Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 158:

Su Wangyou completely ignored the state of the Wutong sword, and followed his own style in every move and style, and did not deliberately avoid direct confrontation.

Every time the sword and the sword collided, the purple rune on Su Wangyou's body would jump.

In just ten seconds, it has beaten hundreds of times.

The seven orifices were bleeding continuously, the bones in the body were wailing, the internal organs that had just been repaired with internal qi made an overwhelmed sound, and the muscles were constantly trembling.

Every corner of the body is telling these two people that they can't fight anymore.

But their blood is getting hotter and hotter, just like their soul.

The will to fight is getting higher and higher, even if the body is already overwhelmed, only this heart cannot be disappointed.

"Su————White————First!" Chu Yi shouted violently.

Su Wangyou shouted back, unwilling to show weakness.


In the eyes of ordinary warriors, such a roar is meaningless and will only waste physical strength.

But in front of the real master---the attention of opening his mouth is wasted.

But who makes these two people willing?

One sword and one sword is another sword.

One sword after another, the two are like tireless fools, never shrinking.

Su Wangyou caught Chu Yi's heavy split, his body sank suddenly, but his eyes suddenly lit up.


So he threw the Wutong sword without hesitation, kicked Chu Yi's stomach, Chu Yi was caught off guard, was kicked tens of meters away, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Su Wangyou kicked that foot, and his whole body fell weakly.

Chu Yi twitched a few times, using Liangyijian as a fulcrum, and stood up little by little.

"Hoo——————Hoo——————" Su Wangyou turned over and forcibly propped up his body, then he held the Wutong sword and said to Chu: "It's over, I won. ."

"Now that...I'm still standing!"

With a slight sorrowful smile on Su Wangyou's face, he held the hilt of the Wutong sword with his left hand and hung the Wutong sword upside down in front of him, with the purple talisman culture entwined on his right middle finger.

Su Wangyou pressed the top of his middle finger with his thumb, and then aimed at the Wutong sword.

"I won--"

Afterwards, Su Wangyou flicked out.

The Wutong Sword was overwhelmed, and it shattered instantly, turning into countless fragments.

At the same time, Chu Yi's face suddenly became extremely pale, a big mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, he shook a few times, and fell down.

And this time, he failed to get up.

The fighting field fell into deathly silence.


The overwhelming sound rang.

They were messy at first, but as time passed, these sounds became more and more orderly and orderly, and finally turned into a uniform sound.

"Su Wangyou! Su Wangyou! Su Wangyou! Su Wangyou!..."

Tang Congxin shouted very hard, his throat was going to be hoarse, and Qin Luoxue on one side had a gentle expression, and said "congratulations" in a voice that only he could hear.

Su Changge hugged his waist and smiled bitterly: "These two guys...I don't know if Xia Guoguo will not claim compensation from them. This different space battlefield is not cheap."

Qin Ziyin sighed and touched his sister's head, with a trace of loneliness in her expression, " may not have a chance, Su Wangyou...Su Wangyou."

He smiled bitterly: "You don't have this blessing for such a godlike character."

Qin Zixue stared at Su Wangyou blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The blue-haired man clapped his hands sincerely, and praised: "Amazing, these two people are really amazing. Their level in this battle has even reached the level of the Emperor Realm---Unfortunately, if these two people are from the Xia country How good is it."

The blue-haired man pulled the hood on his face and said to the gray-robed old man: "Let's go."

Su Wangyou stood in the center of the fighting arena, facing his name from all directions, his expression didn't fluctuate at all, he reluctantly walked a few steps before reaching Chu Yi.

"Hey, can you still stand up?"

Chu Yi opened his eyes weakly and said, "Probably not."

"No way, no way, there is no general idea."

Su Wangyou shook his head, bent down and put Chu Yi's hand on his shoulder, and then stepped towards their seat.

"Su Changge! Don't you come here to help us?!"

"I think you yelled at me with great strength..." Su Changge whispered bb, but when he raised his head again, his face was full of helpless smiles.

"Come on————!"

Su Changge ran towards the two.

This scene is destined to be recorded in history.

And the story of this group of young people - or legend, this has just begun.

Volume Four, Young Master, Shi Wushuang, Chapter One, Famous in the World

The Eight Jue Ceremony is over.

This martial arts feast, which was held only once in a thousand and one years, was finally over after more than twenty days.

During the Baju Ceremony, the warriors usually stayed in the battlefield in a different space and rarely went out. Even if they went out, they just left in a hurry.

After all, the battles of the world's top princes cannot be seen everywhere, even if only a little bit of the essence can be understood, it will be enough for a single person for hundreds of years.

If you can't get in, naturally you can't get in.

Therefore, in the past twenty days, the warriors outside have only a vague understanding of the Baju Dadian, but they don't know what it is inside.

But now, the Baju Ceremony is over, and the warriors inside stepped out of it and began to explain to the warriors outside what they had seen and heard inside.

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