Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 185:

Su Changge glanced at it and felt that the blue-haired white-robed man looked seven or eighth similar to the human emperor.

This is already very important information for him...

Su Changge would think so much, but Su Wangyou wouldn't. He drew out the long sword with a swish, and at the same time moved half a step calmly, blocking Qin Luoxue behind him.

He raised the sword high and aimed it at the poisonous spider.

"Playing with insects." He said coldly: "When you were in the chaotic desert, you said,'Su Wangyou, do you want to know who killed your door?' Now I want to ask you... "

Su Wangyou's eyes flashed with a terrible cold light, "Did you also be among the people who killed our door?"

"Playing with insects?" The poisonous spider giggled a few times, and said frivolously: "Do you really dare to say?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Lan Faren said indifferently, "Kill them, no one can run, and the plan is not yet exposed."

"That's your job, I'm not a combatant." The poisonous spider smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he was just a weak woman.

————If someone who can escape from the real madness can also be called a weak woman...

Ha ha.

Up to now, it's just war.

Su Wangyou and Chu Yi each set up their swords.

The Qin Luoxue and the Qin were placed horizontally, bursts of air burst out.

Su Changge dropped his hands feebly, staring at these three people, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh oh, bullying children..." The red-haired young man stood up and squeezed his fist.

"————I like it the most."


At some point, the red-haired young man had already arrived in front of Su Wangyou, his fist had completely smashed into Su Wangyou's stomach, and he stretched out from Su Wangyou's back waist.

Su Wangyou opened his mouth uncontrollably, trying to highlight a mouthful of blood, but the red-haired young man slammed Su Wangyou's chin with one punch and stunned him directly.

Fast, it is too fast.

Before everyone even reacted, Su Wangyou had already been smashed for half his life by this punch.

[This is the real Emperor Realm?!

At this moment, silence is better than sound. Su Changge didn't waste any time. He didn't even have time to make a surprised expression and moved.

"Three hundred billion——————The shooting star broke through!"

Trillions of streamers gathered in Su Changge's hands, and the blue-haired man snorted disdainfully, and said, "Inferior counterfeit goods."

Afterwards, the blue-haired man made a fist, and the trillions of streamers immediately turned around and reached the blue-haired man's hands.

The blue-haired man fisted out.

——————The earth roared and the sky trembled.

The terrifying boxing gun roared towards Su Changge, and everything along the way turned into dust.

Su Changge withstood the blow forcibly, but mouthfuls of blood kept coming out of his mouth, looking terrifying.

Chu gritted his teeth one by one, and the Liangyi Sword was completely liberated.

But he hadn't made any move yet, the red-haired young man instantly withdrew his hand from Su Wangyou's abdomen, jumped over to Chu Yi, and kicked it.

————Facts have proved that for physical training, all martial arts are imaginary. With such a simple kick, Chu was kicked hundreds of meters away, and I didn’t know how many trees he knocked over. Chu Yi lay on the ground and got up for a long time.

So far, Su Wangyou, Su Changge, and Chu Yi almost all lost their combat effectiveness.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

The three of them are certainly the world's top arrogance, but they are just fairyland.

Besides, they are arrogances, aren't they the red-haired youth and blue-haired men?

"Unworthy of the name." The blue-haired man commented briefly, then raised his fist.

Su Changge looked at the other person's fists entangled in his inner qi, barely lifted a sigh, and said: "I heard that the Emperor has a younger brother who was driven out because of the entanglement of the throne - you are that guy, right?

"The dead don't need to know so much." The blue-haired man blasted out with a punch.

Su Changge smirked and pinched a sword tactic.

After that, countless ancient runes appeared on his body, blood vessels burst out instantly, and the veins violently violently violently appeared extremely scary.

The sound of the ancient and mysterious avenue resonated with a certain mysterious existence.

A mysterious force enveloped Su Wangyou and the other four, swallowing them in.

In the blink of an eye, the four of them disappeared.

The poisonous spider was still very calm, but as soon as the four figures disappeared, her face changed, "Run away?!"

"Can't run, can't run." The red-haired young man licked the blood on his hand, his eyes full of excitement.

"Can't run..."

Chapter 24 Have you left yet?

In a certain stone cave, Chu Yi sat on the ground without an image, rubbing his stomach with one hand, with a painful expression on his face--even if he tried to restrain himself, the pain was still unreasonably tortured. With his body and soul.

"It is estimated that what is the secret method to strengthen pain, Chu Yi, can it hold it?" Su Changge whispered.

" problem." Chu Yiqiang endured the pain that almost drove him crazy, and asked, "Did you get rid of them?"

"It shouldn't be." Su Changge opened his mouth and spit out blood, his complexion looked a lot better, "I guess they will catch up soon. This time in the chaotic desert may be a little different. Those two guys are both emperor classics. The best among them might still be the Extreme Emperor Realm. Such an opponent is not something we can contend with, and we can only win by numbers."

"It suddenly became confused..."

"This is not the time to talk about this." Su Changge raised his hand and brought Su Wangyou, who was lying on his side, into the storage space. At the same time, he stunned Qin Luoxue with a hand knife and took it in.

By now, Chu Yi didn't have the mind to ask why Su Changge was able to harvest the living creatures. He took a breath and forced the injury down.

Su Changge closed his eyes and pressed a few times in the void, and said: "Run west, there are people from Misty Xianzong. Although I don't know if I can beat those two guys, I still have to fight back. strength."

"It's not too late, let's go!" As soon as Chu raised the Liangyi Sword, he flew to the west quickly, followed by Su Changge.


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