Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 188:

If Zhu Yao and Mad Ghost played back and forth, and Zhu Yao barely had an advantage, then the battle between the blue-haired man and the four elders would be a bit disadvantageous for Misty Immortal Sect.

The steps of the blue-haired man were erratic, sometimes elegant and flexible, and sometimes straight. The four elders couldn't figure out his way at all, and all the attacks fell into the empty space. Considering the disciples not far away, they could not. Use a wide range of AOE.

"I know this skill!" Jian Qisha spoke. He panted slightly, and said: "This is the human emperor's family heirloom. You are blue hair again...could it be that the human emperor's younger brother?!"

To be able to become the Emperor Realm, the Seven Swords of Swords is naturally not a fool, he is also considered a family origin. For the Xia Guo royal family, these things are absolutely precious. Naturally, he immediately thought of the person who had competed with his brother for the throne.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!" The blue-haired man suddenly showed a look of anger, "I know the emperor, emperor, and emperor! Do you ever know that this title should have been mine!"

The blue-haired man suddenly burst out of internal energy, and the powerful impact shocked the four elders.

The blue-haired man expended so much internal energy to shake everyone away, but he didn't make any movements. He stood still, motionless.

He looked at Jian Qisha, the anger in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

The blue-haired man hates the mention of the Emperor in front of him the most, even if it is a mad ghost, he is unwilling to touch him.

However, Jian Qisha not only mentioned the Emperor of Humanity, but also guessed the truth - Su Changge guessed the truth, and was almost killed by a punch by the blue-haired man.

But Jian Qisha showed a smile.

Martial artist is never a career that gets stronger with more anger, and only keeping calm forever is the best fighting talent.

—— Except for some special cases, such as Feng Mo Jianxin.

But now, the blue-haired man is angry, but he still remains calm, which is a little advantage.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? I stabbed my foot in pain?" Jian Qi killed an inch. "The bereaved dog, it stands to reason that the emperor should have killed you when he became the throne. Only when he wanted to let you die in brotherhood, you did this Things, tut tut tut."

Although Jian Qisha didn't know what the blue-haired man did, but looking at Zhu Yao's expression, it must not be a good thing. Anyway, it is nothing more than using words to disturb the other's mood. It really doesn't matter whether it is true or false.

"Huh!" I didn't expect that the blue-haired man would not be angry when he heard these words, but said arrogantly: "The frog at the bottom of the well, you can't even imagine what a great cause I am doing. This world belongs to us after all!"

Jian Qisha narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't figure out the other party.

Powerful in the emperor realm, pay attention to the word freely, generally at this realm, almost disdain and can't lie.

Naturally, disdain needless to say, who in the world is qualified to let them lie against their own hearts?

As for not, it is naturally due to the restriction of Dao Xin. The words and deeds of the powerful emperor are in line with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If they lie, they may breed demons and dust the Dao Xin.

——————By the way, even in the emperor realm, Su Changge still lied and didn’t feel uncomfortable. He was using his personal charm to assimilate the demons...

In summary, coupled with the blue-haired man’s arrogant expression from the heart, Sword Seven Kills can be sure that he is not lying, but that he sincerely feels that “I am doing a great career” in this world sooner or later It belongs to us'.

[This amount of information is a bit big...]

Jian Qisha licked his dry lips, gradually feeling a little uneasy.

Zu Guang has been peaceful for too long, really too long for too long.

But now, Sword Seven Kills smelled blood from the words of the blue-haired man...

"It's useless to say more!" Jian Qisha shook his head and cursed secretly. Originally, he wanted to use words to influence the other party, but he didn't expect that he would be affected, "Fight!"

The four rushed up.

A faint mockery appeared on the face of the blue-haired man.

"The light of the fireflies, dare to contend with the sun and the moon?"

He raised his fist, first sinking, then mentioning.

"Domineering style, so I dominate."

A fist blasted out, a bloody storm.

The blue-haired man showed excitement.

"Come on, for the new age! Give your souls!"

The two sides once again fought together, but this time, the four elders could only use their best defense.

Moreover, even if they only defend and not attack, they are just trying their best to support. The blue-haired man's attack is really too domineering and unreasonable. Even if there are four of them, they are suppressed to death, and there is no meaning to turn over.


Thousands of thoughts flashed through Jian Qisha's mind, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Seven kills swordsmanship." He groaned softly, "Autumn learning style. Autumn wind sweeps fallen leaves."

The blue-haired man laughed wildly, completely devoid of the elegant temperament of the beginning.

"Domineering, unique, let me be the one!"

The other three elders glanced at each other, and one after another resorted to fascination.

The bloody battle continues...

On the contrary, it is Su Changge and Chu Yi's side. The advantages of the two are almost overwhelming. Although Su Changge did not make any powerful attacks, he made every shot just right. Chu Yi felt that the more he fought, the better he was. The more fun you play, every move and every style is a magical touch.

But the poisonous spider is very uncomfortable. She feels that Su Changge is just like a slippery autumn loach, every time it appears in the least expected place, when it shouldn't appear, let her be Chu Yi suppressed it to death, there was no chance to fight back, and even no room to fight back.

[Damn it, he is indeed a descendant of the Guigu Sect, and he is as difficult to die as that old thing.The poisonous spider cried secretly. At this time, Chu Yi slashed with a sword again. Just as the poisonous spider was about to reach out to block it, Su Changge emerged from the side and pierced her back with a sword.

In desperation, the poisonous spider only had to retreat half a step, and the price was that Su Changge had drawn a wound nearly fifteen centimeters long and one centimeter deep.

"Little thief——————!" The poisonous spider finally couldn't help it, and recklessly resorted to his own knack.

Chapter 27: Five Long Minutes (Part 2)

The strong in the imperial realm must have a unique knowledge.

When each virtual realm is promoted to the imperial realm, it must create a secret method or martial skill with its own name or character, and there must be a unique trick in it.

Because of a certain kind of heavenly will bonus, the martial artist will call out his move name when using the move. After countless tests, one thing is finally confirmed.

Shouting the name of a move can indeed obtain a certain will of heaven and increase the power of the move - and the increase in it is more or less, and the one with the most increase will always be the unique skill of the move.

Therefore, when each emperor realm is desperate, the first choice is always to create a unique school.

Since it was desperate, he would naturally use all his skills, and the bonus of Dao's will would naturally not fall.

If you really shout out...

Su Changge's eyes were like electricity, staring at the poisonous spider carefully.

[Speak, say, your unique name——————your name!] Su Changge’s ability to collect information is not strong enough for outsiders. If the poisonous spider really uses jerk and exposes his name, Su Changge may find out something.

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