Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 175:

The sect is responsible for the lives of the disciples. These trivial things must be asked. After all, most of these disciples are just children. Although Zu Guang is still peaceful and the atmosphere on the rivers and lakes is more harmonious, the secret realm is different from Zu Guang. ...

Of course, as long as you can fight, these are not problems-Su Wangyou is the best example.

It stands to reason that all the nine elders who are going to the Tibetan God Forest should bring some disciples to protect their safety while opening their eyes.

But once Su Wangyou wants to meet his friends, it is always inconvenient to bring a bunch of disciples with him. Secondly, no matter how much he can fight, he is just a fairyland. It is really dangerous. Su Wangyou is the first pride in the world. Of course, Bao was okay, but if he wanted him to protect others, I'm afraid it was really a little overwhelming, so Su Wangyou was not assigned to a disciple.

Of course, the elders did not work in vain...

Three days later, the suzerain who had finally decided on the candidates sent the nine elders and thirty disciples onto the flying boat.

"No matter when, life comes first." Sect Master repeatedly said: "Everyone, be careful, there is probably a mysterious animal from before Zuguang in the secret realm. If you are injured, don't try to be aggressive. You should leave the secret realm to heal immediately. Live, you have only one life."

"Teacher." Bai Ruoli whispered: "You have said it six times, everyone is impatient, I think Elder Zhu Yao is anxious to curse..."

·The Sovereign immediately became displeased when she heard that, she yelled: "What's wrong? I'm annoying? I'm all the experience of the elderly. I have eaten more meals than you have eaten..."

Zhu Yao let out a cold snort, and walked into Feizhou's control room and directly activated Feizhou.

The flying boat slowly rose into the air.

Sovereign: "w(?Д?)w wait! I haven't finished! Zhu Yao, don't pretend not to hear, stop the flying boat..."

Sitting on the edge of the flying boat, Su Wangyou waved his hand to the sect master who was gradually away.

Then he turned his head and looked into the distance.

This fairy-like posture was another heartbeat of the female disciple.

"Elder Su must be missing his friend."

"Ah, I know I know. I heard that Elder Su and Wushuang Chu are friends."

Just as these female disciples were speculating wildly.

Su Wangyou thought about...

[It's over, this time I'm definitely going to be caught and beaten by Chu Yi.

Chapter 16 Untitled

Su Wangyou did have a lot of luck in defeating Chu Wushuang.

Li Qinglian’s sword across time and space cannot be replicated. Su Wangyou could never swing that sword himself, and that sword blocked Chu Yi’s strongest killer move, and even injured Chu Yi seriously. It is no exaggeration to say that this move established Su Wangyou's victory.

Now that Su Wangyou recalled it, he still felt that his victory was full of fluke.

But whether it was Su Wangyou or Chu Wushuang, they both disliked someone saying that the result of this battle was'accidental'.

Leaving aside Su Wangyou, when Chu returned to the ancient country, someone worried that Jianxin would be dusted because of his defeat this time, so they comforted him, saying that this time was just an accident.

That's what Chu Yi answered him.

"Accident? Come, you press the realm to the fairyland, we two practice and one practice, ten thousand times, ten thousand times you can beat me once, I will admit that it was an accident!"

Su Wangyou and Chu Yi agreed to fight again the next time they met, but Su Wangyou didn't expect that the next meeting would come so soon, it took less than three months...

At this time Su Wangyou has no Wutong sword, and dyeing Xu is not suitable for close combat. It can be said that Su Wangyou's current strength is still a little backward compared to more than two months ago, let alone Li Qinglian's sword... …

He can't use it at all...

At that time, Su Wangyou put aside his rhetoric, thinking that after two or three years, when the two reached the virtual realm, they would fight hard, but now...

Su Wangyou sighed, but a wave of blood surged in his heart.

[Chu Yi, Chu Yi, let me see if you have made any progress in the past two months.Even though Chu Wushuang is a genius of Tianzong, isn't he Su Wangyou?

Su Wangyou closed his eyes and began to close his eyes to rest.

The sound transmission received in Misty Palace flashed in his mind again.

[Worry, I’m Su Changge, I’m thinking that your sect may have also received the news of the hidden forest secret realm, this secret realm is very big, I have forgotten it, can’t be wrong — rest assured, I let Chu Yi I went to find Qin Luoxue, this time let's get a big ticket!] Su Wangyou whispered: "The result is still to rely on Qin Luoxue's Son of Destiny buff..."

Then Su Wangyou stood up, walked beside Zhuyao, and said casually: "When I arrive at the Tibetan God Forest, I shouldn't follow the large army."

"Why, are you going to see your friends?" Zhu Yao teased: "Men's and women's?"

Su Wangyou sat beside her and said, "Both."

When Zhu Yao saw Su Wangyou's non-cannibalistic fireworks, he instantly lost his thoughts of teasing him, "I know, be careful, but don't be proud of being the best arrogant in the world, I admit Your talent is the only thing I have seen in my life, but you haven't had time to turn this talent into strength. If you die, you will really have nothing."

If someone else hears Zhu Yao’s words, he may have to swear. Su Wangyou is a freak who kills the Emperor in the fairyland, but when he comes to Zhu Yao, he has become “have not had time to transform his talent into strength”... …

Su Wangyou nodded and said, "I will pay attention."

Then the two fell silent.

Although Su Wangyou occasionally shows a dark belly, it is only for people he knows. Although Zhu Yao has a good relationship with him, he is not there. If there is a topic, just talk about it. If not, then don’t Let's talk.

————And when does our Master Su Wangyou need to strike up a conversation with the girl?Is he lucky if the girl doesn't come to strike up a conversation?

As for Zhuyao, her thoughts are similar to those of Su Wangyou. If you have a topic, just talk about it. If you don't, she doesn't have to forcefully find a topic and talk to others awkwardly.

The two spent several hours in this silence.

Then when it was time for lunch, the messenger responsible for distributing lunch said that the aura of these two people was too terrifying, and they dared not go there, so the sword seven killed them and walked over with their lunch.

"Do you two know how terrible your aura is?" Jian Qisha said helplessly.

Zhu Yao took the food from the sword seven killers and said casually: "I don't know."

Jian Qisha sat down and said, "The disciples over there said you two are like Tianshan Snow Lotus."

"Wait." Su Wangyou calmly stopped and said, "Do they use this word to describe a man?"

Zhu Yao stared at Su Wangyou for a few seconds---the kind of look from head to toe.

"I think it's quite appropriate." Zhu Yao nodded with satisfaction, and said: "It's a pity that such a face actually grows on a man."

Jian Qisha continued, "It is a pity that this man does not rely on this face to eat..."

Zhu Yao didn't know what he thought of, and stared at Jian Qisha coldly, and said, "Indecent."

Jian Qisha shook his head and said, "Since you say I am nasty, it means...hehe."

Su Wangyou said: "Be careful, I'm still here."


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