Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 180:

"What else can we do, as long as we don't say anything, who cares about the life and death of such a person?"

The gang broke up.

Han Qinghua lay there for a long time, a flame in his chest kept burning, making him unwilling to die.

"that's it……?"

"No, I don't want...don't..."

It was night, the galaxy was shining, and a little beggar covered in blood struggled a few times and crawled out of a small alley.

He doesn't want to die, really.

Han Qinghua returned to his dilapidated cottage step by step, and several unknown beggars looked at him coldly.

"This place belongs to us, brat, get out of here!"

"and many more……"

"Don't be shameless, believe it or not I beat you to death?"

"That old man...where did he go?"

Han Qinghua was kicked out after all.

An uncle who was preparing to guard the stall after the supper sold out sighed sadly and told him the truth.

Han Qinghua didn't come back late into the night. The old beggar worried about his safety, so he went out alone to inquire about his news, but he offended Master Xu in the north of the city and was beaten to death and thrown into the river.

"Buckling! What are you muttering with that little bastard? You are not afraid of sticking to something unclean?" In the distance, the uncle's wife with a waist circumference and height of 1.5 meters has already begun to curse the street. Head, gone.

Han Qinghua lay down on the icy soil, crying in a very low voice all night.

But he really wasn't a genius like Wuming, he didn't have the heart of the magic sword.

So his crying can only be crying.

He cried all night.

This was the first and last time he cried in his life.

When the sun rose the next day, he sneaked back to his thatched house and found the knife that he had turned over in the trash can.

He didn't try to attack those beggars because he was really too weak and the knife was too blunt.

There are five beggars in total.

One died on the first day. It is said that he scared a child of a large family while begging.

Another died the next day and was washed away by the water when he went down to the river to catch fish.

No one knows why this beggar with the best water quality was washed away by the water instead.

Nothing happened on the third day.

On the fourth day, two more died.

This time he died very simply. Mr. Xu got a good horse. The horse was very temperamental. Mr. Xu didn't control it well, so he killed two beggars.

No one will double-check the feed the horse eats.

Beggar, who cares?

When Han Qinghua put the knife on the heart of the sleeping beggar, there was a sense of loss in his heart.

"It's... vulnerable waste."

he thinks.

It's just a few cents of Mongolian sweat medicine.

Knife, drop.

Then, the children of those households.

Those five beggars have a full thirty cents on them, enough to do a lot of things.

For example-a few bunches of candied haws, and a meat bun that can attract evil dogs?

A few days later, Han Qinghua hid behind the alley and finished watching the funeral of the children with a smile.

At this time, Han Qinghua had already felt his limit.

He was already thin and weak, and he had experienced such great sorrow and anger. In the end, he didn't sleep and counted day and night to kill those people. His body was already on the verge of collapse.

But there was one person he didn't kill.

That is the person he most wants to kill.

But he really couldn't do it, he couldn't hold it, he was tired and wanted to sleep.

"No way." He thought, "Let me die on the way to kill him."

Then, Han Qinghua pinched his blunt knife that couldn't even cut his own meat and set off on the road to Xu's house.

"The ants still make a living, why should the little friend look for death?"

In a trance, a person appeared in front of Han Qing's incarnation.

It was a long-haired man. He was wearing a pure white robe, without a trace of other colors.

Han Qinghua was already on the verge of death, without any scruples, he just said nonsense: "If you want me to die this day, I will do whatever he wants."

"If you want to die this day, you should live even more. How can you find death?"

"I also want to... be alive, since I was born, I have only thought about one thing since I was sensible, and that is to be alive... but I..."

Han Qinghua choked up and said, "I really can't live anymore..."

Chapter 21 The Sword Demon Han Qinghua (Part 2)

Hearing the words, the white-robed man chuckled lightly: "If, would I give you a chance to survive?"

"However, you have to do one thing for me..."

The next day, Mr. Xu died at home, and his death was miserable.

When the news spread, Han Qinghua had already carried the burden on his back, step by step towards the Sword Sect of the Beginning.

But how big is Gu Hong is that those immortals who travel thousands of miles a day and thousands of miles have to fly for dozens of days --- that is still ignoring the terrain.

For a mortal, this stretch of road is even more desperate.

When Han Qinghua first started on the road, he was just a skinny child.

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