Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 179:

Su Changge twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Although I guess you shouldn't have the chance to get this inheritance, it would be too exaggerated to be unable to hold it for a second..."

"The general content of the trial is nothing more than strength, xinxing, and character. I think you all have counts, so I won’t say anything. As for whether this trial will end up causing us to bear some cause and effect, I don’t know. Judging from the epitaph, Han Qinghua was murdered."

After that, Su Changge handed the book forward and said, "Who will come?"

Su Wangyou said: "Don't you try it yourself first?"

Su Changge shook his head and said, "I am not bad with this secret technique, but you two must have a powerful secret technique in sword repair. If you both fail, I will try again. Say yes, this will also be counted when the inheritance finally divides the loot.

Su Wangyou was slightly moved when he heard the words. This is the inheritance of an immortal person - even if it is just a secret method.

To say that Su Changge is unmoved, Su Wangyou definitely does not believe it, but he is willing to give this opportunity to himself and Chu Yi...

Although Su Changge deliberately added the last sentence, how could Su Wangyou fail to understand that how can a few natural treasures compare with the inheritance of longevity?

Su Wangyou sighed secretly and looked at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi happened to be watching him.

"You come first." Chu Yi said indifferently: "You know my position in the ancient country, too, the inheritance of the immortal...I haven't seen it before."

Su Wangyou was not hypocritical, nodded, and said seriously: "I accept this grace."

Seeing Su Wangyou's seriousness, Su Changge laughed and said, "Don't be so confident, wouldn't it be embarrassing if you fail by then."

Su Wangyou said nothing, but slowly opened the ancient book...

The ancient book bloomed with a magical light, and Su Wangyou was included in it.

Su Wangyou opened his eyes, and there was an endless void in front of him...and the dead soul.

Darkness, coldness, nothingness, pain.

In the boundless void, countless ghosts with only phantoms left roared at Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou's expression stunned, his hand was dyed with the virtual sword and it was unsheathed in an instant.

If it is a normal warrior, there is naturally no way for the existence of the dead soul, but this definitely does not include Su Wangyou.


A long-lost blue light appeared in Su Wangyou's eyes.

Backlighting was originally just a'stab' move.

But now, Su Wangyou changed it to a'cut' move.

A sword straddled the endless void, beheading the endless souls.

So far, Su Wangyou confirmed that the scene in front of him was pure, without any harm.

After all, his sword hasn't reached the level of this kind of sword, and the entire void is shattered and destroyed.

Su Wangyou shook his head and stepped forward without hesitation. There is a light in front of him. This light is too weak, and it seems to be tens of millions of light-years away. Can't touch.

The whole piece of void was shaky, but Su Wangyou was still unhurried. He walked step by step without any panic on his face.

When this void completely collapsed, he happened to plunge into the light.

Chapter 20 Sword Demon Han Qinghua (Part 1)

This era is called Gu Hong.

It's really the worst of times.

Han Qinghua thought so.

His hometown is Jinling, his mother is a standard Jiangnan American, and his father is a quack.

It is a pity that he later learned of these from others.

Because when he was a child, he didn't know who his parents were. Others called him a bastard.

"You were thrown at the door of a big family, but their little boy was too troublesome and kicked you into the lake. I rescued you."

Since Han Qinghua became sensible, the old beggar who took him in has always said this.

"I saved you, and you want to support me."

Yes, the old beggar saved Han Qinghua's life, and Han Qinghua also thinks he should repay the old beggar.

A little older, he went to beg, dig through trash cans, catch fish, and snatch the candied fruit from street children, but he could not be found by those adults, or he would be beaten severely. Han Qinghua had seen several beggars beaten to death. , The officers and soldiers were watching the show.

"Trash like you, what's the use of living?"

Since childhood, Han Qinghua has heard many such remarks.

But he still lives stubbornly, with all his energy to live, he has no mind to think about why this world is so sick, that's not what he should think of.

"I saved you, and you want to support me."

The old beggar was talking nonsense again. He didn't know when he was blind and could only lie in bed motionless all day long. He didn't know when, he stopped muttering those words.

"You're a good boy, don't be burdened by my bad old man, let's go... let's go..."

Han Qinghua went his own way and still sent food to the old beggars every day.

He went to beg, steal, and rob every day just to survive. He didn't know why the old beggar didn't want to live, but he didn't allow the old beggar to die like this.

Han Qinghua didn't want to do some decent work in the past, but who would want him as a dirty and smelly little beggar?Even the child of a prostitute dare to spit on his head and then scold him as a bastard.

Han Qinghua has become accustomed to it. Resignation is synonymous with him. As long as he can survive, no matter what is tolerable.

I often walk by the river, how can I not wet my shoes?

Han Qinghua was squatted by the satiated little boys. He was only eleven years old. His face was yellow and thin, and his bones might not be much harder than a piece of paper. How could he be better than those who had been eating big fish and meat since childhood. bad boy?

When the group blocked Han Qinghua in a small alley, Han Qinghua saw their eyes.

He was really familiar with this look.

When some children catch a cat or dog, they will have this naive and cruel look in their eyes.

It's like a demon.

"Wait... don't fight! This guy seems to be dead!"

"Ah? What should I do?"

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