Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 177:

Chu Yi stepped forward and patted Su Changge on the shoulder.

"The shortest is six days, and the longest is no more than half a month."

Su Wangyou stepped forward and repeated Chu Yi's actions.

"I can tell you why."

Qin Luoxue stepped forward and repeated Chu Yi's actions again.

"This data will never go wrong, but I am very strict."

Taunting three companies.

Three fatal combos.

Su Changge felt the deep malice from the world.

"The horse has stumbled..." Su Changge said angrily: "A person is not a sage, who can blame it?"

"It's a bit too big, it's only a few seconds..." Su Wangyou squinted.

Su Changge couldn't stand the trio's playful eyes, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Don't say it, you see that all other sects have entered. Step slowly, step slowly, let's go in first."

After all, Su Changge also entered the palace as if escaping.

The three followed closely behind.

Perhaps it was because Su Changge was really hurt by the face hit this time, and his thoughts were confused a lot, which caused him not to discover the secret of this jungle.

After the mystery was opened, this jungle of trees and sky was really different in some way...

They were blown by the wind, and the leaves rustled—the breath of death gradually spread.

A black-robed man walked slowly to a certain giant tree, and stretched out his hand to press on it.

Then, a huge hole appeared at the bottom of the giant tree.

The black robe man glanced bitterly at the direction of the palace, and then entered the tree hole.

A gust of wind blew and lifted the black robe man's hood, revealing the true face inside.

If Su Wangyou was here, he would definitely recognize this person.

Unfortunately he is not there.

After the black-robed man entered the tree hole, the tree hole fluctuated for a while, and then completely disappeared.

The giant tree is still standing, but occasionally there will be a few terrifying roars underneath...

Chapter 18 Mysterious Tombstone

"What's the matter, Su Changge?" Su Wangyou frowned. Since arriving in the Secret Realm, Su Changge's condition has been a little bit wrong, and she was in a daze from time to time, sometimes with a mocking smile inexplicably.

————The smile was different from the mocking smile he used to fight with everyone, but a sneer that was really cold to the bone.

Su Changge turned around and said, "I seem to have caught a big fish, but this fish is really too big, I can't eat it."

Chu Yi turned his head and squinted, "What about me?"

Su Changge licked his lips, and said, "It seems to be a little harder."

"It's all right." Su Wangyou sighed: "Take me one."

Su Changge smiled.

"That's probably enough."

Looking into the distance, Su Changge muttered to himself somewhat madly: "After all...who is the prey?"

As soon as everyone stepped into the palace, the sky swiveled around. This is a normal phenomenon of entering the secret realm, and it shouldn't be too surprising.

When the scene in front of him was completely stable, Su Wangyou began to observe the surrounding scenes.

But before Su Wangyou carefully observed the surrounding environment, Su Changge's shout came in his ears.

"Damn! The aura of this place is too strong, right?"

Su Wangyou's expression moved, and he calmed down and felt it carefully.

"This——————." Su Wangyou understood the reason why Su Changge was so surprised. "This concentration of spiritual energy is too exaggerated..."

Su Wangyou didn't know how to describe the aura of this place.

For example, suppose that the concentration of aura in a small city in an ancient country is one, then the concentration of aura in the capital of the ancient country is about three, chaotic desert is about 0.8, and Misty Xianzong is about 3.5.

And the aura concentration here has almost reached twelve!

Four times the capital of the ancient country!

You know, even in the small world created by Su Wangyou's father, the concentration of aura is only about 50 million... (crossed out)

I'm sorry that a weird thing has been mixed in just now, and now we continue to blow the concentration of aura in this secret realm (a serious).

Oops, I can't blow it anymore, let's continue the plot.

Su Changge triumphantly said: "I haven't seen it or not, let me just talk about the concentration of aura, this secret realm must be rich in oil."

Aura concentration does affect the growth of heaven, material and earth treasures, and strange animals usually choose places with high aura concentration to live.

————It may be said that places with high aura concentration are more likely to give birth to strange animals.

Su Wangyou raised his eyes and saw that there was a large area of ​​lush woods around, and many warriors who came to explore were scattered in all directions.

Su Wangyou stepped onto Feijian, glanced around, and said concisely: "There are many different animals."

Su Changge's eyes lit up and looked at Su Wangyou with ambiguous eyes.

Su Wangyou nodded and said, "If the ingredients are right."

"Just wait for your words." Su Changge clapped his hands and said with great momentum: "Qin Luoxue, tell me, which way is pleasing to the eye?"

Qin Luoxue thought for a while and pointed out the direction casually.

Then the four people really went in that direction mightily.

Then, Qin Luoxue once again showed her luck to everyone.

Less than three miles away, they found a total of nine natural treasures, and the alien beast that protected the heaven, material and earth treasures either fell into a period of weakness after laying eggs or was seriously injured in a fight with another alien beast.

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