Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 159:

————The most respected among them was the battle between Chu Yi and Su Wangyou.

Then there was a very embarrassing situation.

"The one who fought hardest among them is the battle between Master Chu Wushuang and Na Su Wangyou."

"Oh? Then you are talking about it."

"...Anyway, that's it..."

"??? What the hell is it?"

Su Wangyou and Chu Yi's fighting speed is really too fast. Normal warriors can't catch them with their sight. They rarely use ordinary moves to fight against each other, but once they shoot, they are the world's top jerk, and that jerk is wrong. It also comes with a flash effect...

Therefore, although people know that the final battle was very fierce and exciting, they don't know what it is.

————Fortunately, Xia Guo was prepared.

They sold videos of the battle between Su Wangyou and Chu Yi for five hundred taels of silver...

Many warriors scolded Xia Guo’s black heart after hearing this price, but couldn’t help but took out his wallet. After buying it, they found that Xia Guo’s unexpected conscience had arranged a rather advanced time formation on it. Adjust the time ratio at will, up to ten times.

But even if it slowed down ten times, some warriors said they could not see clearly...

At the same time, the name of Su Wangyou also began to resound through Zu Guang...

Chaotic Desert is a small place. Although Su Wangyou has two achievements in the emperor realm, he has never been famous, but this time the Eight Jue Ceremony has pushed him to the mouth of the times.

You know, what he defeated was Chu Wushuang who almost did nothing but crushed all the arrogances of the entire Zuguang to his head...

The impact of this battle is far more than that. With Luoyang as the center, this news keeps spreading outward...

But these two parties are not as cool as the outside world imagined at this time...

Luoyang, in a yard.

Misty Xianzong prepared a yard for Su Wangyou and the others, and everyone moved in without being pretentious.

Su Wangyou and Chu Yi lay on the recliner with blue noses and swollen faces.

————This is the hidden wound left by their previous fight. Although it was forced down at the time, it was immediately exposed afterwards.

The broken house was even more rainy night.

But the warriors outside didn't know how to know the addresses of Su Wangyou and others, and they came to visit with gifts one by one.

"So, what should I do?" Su Changge sat across from the two of them, jokingly: "Would you like to see you? Let them see how your nose and face are swollen?"

"Let them go!" Chu Yi said grimly.

With Chu Yi's identity, he naturally didn't want to see anyone, he wouldn't see anyone.

If Su Wangyou didn't speak, he had the right to default.

"Oh." Su Changge sighed, stood up, slightly opened a crack in the door, and then said loudly to the warriors who came to visit outside: "Sorry everyone, our Su Wangyou young man today I’m sick and can’t pick up customers. Please come back another day.”

I have to say that the word pick-up is really full of fantasy. Some female monks thought of Su Wangyou's face, and couldn't help being a little fanciful, but Su Changge didn't give them time for fantasy, and slammed the door shut.

Then he walked back a few steps.

"Su Changge." Su Wangyou's expression was very calm. He obviously heard Su Changge's speech just now, "When I get better, I must beat you to tears."

Su Changge suddenly showed an aggrieved expression.

"Oh, you all misunderstood me. Actually, I didn't mean that. It's just that the group of people have to think about me this way."

Su Wangyou replied: "Actually, I don't want to hit you either, but my hands and feet are not under my control and I have no choice but to smear your face."

Su Changge's expression suddenly changed, turning into a very awkward expression.

"You come hit me~~~"

"I'm tm!" Su Wangyou stood up without restraint, but flashed to his waist, and immediately lay back, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

He called out, "Chu Yi, you are too heavy to start!"

Chu Yi squinted his eyes and said, "You don't act lightly..."

"Haha, two spicy chickens." Su Changge mocked aside.

"I don't think he wants to live anymore." Chu glanced at Su Changge, and said, "Call me when he hit him. Then I will record him crying with imaging secrets to a place with a lot of people. Play for free."

Su Wangyou suddenly suffocated.

"Can you stop telling it..."

Su Wangyou was crying without tears, "Look at Su Changge, he is already preparing for the secret technique."

Chu was shocked and hurriedly looked at Su Changge. As expected, Su Changge was preparing the secret technique of imaging.

"Dare you——————!" Chu was excited and stood up from his chair.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It hurts now."

"Is it time to talk about this?" Su Wangyou said: "Su Changge is already being recorded."

Then Su Wangyou threatened: "Su Changge, hurry up and put away the imaging secret method, or I will call Tang Congxin to beat you later. If you think about it, even if you lie on a chair, Su Wangyou is still that Su Wangyou, but Su Changge who was hung and beaten by a weak woman may not be that Su Changge anymore."

Su Changge's eyes widened.

"Are you threatening me?"

Su Wangyou nodded and said, "Yes."

"Just kidding, when did I counsel Su Changge?" Su Changge said dismissively.

"Tang--" Just as Su Wangyou yelled the first word, Su Changge quickly solved the imaging secret, "Dad, I'm kidding you, why are you taking it seriously?" Su Changge's face With a flattering smile, "Come on, eat watermelon."

Chu Yi was stunned while watching, "I can't learn, I can't learn."

Su Wangyou squinted and said, "I know you have a backup, so I deleted it."

Su Changge showed an expression of'I have been, I have been seen through', and obediently deleted the backup.

Chapter Two Bye Bye

Rehabilitation is also a science.

Different people use different methods, the recovery time and recovery effect are very different.

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