Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 181:

Many years later, he became a strong young man. In order to earn money on travel expenses, he went to an inn as a second-year young man. There he met a very gentle girl, the daughter of his boss, gentle and sensible, calm and pleasant.

When Han Qinghua was young, he was very handsome, and at least he was fascinated by these little girls.

"Don't wait for me." He said.

Then Han Qinghua left without looking back, the wind that day was very loud.

Slowly, he entered middle age, his body began to lose weight, his hands and feet were not as neat as before, and no girl looked at him like before when he walked on the road.

It took a long time.

He is old.

Very old very old.

The hair was completely gray, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't straighten his waist.

He can't even see the patterns on his clothes.

But he was still walking.

Leaning on a crutches, stepping away from his old legs, he walked step by step.

"Don't you want to sleep?"

In the void, a voice came.

Han Qinghua shook his head, opened his mouth with few teeth, and said, "I don't want to."

"Then you go ahead."


Spring goes, summer comes, autumn goes, winter solstice.

Han Qinghua never died.

He is like a cockroach, living in this world.

Only occasionally someone will see his eyes, the unwillingness to burn the world in those muddy eyes.

We arrived in another city.

Han Qinghua stumbled to an inn and sat down shaking.

At this time, the voice of the guest next door entered his ears.

"Have you heard? Young Master Xu died at home, I heard people say that he died terribly, tusk tusk..."

For the speaker, this is just an unintentional sentence, but for Han Qinghua, this sentence...

Han Qinghua said nothing and continued to walk forward on crutches.

I don't know how many years, he went to another city.

He has no money, and no one is willing to ask him for this old bone. Fortunately, the owner of an inn looked at him pitifully and asked him to be the accountant.

It's a coincidence that the boss also has a daughter, but it's a pity that Han Qinghua has dim eyes and can't see what the girl looks like.

But he knew that the girl would stare at the door of the inn every day, as if waiting for someone to return.

"Little Wawa, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for someone." She said, her face full of longing. "A man named Han Qinghua said he wants me to wait for him."

Oh I got it.

Han Qinghua remembered that the wind was very strong when he left that day, and she could not hear the word'don'.

Han Qinghua was silent.

Time goes by.

That kind-hearted boss died of old age, and the girl became an aunt and then an old woman.

As the sun sets, the old woman is sitting at the door of the inn, looking at the sunset on the horizon, with a smile on her face when she was sixteen when she was acting like a baby with her sweetheart.

Then she too died.

But Han Qinghua is still alive.

He picked up his crutches and continued to walk forward.


"The old beggar in the north of the city offended Young Master Xu and was killed!"

"Boy, I think you have a bit of strength, so let's be the second in our inn."

"Why did Mr. Xu's horse go crazy again? Wasn't it fine yesterday?"

"Brother Han, are you tired? This is the blue and white cake I just made."

"Guwazi, let you be honest with you! Fortunately, it's just an uncontrollable seed."

"Brother Han, can you...Don't go?"

Endless reincarnation.

Han Qinghua experienced this absurd reincarnation time and time again.

In a daze, Young Master Xu's blood-filled face appeared in front of him.

"You... don't want to run..." Young Master Xu roared like a crazy beast.

Han Qinghua's face was expressionless, and he pulled up a crutches.

The world is broken.

Han Qinghua opened his eyes and found that his body was so aching. He fixed his eyes and found that he had returned to the night when he was eleven.

Perhaps, he never left.

Han Qinghua looked up, and the white-robed man was standing in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"

He asked, "Do you want to meet that girl?"

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