Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 186:

In an open space, Zhu Yao led a group of disciples and elders as they walked, constantly pinching and calculating the location of the treasures of heaven and earth.

If you see a strange beast, it depends on the situation. If the strange beast is weaker, give it to the disciple to practice. If it is stronger, add another Bai Ruoli. If Bai Ruoli can't beat it, then it will be round To their elders shot.

But from the current point of view, Bai Ruoli is relatively reliable. The elders haven't even touched this path. If this is the case until the end of the secret realm, then this group of disciples can be considered to have the ability to break through the secret realm alone.

Suddenly, Zhu Yao stopped and looked in one direction, "Someone is coming to us, to see where they are going, their goal is us."

"All disciples step back." Jian Qisha commanded, lifting the sword and standing in front of Zhu Yao, "Can you feel how many people are there?"

"! Four!" Zhu Yao said.

Jian Qisha pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "At least four, right? I know..."

Zhuyao also knew that her continuous change of mind just now was a bit unreliable, but she still said confidently: "Four, you can't go wrong."

(Because Su Changge took out Su Wangyou and Qin Luoxue during the flight, Zhu Yao would be that reaction.)

Zhu dazzled and saw four figures coming from afar.

"It's Su Wangyou!" Zhu Yao frowned, "The people around him are Chu Yi, Su Changge, and someone he doesn't know. But looking at the costume, they should be the descendants of Sage Qin. They seem to be All are wounded."

Jian Qisha breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the hand holding the sword.

"Did they provoke some big guy?" Jian Qisha quickly vetoed himself, "No, if you want to hurt them or even make them run away in embarrassment, at least it must be a monster in the Emperor Realm, and it must be compared. The strong one, but how rare is the strange beast in the Emperor Realm..."

"Don't guess, I think someone should explain to you, but not now." Zhu Yao said meaningfully.

At this time, Su Changge had already arrived in front of them.

Holding Su Wangyou in his arms, he said loudly, "Are there any elders who are good at healing?"

An elder in a white dress raised his hand and said, "Give me Elder Su."

Su Changge nodded and handed Su Wangyou to the elder. Then he looked at Zhuyao and said, "Time is running out, just a short sentence, are you in charge of these people now?"

Zhuyao nodded, and said readily: "You can say that, after all, I am the best able to fight."

Su Changge nodded and said calmly: "Well, in the name of Su Wangyou and Chu Wushuang as a guarantee, give me ten minutes, and I will explain it to you."

Zhu Yao didn't talk nonsense, as soon as she raised her hand, a formation enveloped the two.

At the same time, Chu Yi refused the treatment from the Elder Misty Xianzong, and he drew out the Liangyi Sword and placed it horizontally before his knee.

The Liangyi sword emitted a faint light, and at the same time, Chu Yi's injury began to recover quickly, not knowing how much faster than ordinary treatment.


Su Changge is Su Changge, saying that ten minutes is really ten minutes, one second is not more than one second.

Zhu Yao raised his hand to lift the formation. At this time, her expression was extremely serious, "I really hope that what you said is false."

She said to Su Changge on one side: "If what you said is true, I'm afraid Zu Guang will start a long-lost bloody storm."

Su Changge wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly: "I hope it's fake too."

Zhu Yao glanced at him and said, "For the face of Su Wangyou and Chu Wushuang, I believe you once."

Su Changge nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

He knew how ridiculous what he said to those who hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes. The other party's willingness to believe in him was indeed very lucky.

Jian Qisha came over. He looked at Zhu Yao with frowning brows and couldn't help but said, "What happened on earth?"

Zhu Yao shook his head and said, "This is not the time to talk about this. This matter is really important. We will immediately return to Misty Xianzong."

"Go back now?!" Jian Qisha was startled and said, "But--"

"No but." Zhu Yao glanced at him, and there was some incomprehensible fear in his eyes, "Compared with this, this trial is simply not worth mentioning, I ordered, now, immediately, Right now, leave this secret realm and return to Misty Immortal Sect!"

Jian Qi Killed for a while, then solemnly said: "I understand."

He turned his head and said loudly: "The disciple of Misty Xianzong listens to the order. Now stop all activities and immediately return to the flying boat. We will go back to Misty Xianzong. No matter what objection you have, don't raise it. Violators are sent to the precepts hall."

The disciple of Misty Xianzong was taken aback for a moment, and then moved quickly.

At this time, the advantage of the disciples of the big sect is revealed. If it is the disciple of the third-rate sect, it must be all kinds of procrastination at this time, and there will be all kinds of complaints, and even use the power of the family to threaten the elders.

But in the big sect--unless it is some special big sect, this will never happen.


An extremely abusive voice rang in the air.

"You... can you go?"

Chapter 25 The Long Five Minutes (Part 1)

Everyone heard the reputation, only to see three figures slowly forming in the void.

It was the poisonous spider, the blue-haired young man who was suspected of being the brother of the Emperor, and the red-haired young man who was obviously slender but looked like a monk.

(Frankie monk...For example, those who play Gu poison basically have to draw some inexplicable things on their bodies...)

The villain died of Huadu, and Zu Guang's warriors never made this kind of mentally retarded mistake.

Zhu Yao had already known the identities of these people from Su Changge, and he said mercilessly: "The opposite is the enemy, you die and die, don’t keep your hands!"

A total of nine elders came from Misty Xianzong this time. Su Wangyou has lost her combat power, and the female elder in the white skirt is treating Su Wangyou. In addition, she is also an auxiliary martial artist, and will not be able to do so for a while. Get out, plus there are two elders who want to protect the disciples, and they can't participate in the battle casually.

At the end of the calculation, there are only five elders in the emperor realm on Misty Xianzong.

Five to three, logically speaking, should be an advantage, but in fact it is not.

Except for Zhuyao and the red-haired young man who are 50-50, the other four elders together barely blocked the blue-haired man's offensive.

In the end, there was a poisonous spider. There was no way. Su Changge and Chu Yi gritted their teeth and stood on top. Fortunately, the poisonous spider is just a normal emperor realm, and it is not too difficult for the two to resist together.

The poisonous spider was secretly anxious. According to the original idea, they should be able to quickly solve Su Changge. As a result, Su Changge ran away, and they found reinforcements. The problem is that there is someone in Misty Immortal Sect. Five to five with the mad ghost.

[This madman...] Although he is an accomplice, the poisonous spider is also extremely afraid of the red-haired young man named Crazy Ghost, because the opponent's power is too strong, if it really fights, she must not even be able to support ten moves.

[When did Misty Xianzong have such a top master...] The poisonous spider was secretly anxious, but was helpless.

"What are you thinking?" At this moment, Su Changge's low voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the poisonous spider, "Is this... when you are in a daze?"

The poisonous spider was shocked, but it was too late.

Su Changge did not know when she had come behind her, a small formation tied her up.

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