Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 157:

As Su Wangyou's sword fell, the world returned to color.

At the same time, the two sword lights that should have appeared on the Vault of Heaven Huiwu collided together.

There is no sound.

There is just a cloud of light.

A mass of... the light that devours the world!

What this light exudes is a thousand times more dazzling than looking directly at the sun!

In an instant, the extremely dazzling light swallowed the entire battlefield in a different space, rendering the world pure gold, even the blue-haired man had to close his eyes at this time.

At this moment, there are only two people with their eyes open.

In the boundless world, a voice suddenly came.

Why doesn't Juan end king rise in the wind?

"Chu Wushuang, have you seen the moon?"

If someone else utters this sentence, he will definitely be regarded as a fool. After all, let alone the moon in the battlefield in different space, there is no sun, and even the light source is artificial, not to mention... Who can open his eyes now!

Chu Wushuang's eyes shed blood---this was caused by his forcibly opening his eyes, but even so, he didn't mean to close his eyes. He didn't know what Su Wangyou meant, but he remembered it. That night in Mohist school.

————The sword technique called Moonlight.

At this moment, Su Wangyou's voice rang again.

"Do you think a moon will grow in a battlefield in a different space?"

Then, the light that filled the entire battlefield in a different space... dispersed.

It's getting dark.

The simple ring on Su Wangyou's hand exudes a magical light.

Su Wangyou stretched out a hand, and he took off a glove.

At the same time, Su Wangyou's internal energy soared.

Above the battlefield in different space, a full moon suddenly appeared.

The moonlight shone on Su Wangyou's body.

The Qingyun Boots have been completely destroyed. Although the Qingyun Moon Cloak on his body has not been damaged too much, it has also been stained with countless dust, and it is no longer bright, and there are countless lines on his face that have been cut out by subtle sword lights. Of course, like Chu Yi, his eyes also shed blood, and coupled with blood anger, Su Wangyou's entire eyes almost turned red.

Chu Yi didn't get any better, and both of them were in a panic.

But no one laughed a bit. On the contrary, they all raised their hearts to their throats at this time.

Su Wangyou raised the rift-filled phoenix sword in his hand high.

The moonlight in the sky seemed to gather on this sword full of cracks.

Looking at Su Wangyou like this, Chu Yi immediately grasped the Liangyi Sword with all his strength. With just such a simple force, a lot of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Su Wangyou opened his mouth, revealing a tooth that was soaked in blood.


After the dazzling golden light, a soft silver light enveloped the world...

After everyone opened their eyes again, they only saw the ground where the fighting arena was almost completely destroyed--and two people lying there.

Both of them were panting heavily.

"Chu Yi, did you lose the dog day? You can't get up anymore!" Su Wangyou yelled, panting.

"Shit! What I have is a hole card, as long as you dare to stand up, I will kill you immediately--you stand up!" Chu Yi replied unwillingly.

Su Wangyou's chest was violently ups and downs. If he looked closer, his lips were actually pale, but a little blood was soaked in blood.

But his eyes showed a little triumph.

"Die, bug!"

Afterwards, a flame of...the size of a fist of a normal person rose in the air and was then blown out by the wind...

Blowed out by the wind...

Su Wangyou instantly felt the overwhelming sense of suffocation.

"Ha————ha————ha!" Chu Yi wanted to laugh at Su Wangyou, but at the end of his laughter, he lost energy, so he had to laugh three times, "You want to laugh at me and win ?!"

Su Wangyou stopped talking, relying on the unfinished blood anger and the sigh of the God of Truth to quickly recover his inner energy.

After dozens of breaths, the two stood up at the same time.

Su Wangyou continued to hold his scarred phoenix sword.

The Wutong sword was full of cracks at this time, which made people wonder if this sword would shatter with one touch.

Chu Yi held the Liangyi Sword that was intact.

"Don't say that I am bullying you here with weapons." Chu Yi's face was pale, but he still had a contented smile, "If you have the ability, you should do it too."

Su Wangyou couldn't stand still and swayed back and forth a few times, but he finally stood still.

"Stop talking nonsense." He said, "Come on, our battle is not over yet."

"That's - - - that's right!"

The two of them were already empty at this time, and couldn't squeeze out the least bit of internal energy.

(The recovered internal energy is used to repair the internal organs. If it is not repaired, it will leave permanent dark injuries, which will affect the future road of cultivation - of course, they will not be able to stand up unless repaired.)

"Lawling---Remaining sound!"

The purple ring broke apart, turned into a rune and wrapped around Su Wangyou's side, and then he rushed up.

After that, it was the scene when the two first started fighting.

Many people think that they are able to use such a fast swordsmanship by relying on the bonus of internal energy, but reality tells them that it is not like this.

Now the two of them don't have any internal energy, and even their bodies are hurt, but they shouldn't be able to see their movements, or they can't.

Ding ding ding ding ding

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