the air of mind power imprisoned like a mouse falling into a trap, Fujimura Tachibana. Confined in a narrow range, and the air is constantly becoming hard, Fujimura Tachibana felt that she seemed to be sealed, but she did not give up.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A fist hit the edge of the air prison. Every impact would make the prison sway fiercely, but the prison was not broken. Instead, Fujimura Tachibana’s white hands became scarred, although the wound healed immediately. , But the blood stains remained, and it looked a little scary.

"Damn it!"

Feeling almost suffocated, Fujimura Tachibana could feel tremendous pressure coming from all directions, Fujimura Tachibana was already a little unable to control her body, and at this time she had left Nissi’s neck under Nissi’s control. Instead, it fell on the ground, and Nissi opened his mouth wide.


Although Nissi was very painful when he said such words, the T virus was constantly eroding its brain, so it was unable to control its own body. Nissi's mouth quickly bit towards the imprisoned Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana looked. With this big mouth getting closer and closer to him, more and more, as he was about to swallow him up, Fujimura Tachibana felt the breath of death coming, but the next second, a blue figure appeared.

Chapter 468: Taking up the "sword of pitting oneself"

I saw that the blue figure that suddenly appeared was Saber. Saber kicked the plesiosaur’s neck and twisted the head of the plesiosaur. The big mouth of Tachibana Fujimura was naturally lost and hit the side. After being on the ground, Fujimura Tachibana was immediately embraced by Saber and jumped off the spot.

"You are too slow! Huh? What are you eating?"

Although it seemed to say to Saber indifferently, Fujimura Tachibana was relieved in his heart. He was almost bitten by a plesiosaur, which was too dangerous.But when Fujimura Tachibana was talking to Saber, she noticed that Saber seemed to have swallowed something, and there was still a little white cream residue at the corner of her mouth. She was eating just now?

"I was in the kitchen just, I was supplementing my strength just now! Only with sufficient strength can I fight better!"

Saber immediately said seriously, not wanting to admit that he was eating just now, and then put down Fujimura Tachibana. Saber seemed to want to explain a few words, but at this time Mordred also appeared, and he also took Fujimura Tachibana’s shield. Brought it over.

"Father, your shield!"

Fujimura Tachibana took over Mordred's shield, and she found that there were traces of cream on the corners of Mo's mouth. Did the mother and daughter just hide in the kitchen and steal food?But it's no wonder that Saber didn't show up when Fujimura Tachibana and Makiri Sakura had a rendezvous. It was very likely that he was stealing food in the kitchen and forgot the commission that Saber gave her.

"What's going on! Miss Fujimura!"

However, this is not the time to study what the mother and daughter are doing. Saber has noticed the zombie plesiosaur and asked, at this time the eyes of the plesiosaur have all turned red, the big eyes on the neck Staring wide, the tentacles on the back waved randomly, and the sharp-edged limbs looked even more dangerous and terrifying, but Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense felt that it was not completely zombie, and it could still feel that it was still struggling. , It’s just that the confrontation with the T virus left him at a disadvantage. I don’t know who the ultimate winner will be. Fujimura Tachibana doesn’t really want to hurt the plesiosaur.

"T virus, I don't know how to infect Nissi, subdue it, don't hurt it as much as possible!"

To Saber and Xiao Mo, Fujimura Tachibana tightened the arm in the shield, but her empty right hand made her a little uncomfortable. At this time, a red and white sword appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

"Father! Please use my sword!"

Mordred handed over his sword, the brilliantly brilliant King Sword to Fujimura Tachibana. Looking at this sword, Fujimura Tachibana immediately thought of Mordred's treasure. After liberation, you can release the treasure of "rebellion against my gorgeous father". According to the current situation, he is Xiao Mo's father, and he handed this sword to himself, that is, he picked up the pit. Own sword?

However, this thought only flashed for a moment, and then came the roar of the plesiosaur, accompanied by a powerful shock wave.

Probably it was the ability that the T virus brought to the plesiosaur, and it might also be the ability that this plesiosaur had lived for 65 million years. In short, this plesiosaur possessed the ability to think power and was very away from it.Under the impetus of its mind, a huge gully a few meters wide appeared on the ground. This gully was spreading rapidly towards the place where Fujimura Tachibana and others were located. Seeing this picture, Fujimura Tachibana instinctively knelt down. , The shield of the left hand blocked in front of him, and the shock wave arrived in the next second.


If you want to describe the power of mind power, if this mind power is attacking a destroyer, then this mind power is enough to twist a destroyer of several thousand tons into a twist.At this time, the plesiosaur was used on the ground, so it can be seen that the soil and rocks on the ground were entrapped and formed a huge shock wave that hit Fujimura Tachibana.

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