Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 189:

Naturally, this result is not what some people want to see.

"It's still too young after all, haha."

A hunched old man slowly emerged from the void on one side.

When the poisonous spider saw the old man, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"You just came here!"

But at this moment, Su Changge stopped suddenly, he looked at the hunched old man with a terrible cold light in his eyes.

"It's been a long time since I saw you." He slowly spit out a few words from his mouth, "My... former uncle."

As soon as this statement came out, all of them were shocked. Su Changge’s inheritance has always been a secret. No one knows what his mentor is. He only knows that it should have something to do with the word “Guigu”. I didn’t expect to see him now. 'S former teacher.

The humpbacked old man looked at Su Changge and unconsciously squeezed the crutches in his hand, "Good nephew... I didn't expect my brother to teach such a good disciple. I'm really curious if he knew that his disciple died. How would you feel when he was in the hands of his junior brother?"

Su Changge sneered disdainfully, and said, "Kill me? Just rely on your half-slapped ghost descendant?"

The humpbacked old man was furious when he heard this. It was the pain of his life that he did not get the complete Ghost Valley heritage.

"Although it is a complete inheritance that I can't learn, hasn't my good nephew learned it? I will kill you later, just look for it in your mind slowly." The old man's face was still smiling, he stared at Su Changge firmly, and said the soul search without hesitation.

Su Changge sighed and said, "It's a pity, uncle, uncle, it's really not time for you to come, if you came earlier."

Su Changge stretched out his right hand, leaving a small gap between his index finger and thumb.

"Look, as long as you come so a little earlier, I really can't help it. What a pity."

He laughed mockingly: "You are late."

Afterwards, Su Changge's hands clasped abruptly, and a hundred-foot-long phantom suddenly appeared behind him. The phantom didn't say a word, looking straight at the hunched old man and rushed over.

The humpbacked old man was half a descendant of the Guigu faction anyway, with so many methods that people could not believe it, and in a blink of an eye he used more than thirty secret techniques.


If the hunched old man knew the source of this secret technique, he would probably not do so much useless work.

This secret technique was just obtained by Su Changge, and it was one of the two tricks of the sword demon Han Qinghua.

(PS Secret Technique and Secret Technique actually mean the same thing, use whichever is more convenient.)

An immortal's move to press the bottom of the box...

Not to mention the hunchback old man, the half-hanging ghost descendant, even if Su Changge's master came, it might not be able to stop this move.

Of course, if the ancestors of the Guigu Sect were allowed to come, they would naturally be able to stop them.

As soon as the hundred-foot-long phantom touched the hump-backed old man, it instantly shrank, until it finally merged into the hump-backed old man's body.

Su Changge showed a weird smile.

Afterwards, blood lines bloomed from the hunched old man, and a bloody figure slowly crawled out of those blood lines.

It was a young man with a dark eyebrow.

The humpbacked old man saw that sulky young man, his expression changed drastically.

"Oh, uncle ah uncle." Su Changge smiled: "You look so ugly now, you really couldn't be handsome when you were young?"

Finally found a .JPG uglier than me.

Su Changge stayed with Su Wangyou, a handsome and unreasonable guy all day long, and now he saw someone who was not physically cultivated but uglier than himself, and he was so moved that he would cry.

(PS Su Changge is actually not ugly. The 85-point face value is also a little fresh meat, but he always mixes with Su Wangyou. In contrast...)

But everyone's focus is not on the word'ugly'.

"When I was young?" Chu Yi squinted his eyes, and drove the poisonous spider back with a sword. He recalled Su Changge's words just now and asked, "This is the secret technique in the legacy of the sword demon?"

"Not bad." Su Changge smiled like a fox, "As for the effect... you can watch it yourself."

The hump-backed old man saw his youth when he was young, his face changed drastically, "It's just a phantom! How dare to deceive me?"

Afterwards, the hunched old man screamed, and thousands of souls flew out of his cuffs, and went straight to the cruel youth.

"Ha---" The cruel young man sneered and waved his hand. The same power emerged from his cuffs, dispelling those wronged souls, "Oh, why are you such a waste?"

The cruel young man said: "Oh, I don't know what to say about you, but the person I like likes his brother, and I can't get the position of the head. Even stealing a heritage will be discovered. You look like a person, not a ghost or a ghost, you really are--"

"Shut up——————" The humpbacked old man roared and waved his hand. A huge formation was formed and destroyed instantly.

The humpbacked old man looked at the culprit with red eyes - that is, Su Changge on one side.

"Uncle, your formation skills...not enough." Su Changge said casually.

The hunchbacked old man trembled all over with angrily, but he didn't wait for him to act. The stubborn young man forced him up again.

But it's useless.

The humpbacked old man would do it, and the cruel young man would basically do, plus Su Changge's occasional cold arrow next to him, the humpbacked old man actually fell into a disadvantage.

"Tsk tusk tusk." The cruel youth said again, "You, you, take a look, don't say it's a brother now, you can't even beat your nephew, and the tasks assigned above have to It failed, how did you guarantee it?'My nephew will be solved by myself', haha, now?"

Su Changge said to the side, "Uncle, what should I do? You are really worried about being a nephew, why are you such a waste? I really don't understand."

"After I go back, I might be trained again."

"Ha, you have to go back alive to have a chance to be trained."


Chapter 28 The Long Five Minutes (Continued)

Su Changge and the ruthless young man gritted his teeth angrily at the hunched old man, wishing to take Su Changge's skin and bones.

But the more angry he is, the more he can't display his strength, and the greater Su Changge's ridicule is.

The hunched old man also thought about calming down with his own meditation technique, but Su Changge's mouth is really powerful. Even if the real living Buddha is in front of him, Su Changge can vomit blood from the living Buddha's qi, let alone one side. There is also a vicious young man constantly exploding the dark history of the hunched old man.

What's even more annoying is that Su Changge never fights head-on with the humpbacked old man. It is completely relying on the vicious young man to deal with him. The humpbacked old man shouted, "If you have a kind, don't run." Angry at the humpback old man...

In a sense, Su Changge is really a master of psychological warfare...

The poisonous spider looked in his eyes and worried in his heart.

She looked around quickly.

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