Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 176:

The days passed so calmly. After ten days of sailing, the flying boat finally reached its destination.

Tibetan god forest.

Su Wangyou raised his eyes and saw huge trees tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high.

"This tree..." he whispered.

"Giant tree." Zhuyao on one side responded: "It is one of the fastest growing trees known at present. The fastest growing tree can even reach nearly 100 meters in a year. Can grow a meter or two."

"No wonder it grows like this..." Su Wangyou looked around. Within a few tens of kilometers, there were all such huge trees that were so high and boundless.

"I really don't know how this land is supported." Su Wangyou vomited: "Could it not be squeezed out?"

"The giant tree seems to survive by absorbing spiritual energy. It can be regarded as a kind of lowest level spiritual plant." Zhu Yao said, and then she carefully felt the spiritual power everywhere, and said: "It seems that there is still a while before the secret world is born, you Are friends here?"

Su Wangyou took out the sound transmission note, passed a note, and received an answer after a while.

"They are here." Su Wangyou put away the sound transmission note, stepped on the flying sword, and said to the flying boat of Misty Xianzong: "Then everyone, let's not pass it now. I hope I can see you in Misty Xianzong in the end. Return without loss."

Afterwards, Su Wangyou stepped on Ranxu and went away in one direction...

Zhu Yao curled his lips.

"Is it so urgent?"

Chapter 17 Conspiracy

Su Wangyou flew for about three minutes until he reached the top of a red giant tree, and then he suddenly made a three-hundred-sixty-degree turn on the spot.

Turning a three-hundred-sixty-degree turn on the spot is actually equivalent to not moving - but in fact, a flying boat suddenly appeared in front of Su Wangyou's eyes.

Su Wangyou doesn't need to think about it. This must be Su Changge's handwriting.

Su Wangyou looked up, and as expected, Su Changge, Chu Yi, and Qin Luoxue were already waiting for him on the flying boat.

Su Wangyou took a few steps forward, took a look, and found that Fifth Huazhi and Tang Congxin were absent, and asked, "Where are Tang Congxin and Fifth Huazhi?"

Su Changge said: "Tang Congxin won't come. As for Fifth Huazhi, she is accepting her own trial."

"Really." Su Wangyou nodded, and did not ask more about the Fifth Huazhi trial.

Afterwards, he looked at Chu Yi.

The eyes are facing each other, and they meet in a narrow path.

The Liangyi sword on Chu Yi's waist trembled and uttered a crisp sound.

————That's fighting spirit.

Chu Yi has not many records, but he can be called the number one arrogant in the world. The big reason is that he has never lost.

Liang Yijian has been with Chu Yi for so many years, and naturally he has won for so many years.

Until I met Su Wangyou.

Not just Chu Yi, even Liang Yijian wanted to fight Su Wangyou again.

————And Su Wangyou never cowardly.

On the way, the powerful enemy he defeated was far beyond what others could imagine.

When he was in the Grandmaster Realm, he met a greedy person, forced him back at an extremely heavy price, and then faced the twelve guardians of the Tiande Dynasty in a state of almost poverty and whiteness.

How many powerful enemies has he encountered since then?

The old man of the Secret Realm of Taixu, the two great emperors of the chaotic desert, the evil god of the real world, and even the twelve days of continuous battles in the Baju Ceremony - and the final battle with Chu Yi.

Can Su Wangyou have a timid fight?

Now it is the same.

Su Wangyou's waist was halfway out of the dye, Chu Yi showed a terrifying smile, and the sound of the swords of Liangyi sword became louder and louder.

"—————— Stop it!" Su Changge pushed the two to the sides, teasing: "What the hell is it? You get so gay as soon as you meet?"

The aura that Su Wangyou and Chu Yi had just mentioned was immediately relieved, and the two looked at each other, and reached some kind of ulterior sordid deal.

Su Changge saw that the situation was bad, and ran away.

"Don't you run!"

"Stop, I won't hit you, I swear!"

Su Changge ran faster, but even then he did not forget to let go of his mouth: "Help, there is a gay guy chasing me!"

Qin Luoxue touched her long qin and sighed: "These three guys have started again..."

————Yes, chasing Su Changge has become their daily routine!

After all, the flying boat is still a bit small. If Su Changge has been running on the flying boat, he will be caught soon, so Su Changge got off the flying boat without hesitation and ran towards the ground. As a result, during the flight I accidentally tripped a branch with my foot. If it were a normal branch, Su Changge just kicked it off, but this tree is a giant tree, this branch...

Su Changge fell a dog to eat shit, and he floated on the ground, not knowing if it was because of embarrassment that he did not get up for a long time.


"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble." Su Changge coughed and said: "This time it's business."

Su Wangyou stopped and said, "What's so amazing about this secret realm...? I have seen more than a dozen large sects rushing here along the way, not to mention the small ones."

Su Changge proudly said: "I don't understand, right? According to my understanding of the secret realm, this secret realm that is about to be born is definitely a super secret realm — and it is definitely rich and oily. Come on, let me talk to you To elaborate..."

"Don't listen or listen, Wang Ba chants." Su Wangyou covered his ears and shook his head, Qin Luoxue learned a lot.

"Mmp, is it so difficult to satisfy my desire for explanation." Su Changge cast his hopeful eyes on Chu Yi.

Chu Yi: "If you insist on speaking, then only one of my ears and your mouth will survive."

"Forget it..." Su Changge sighed and said sadly: "It's too cold to be cold from the heights..."

Secret Realm is also a subject, and it is a super complex subject. The explanation is very complicated. Let Su Wangyou and Chu Yi listen to this, just like letting middle school students listen to calculus...

"This secret long will it take to be born?" Chu Yi asked.

"The shortest is six days, and the longest is no more than half a month." Su Changge replied confidently, "I can tell you the reason, this data will never go wrong, I am very strict..."

Suddenly, ten thousand golden lights burst out from the center of the Tibetan God Forest, dyeing the sky pure gold...

The light lasted less than a second, and then a huge palace floated in the air.

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