Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 174:

Jian Qisha was ashamed and angry, "Don't say it so easy to make people misunderstand, okay? It's just an unbearable past, and it's not something that affects Dao Xin!"

"Oh, that's true, why are you so mysterious?" Wang Wanhe winked at Su Wangyou, "I tell you, this guy in the Seven Kills of the Sword and Seven Kills came across a girl when he was young, and they fell in love with each other. On the bed, Jian Qisha discovered that this girl was a man..."

"Ah ah ah ah, Wang Wanhe, I will kill you!!" Jian Qisha was extremely embarrassed and drew out his sword.

"Afraid you won't succeed?" Wang Wanhe drew out his sword with a smile, and said: "I can't afford to lose the inn here. Let's go to the sky to fight."

After all, Wang Wanhe stepped hard and flew out.

Sword Seven Kills followed closely.

Su Wangyou twitched his mouth and said, "So because of this, Sword Seven Kills are so afraid of women?"

"Well, but fortunately, this matter didn't leave him with a demon, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Zhu Yao said casually.

Just as the two chatted randomly, their identity tokens began to glow.

Zhu Yao glanced at Su Wangyou and said, "Oh, yes, I guess the lord didn’t tell you that if the token is hot and glowing, it means something needs to be discussed. If the token is suddenly broken, it means that the sect is in trouble. Now that the heat shines, it is for us to go back to the Misty Palace for a meeting."

Su Wangyou nodded.

Afterwards, Zhu Yao shouted to the two in the sky: "Don't fight! Go back to the meeting!"

Zhu Yao sighed and said, "I only have a rest day once a month..."

Chapter 15 The Forest of Hidden Gods

The four hurriedly cleaned up, and Yujian flew to the Misty Palace.

Su Wangyou glanced at it, and all the thirty elders of Misty Xianzong had arrived.

"You are here, so I'm leaving the four of you." Sect Master saw the four of them and hurriedly said: "Being a little bit sharper, seeing your speed, you must have gone to a restaurant down the mountain to drink again."

"This is a rare day off. You'd better give me a good reason." Zhu Yao sat down unhurriedly.

"Otherwise?" Sect Master asked curiously.

Zhu Yao glanced at her faintly and said, "Otherwise, I will absent from work, and once I return for 13 days, I will return my 13-day holiday."

"Nine out of thirteen return..." Jian Qisha whispered.

"To shut up!"


The Sect Master clapped his hands, and after everyone's eyes gathered on her, he said: "Calling everyone over this time, of course there is something to do."

With a wave of the sovereign's hand, a phantom was thrown on the top of the conference table.

Everyone looked over.

"The map of Central Plains?" Zhu Yao glanced at it casually and said: "Is the enclosed place our goal?"

Yes, the thing projected by the phantom is the map of the Central Plains, but on that map, a place is circled.

"Yes." Sect Master nodded and began to explain: "That's it. According to the spy's report, the aura in the place was unusually strong. Later, the people from the Zhen family went there to take a look and said that a secret world was about to be born here, and It's a big secret."

Without waiting for others to ask questions, the Sovereign continued: "The person who said this is called Zhuge Mingqiu. You should be clear about what this guy said is not credible."

Zhuge Mingqiu, Su Wangyou heard a little, and in one sentence, he ranked second in the Battle of Bajue.

Such a person is naturally reliable in speaking.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, the Sect Master continued to speak: "This secret realm has always been a place where chance and danger coexist. No one knows how many dangers there are in this secret realm. However, the practice of martial arts itself is fighting against the sky. Then retreat, so I ask you now, does anyone want to go?"

"Fuck me..." Wang Wanhe whispered, "I have been there so many times before, but I didn't get half a dime in the end."

Sect Master turned around blankly and said, "Elder Wang, I think this is probably your own problem."

Wang Wanhe was stabbed in a painful foot, and she became angry and said, "Anyway, I won't waste my energy anymore."

The suzerain ignored her and continued to look at everyone.

"I'm going." Jian Qisha first raised his hand and said: "By the way, if someone claims to be my fiancée comes to the door when I leave, please use tactful means to let her leave."

Sect Master looked at him contemptuously and said, "Haha."

Zhu Yao lazily raised his hand and said, "Sect Master, I want to go too, but I don't bring any disciples. Those little rascals are too annoying."

"Recruit yourself to give you a substitute." Sect Master responded simply.

After that, six more elders from the emperor realm expressed their intention to go to the secret realm, and the sovereign agreed one by one.

"Is there anyone else going?" Sect Master asked: "If there is no one, I will ask my brother..."

"I'm going." Su Wangyou said.

"Eh? Do you want to go too?" Sect Master said in surprise, "Actually, I think it's better for you not to go. With your talent, even if you don't have any chance, reaching the Emperor Realm is a certainty..."

"Sect Master Lao cares." Su Wangyou took out a shining charm, "But...a friend is invited, how can I not go?"

Sect Master was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "That's true, I really envy you young people who can travel thousands of miles without hesitation for such a sound transmission."

Afterwards, the Sovereign said: "Since you are going to see your friends at that time, you will not be allowed to take the disciples. I will arrange the courses for you first, and remember to make up these lessons when you come back."

"Thank you." Su Wangyou nodded, and then he looked at the map unhurriedly.

Tibetan Forest...

Su Wangyou squinted his eyes. He was a little familiar with the name. His mother seemed to have mentioned this jungle to him. Su Wangyou recalled it carefully for a while but couldn't remember anything, so he had to do it.

But at this moment, Su Wangyou didn't expect that with his own strength, how could he not remember the things in this world unless he wanted to forget?

Finally, there are nine elders of Misty Xianzong who are going to the Tibetan God Forest to seek opportunities.

Afterwards, the Sect Master announced the matter again, but the disciples wanted to participate but it was not as easy as the elders.

If the elder wants to go to the Tibetan God Forest, it's enough to talk, but the disciple wants to participate...

Did you do your homework?Done?Show me it?

Is the strength enough?enough?Try a trick under me?

Have you brought all the magic weapons?Done?Let me try it with a knife?

Are there any elders willing to take you?Does your family agree?Do you have enough practical experience?Will you run around when going to the secret?

Wait, wait, countless questions.

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