Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 283

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

I heard the sound of mud and rock hitting the shield almost uninterruptedly. Fujimura Tachibana’s arm could feel the huge impact from the shield, but she was not blown away. Instead, she knelt on the spot to resist the shock wave. The attack, as the shock wave disappeared more than ten seconds later, it can be seen that starting from the location of Fujimura Tachibana, a fan-shaped ground behind her was completely unaffected by the shock wave. As for other places, it has become a few meters deep. Gully, the magical shield in Fujimura Tachibana's hands is so capable!

"Father, your shield is really good!"

Mordred, who hid behind Fujimura Tachibana and still hugged Fujimura Tachibana's waist, said in a surprised tone. Originally, she just wanted to take Fujimura Tachibana away, but found out that the shield in Fujimura Tachibana possesses amazing defensive power, so He took the opportunity to wipe the oil and Fujimura Tachibana hid behind her.

"let it go!"

Expressionless, even a little coldly said to Mordred, Fujimura Tachibana stood up, holding a magical shield in his left hand and Mordred's "Pit Yourself Sword" in his right hand, Fujimura Tachibana looked into the distance Plesiosaur, and at this time Saber also jumped up from the gully on the side. She had just been driven into the ground by the shock wave, looking a little embarrassed!

"I'm going to go!"

Said to Saber on the side, Fujimura Tachibana slightly bent down and stared at the plesiosaur in the distance. She felt that the aura on the plesiosaur body seemed to have strengthened by three points again, and the thought power around its body could almost be seen with the naked eye. , Because the air around the body of the plesiosaur is distorted. If you get close to the plesiosaur, it is likely that you will be attacked by the thought force. It seems that this is not an easy battle, especially if you don’t kill it. Under subdued plesiosaur case.

"So, I'm on it too!"

Seeing that Fujimura Tachibana was ready to fight, Saber immediately shouted. As her voice fell, Fujimura Tachibana and Saber rushed to the distant plesiosaur almost at the same time, a battle between humans, heroic spirits and plesiosaurs. It started, and only then did a large number of people walk out of Hogwarts. These people not only include Hogwarts students and professors, but also delegations from various countries. They also saw the fighting plesiosaurs. Fujimura Tachibana and Saber, both of them are a little inexplicable at this time. What happened?But seeing the battle in the distance, although it is not clear what the reason is, the beautiful girl is absolutely right here. Everyone must step forward to support Fujimura Tachibana and others.

Chapter 469: Police Officer Fujimura Who Saves the Beauty

Although most of the people attending this meeting are senior supernatural institutions from various countries, supernatural institutions are completely different from ordinary institutions. That is, most senior supernatural institutions are not vases.

I saw that the boss of MIB Z had two extra pistols made by alien technology aimed at the plesiosaur. The Russian became a werewolf in an instant, and he did not know where he took out a handful of Gatling. The machine gun was also aimed at the plesiosaur in the distance.There was also an Egyptian mouth, and scarab beetles crawled out of his mouth, and immediately covered the surrounding ground...

Everyone always showed their magical powers and prepared to go forward and beat the plesiosaur, but the officials of the British Ministry of Magic hurriedly stopped everyone: "Everyone, Nissi is a very important member of our UK. Self-conscious, can you save it instead of killing it!"

The official of the Ministry of Magic looked very nervous and understood Nissi’s position in the UK. Although it was not that strong, it had a very good relationship with the British Ministry of Magic. He helped the British Ministry of Magic many times, so I don’t want it. Seeing that Nissi was killed, this Ministry official was fighting for his last chance.

"Infected by the T virus, it's hopeless!"

"There is no cure, give up!"

"It's too much trouble, let me call a nuclear bomb!"

All kinds of dangerous answers put a lot of pressure on the official of the Ministry of Magic. Just when he wanted to fight again, he suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, and everyone in front of him looked at him, or looked at him. Behind him, he immediately turned his head, and then a black shadow flashed past him, accompanied by the black shadow, there was also a fragrance of orange, this was Fujimura orange.

In between, Fujimura Tachibana squatted halfway on the ground, the sword in her right hand pierced into the ground, and her body was quickly retreating, her feet and the sword left a deep mark on the ground, Fujimura Tachibana accidentally She was knocked into the air by the plesiosaur, not only Fujimura Tachibana, Saber was also knocked into the air when Fujimura Tachibana just stood up, but the direction Saber was knocked into the air was the water surface, she adjusted her posture in the air and stepped directly on it. On the surface of the water, this picture made everyone exclaimed, but he did not expect Saber to walk on the surface.

Because there is still a plan to subdue the plesiosaur instead of killing it, the battle between Fujimura Tachibana and Saber is a little constrained. The two dare not attack the vitals of the plesiosaur at will, but the plesiosaur can do its best. Counterattack the two, and then there is a picture of the two being knocked off one after another.But this does not mean that the plesiosaur has completely gained the upper hand. At this time, all the tentacles on the back of the plesiosaur have been interrupted, the sharpened limbs are also scarred, and red blood flows from the wound of the plesiosaur. , But you can also see the plesiosaur’s wound constantly squirming, and granular buds emerging from the wound. It looks very strange and terrible, and the plesiosaur also noticed the group of people present, and it opened its mouth. , Roared at the people present, but the next moment it was surrounded by people: "Control Nissi and don't let him hurt people."

I saw Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were the heads (there was an error, and Hermione never changed her name, so she didn’t use Weasley’s last name). Next to Hermione was a group of Ministry of Magic Auror and Hogwarts professors, everyone is a powerful wizard. These wizards used spells to come directly to the plesiosaur's side from other places, and immediately pointed their wands at Nissi. .

"Impedimenta is full of obstacles!"

"Stupefy fainted!"

"Relashio let go!"

These wizards immediately used various non-lethal spells to attack Nissi, so those present saw various light beams hitting the plesiosaur. The plesiosaur, which was still in a rage, was immediately under the attack of various spells. It was suppressed, and the roar became smaller and smaller, it seemed that he was about to be controlled by these wizards, but Fujimura Tachibana understood that things were not so simple.

"Be careful yourself!"

Said to the representatives of various countries beside her, Fujimura Tachibana slightly bent her knees. At this time, she had seen that the plesi-necked dragon had been wrapped around it by the power of thought, and the spell was formed by the power of thought before it hit its body. The shield was blocked, so the plesiosaur was almost unharmed. The reason why it seemed to be defeated was what it pretended, and it was waiting for an opportunity to fight back!

After speaking to the person next to him, Fujimura Tachibana's body leaped in the direction of the plesiosaur like a cannonball, and at this moment, the plesiosaur's counterattack came.

I saw that with the plesiosaur as the center, a thought force spread to the surroundings, and spread very quickly, so that the surrounding wizards were a little caught off guard, and the first to bear the brunt was Hermione at the front.

Before coming to Hogwarts, Hermione had been running around looking for T virus and had consumed a lot of energy, but after hearing that Nissi had been infected by T virus, she had no time to rest and immediately came to want Uniform Nissi.After the burst of chanting power, she had found something wrong, and immediately wanted to impose an "iron armor curse" on herself, but because she was too close and also because she was too tired, Hermione's speed in her hand was a little slow, and the chanting power rolled The shock was about to hit her, but a burst of orange fragrance passed over.


With the shield in front of him, Fujimura Tachibana blocked the shock wave of Nian Motive to protect Hermione behind him, and then immediately jumped up against the shock wave without any hesitation. Fujimura Tachibana's target was the head of the plesiosaur.

The body of a plesiosaur is 50 meters long. If the head is fully erected, it will also be tens of meters above the ground. However, it has already blessed itself with all the magic buffs. Fujimura Tachibana jumped from the ground like a cannonball. The supernatural shield in his hand tore the shock wave away, and Fujimura Tachibana jumped to the lower jaw of the plesiosaur without slowing down, and then the shield face of the shield hit the lower jaw of the plesiosaur.

One blow hit the plesiosaur’s jaw severely. The plesiosaur, which had grown its mouth and was releasing the power of mind, was immediately beaten and closed its mouth. The power of mind that was being released was suddenly interrupted, which made the plesiosaur very painful. Immediately shook his head, and his body even shook as if it was about to fall, but immediately it still controlled itself, and then immediately turned around and ran towards Loch Ness without hesitation, ignoring the people on the land. The plesiosaur wants to run, if it runs into the lake, it will be troublesome.

Chapter 470: Gin, you are so miserable!

"It looks like it failed, but it didn't fail completely either."

Wesker took the telescope and saw that a dark shadow under the water was moving quickly. He knew that the dark shadow was a plesiosaur. At this moment, the plesiosaur seemed very embarrassed. It said that there was a trace of red in the places it swam. Imprint, which means it is injured.In fact, Wesker's real purpose is not to extract the ultimate evolution of T virus from plesiosaurs. This is just his statement of bluffing the black organization. In fact, his real purpose is Fujimura Tachibana.

The main reason for the collapse of the umbrella company was to provoke Fujimura Tachibana. Wesker still remembers what Fujimura Tachibana looked like at that time. If it were not for Fujimura Tachibana, the umbrella company would still be a global company at this time, rather than becoming a history.Probably for revenge, or perhaps because of Fujimura Tachibana's unique physique, Wesker has been planning how to deal with Fujimura Tachibana after his birth. He finally found a way some time ago.

Although the umbrella company headquarters perished, there are still some sub-bases around the world.Although most of these sub-bases were hit and destroyed, and even some sub-bases announced their independence from the umbrella company, Wesker still mastered a secret base. He continued to conduct research on the T virus and achieved results.

What he lost in the UK before was not the T virus of the umbrella company era, but a variant of the T virus. This variant of the T virus was improved on the basis of the T virus, adding a part of the information about the ancestor virus in Wesker. Speaking of the virus produced, if you want to describe it, most of the abilities are no different from the T virus, but people infected by this virus will be affected by Wesker, and Wesker can rely on the influence of higher viruses on lower viruses Order the infected individual.

So after dropping the T virus into the Loch Ness, Wesker has been looking for virus control, controlling the virus-infected fish to enter Hogwarts along the lake, and infect plesiosaurs, and then fight. Although the plesiosaur did not kill Fujimura Tachibana, it also injured Fujimura Tachibana. This is considered to have achieved Wesker’s goal, because it means that the virus has entered Fujimura Tachibana’s body.

"We are going to"

The gin and vodka on the side also saw the dark shadows under the water. According to the plan, it was supposed to catch the plesiosaur and extract the T virus from the body of the plesiosaur, but it had not waited for the piano. At the wine question mark, Wesker's two hands suddenly pinched the two people with one hand and lifted them up.

I suddenly felt that I couldn't breathe anymore. Gin and Vodka looked at Wesker in surprise, and continued to struggle.But the struggle of the two was completely futile. Wesker's power far surpassed the two of them, so they watched the gradual changes of Wesker's hands and turned into a pair of sharp claws.

"Your boss has gone to see God, and you are coming soon, but before that, you still have a bit of value."

With that said, Wesker's claw-shaped hands exerted a slight force, and the sharp blades easily pierced the necks of the gin and vodka and cut the arteries, so the blood of the two could be seen immediately gushing. He came out and dyed Wesker's two sharp claws red, then he let go of his hand.

The two people who lost a lot of blood were lying on the ground in pain, clutching the wound on their necks. They wanted to stand up, but because of the loss of a lot of blood, their power was constantly losing, and the picture before them was rapidly turning black. They did not notice. With the changes in their wounds, Wesker has injected the virus into their bodies, and their bodies are undergoing abnormal changes.

"Not bad!"

Watching the bodies of gin and vodka continue to mutate under the transformation of the virus, Wesker made a satisfied voice, because the two successfully survived the transformation of the virus. After a while, gin and, It should be that two biochemical weapon tyrants transformed from viruses stood in front of Wesker and knelt down on one knee to express surrender to Wesker.

"Go and follow that plesiosaur, if you meet Fujimura Tachibana... kill her!"

Orders were given to the two tyrants, and then Wesker watched as the two tyrants jumped into the lake and the shadows under the lake gathered together. Wesker smiled and turned around, then got in the car and drove away. Up.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana had just boarded a helicopter, which belonged to the Royal Navy, and Saber and Mordred were with her.

"Your Majesty King Arthur, His Royal Highness Mordred, Miss Fujimura, please!"

Hermione looked at the three of them one after another, and finally said to them in a pleased voice.The reason why Fujimura Tachibana boarded the helicopter at this time was to catch the plesiosaur or kill it before leaving the UK. British officials could not sit back and watch the T virus leak continue to expand.But at this time the British ups and downs are already busy. Searching for the T virus scattered all over the UK has made the British Ministry of Magic very busy, and it turns out that wizards can't do anything in front of plesiosaurs, so capture The task of plesiosaur fell on the hands of the British army, to be precise, the hands of the Royal Navy.

It may be a coincidence, or it may be an arrangement in fate. At this time, in the nearby waters, the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth and two Type 45 destroyers were performing training tasks together, so after receiving an emergency order, the fleet immediately changed from training to training. In actual combat, a helicopter was sent to take the Fujimura Tachibana three people to the aircraft carrier. After all, it is very difficult to catch the plesiosaur alive. It is completely impossible to achieve it with conventional weapons. Only the supernatural powers can do this. In Hogwarts, only Fujimura Tachibana met the conditions.

"We will bring it back."

After talking to Hermione, the helicopter hatch in front of Fujimura Tachibana was closed, and then the helicopter took off and flew towards the nearby sea. They had to reach the aircraft carrier Elizabeth before the plesiosaur rushed out of Loch Ness into the sea, and arranged for the plesiosaur. The next one is all over the world.

"Miss Fujimura, why is your face so red?"

At this time, Saber noticed that Fujimura Tachibana's face seemed to be a little red, and his breathing became a little fast, and he looked a little weak, as if he had a cold. Saber immediately increased his vigilance.

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