Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 173:

"I want to beat each of you, no one can run away."

After all, Su Wangyou didn't even use a sword, so he waved his sleeves neatly and said: "Li Riyue, just you, I think you were very happy just now, you are the first."

Li Riyue: "..."

Su Wangyou was really merciless when he started, and overturned these disciples.

————The only rebellious Bai Ruoli recalled the last battle for a moment, and he was very cooperative and killed by Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou went back to fight, but there was no shortage of errors that should be pointed out.

"If you don't have confidence, then keep a three-point strength, but if the opponent in front of you makes you desperate, then you don't want to keep a trace of strength."

"The strength of Yan Dou technique is its plasticity. If you don't hold on to its three inherent moves, you will fall behind."

"This Piaoyu body technique pays attention to agility and ethereal, and your martial arts are more inclined to pure speed. I suggest you change your body technique. This body technique is not suitable for your martial arts."

"When you take out the sword, you must be free from distracting thoughts-who did this tm say? It is good to be free from distracting thoughts when practicing swords, but you must have distracted thoughts when facing the enemy, and have and There is only one distracting thought-that is your opponent."

"Ning Yuluo--has the thirty-five laps finished? The flight is over? I think your body is full of Qi, it doesn't look like you have flew thirty-five laps? Don't run, no one can save you today."

"Wow, second sister, help me!"

Chapter 14 The Past of Seven Swords

One sunny morning, a man and two women gathered at the gate of Su Wangyou's courtyard.

"Elder Su! Elder Su! Go to a bar together?!"

Su Wangyou was awakened from his sleep, and he firmly restrained his murderous intent.

[Calm, calm, just being awakened, calm, calm...] The low blood pressure demon hypnotized himself crazily and finally calmed down.

Su Wangyou put on his clothes quickly, and then opened the door.

In front of him was a brown-haired woman, seven sword kills, and a purple-clothed masked woman.

After more than a month, Su Wangyou basically met most of the elders of Misty Xianzong.

The brown-haired woman was named Wang Wanhe, who almost became his master, one of the four sword emperors of Misty Xianzong.

Su Wangyou's impression of her is...poor.

This guy and Ning Yuluo have the same skills in the same way, but Ning Yuluo’s poverty is the result of her own work, and Wang Wanhe seems to have no money fortune. Every time when Wang Wanhe receives a monthly offering, he will encounter all kinds of things. Various things, such as Ning Yuluo begging at her door and threatening to leave without giving money, such as the sudden loss of her identity token, such as...the gambling house under Misty Mountain has a new project~~

This guy has been clamoring that there is a problem with the gambling house, but from Su Wangyou's point of view, if Qin Luoxue comes over, this gambling house can go bankrupt...

Sword Seven Kills need not be introduced too much.

The purple-clothed woman is called Zhuyao. Although she looks very cold, she is actually a good drinker. Su Wangyou once asked her why she had to cover her face. When Su Wangyou thought she would tell some mysterious past, Zhu Yao said such a sentence...

"This? This is my family's magic weapon, I thought someone had told you about it."

Later Su Wangyou took a closer look.

mmp, timeless quality.

Later, Su Wangyou observed the purple-clothed woman again...

The jade flute on the waist, the inheritance class, the hairpin on the head, the pseudo eternal class, the clothes on the body that have not been changed for more than a month, the eternal class, the shoes, the inheritance class, the bracelet, the eternal class, not to mention the messy accessories ...

Su Wangyou dared to say that even Chu Yi did not have such a trench as Zhuyao. Later, Su Wangyou thought about it for a while and thought it was probably because Chu Yi was a man and it was inconvenient to bring so many accessories...

Even a fool knows that this candle comes from a lot of light. Although Misty Xianzong is an ancestral sect, but this body is really not a Misty Xianzong that can make up...

Of course, with Su Wangyou's character, it is impossible to indulge in each other because of this kind of thing. Whether it is an elder or a disciple, he will make friends with a normal heart.

These three people are considered to have a better relationship with Su Wangyou within the Misty Immortal Sect. It is now the 10th, the day when the monthly confession is issued. The three of them discussed looking for Su Wangyou to drink a few drinks in the city at the foot of Misty Mountain.

Naturally, Su Wangyou would not refuse the good intentions of the three.

"Wait——————" Wang Wanhe raised her head in horror, "Where is my identity token? Have you seen my identity token?"

In desperation, the three of them accompanied Wang Wanhe to find the identity token for more than half an hour, and finally returned without success.

Wang Wanhe went to the elders' pavilion with a gloomy expression. Before he got close, the elders' pavilion threw a brand new token.

"Wang Wanhe! You have lost your identity token six times this year. It is not easy to make this identity token. Can't you be careful?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Wanhe ran away in a hurry.

"Walk around, drink and drink!"

The four of them went to the restaurant under the mountain, and after a few drinks, they chatted.

"It's so annoying..." Jian Qisha hiccuped and sighed: "Another letter from my family urging me to find a Taoist companion. What are you doing? I'm less than a thousand years old, OK, why are you so anxious?"

Su Wangyou thought for a while, then said: "You are in the emperor realm and can live for 10,000 years, but your parents may not be able to live that long, they also want to hug it sooner..."

Su Wangyou was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"They are also in the emperor realm, both of them. My grandpa and grandma are also in the emperor realm, and they are only less than a hundred years older than me. It is possible that I am old and they are not dead.


Su Wangyou immediately closed his mouth, this is simply... not playing cards according to the routine, and a family of three generations and five emperors is too much!

"Ah!" Wang Wanhe's eyes lit up and said: "Professional pretend girlfriend, only five hundred taels of gold a day, only five hundred taels of gold, imperial realm girlfriends take home, find out?"

"Heh." Jian Qisha rarely put on a cold expression, "I'll give you money, can you save it?"

Wang Wanhe fell silent for a moment.

Zhu Yao played with the wine glass in his hand, with a playful look on his face, "Sword Seven Kills, don't blame me for not reminding you. As far as I know, your parents seem to have arranged a marriage for you, and the girl is rushing. On the way here."

Jian Qisha was frightened and said: "Impossible, my parents never told me?!"

Zhu Yao shook his head, and said: "Believe it or not, I have never bothered to tell such a low-level lie."

Then, she lifted the veil on her face and poured the wine in.

Jian Qisha paced back and forth, Su Wangyou frowned and said, "Are you so scared?"

Before Jian Qisha spoke, Zhu Yao spoke first, "Can this guy be afraid? Su Wangyou, let me tell you."

"Don't talk!!" Jian Qisha slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily: "No talk!"

"Good, good, I'm not going to talk about it." Zhu Yao glanced at him casually and said: "If you have to run away for a lifetime, then I won't stop you."

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