Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 191:

Li Qinglian's peerless sword used to cross the heavens and the world.

[Sharpness+++++++]: Although this sword is indeed sharp enough to open, when Li Qinglian pulls out the sword, no one can get close to his body (hands out).

[Sunder +++++++]: Tell a joke, you have defense.

[Sturdy +++++++]: Tell a joke, this sword is very crisp.

[Sword Qi Amplification+++++++]: Why did you die before I tried my best?

[Sword Mang Increase+++++++]: Don’t want to touch porcelain, I’m not stupid, just get up from the ground!

[Sword Qi Bodyguard+++++++]: Are you... are you attacking me?

[Qinglian Jianxian, Fenghua Peerless (only)]: Passive skills.

One: Use Qinglian Six Forms to reduce consumption by 95%.

Two: Use the six forms of Qinglian without any sequelae.

Three: Use Qinglian Six Forms, except for forward and backward shaking, without any cooling.

4: Use the six forms of Qinglian to increase its power to 300%.

Five: Use the six forms of Qinglian to obtain the blessing of Qinglian Jianxin, and the moves will be sublimated to a certain extent.

Six: Using the six forms of Qinglian, there is a certain chance of obtaining the blessing of the soul of Li Qinglian and obtaining the nine forms of true green lotus.

Seven: Use the six forms of green lotus to obtain the meaning of green lotus to wash the soul and body, and permanently improve the character's qualifications.

Equipment level: the limit is eternal.

(The Dapeng rises in the same wind in one day, soaring for ninety thousand miles.)

[The equipment can only exist for three minutes]

(PS starts from the inheritance level, the equipment items are graded in this way, pseudo inheritance, inheritance, pseudo eternity, eternity, high order eternity, limit eternity.)

(PS You may think that this attribute is too strong. It is for the sixth form of Qinglian. If a person does not know the sixth form of Qinglian, then this sword will be useless... a small part, after all, its own attributes are also very good. Strong, by the way, because the possibility that the only special effect of Qinglian Sixth Form will work is too small, after all, few people know Qinglian Sixth Form, so the special effects [Qinglian Sword Fairy, Fenghua Peerless (Only)] are not counted. The evaluation of equipment level, the evaluation of extreme eternity is entirely because of the six seven plus signs...)

Su Wangyou held the sword.

There was a time when he was so naive that the increase in weapons to warriors was small.

Until today, until now, he didn't know how outrageous he was.

—————— I grasped the future in my hands, even if it was only three minutes.

Three minutes, one second less than one second.

Su Wangyou no longer hesitated.

Originally, he wanted to use blood anger, light clouds to cover the moon, and the combination of wind and snow.

But it is not needed anymore.

Su Wangyou stepped forward and said loudly.

"Six forms of green lotus."

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!"

The mighty sword light engulfed the terrifying sword light and sword energy and roared at the male swordsman.

If Su Wangyou does not have the Qinglian Excalibur, then this sword is certainly strong, but if he wants to cause damage to the extreme emperor realm like a male swordsman, it is almost impossible, but now he has the Qinglian Excalibur , Let’s not talk about those imaginary things like sword intent and divine intent.

In a word, triple power.

What is the concept of triple the power of top jerk?

(PS is actually Li Qinglian's sword intent blessing, but those things are really too watery to write, I will not write them. Everyone has read novels for so many years, and they must be clear about these things.)

The male swordsman's face changed wildly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

impossible!This level...]

Although the male swordsman was shocked, he would not lose his mind because of this. He swung the sword horizontally, and an extremely fierce golden light emerged from above, resisting Su Wangyou's sword abruptly.

The male swordsman bowed his head and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

"Good kid..." He gasped, his face was full of violence, "I can actually use such a sword, but after all, it is only in the fairyland, and this sword should be weak when it goes down.——————— —"

The male swordsman was stunned.

Stunned during the battle, let alone an emperor realm, even a martial artist in the master realm would not make such low-level mistakes.

But the male swordsman made such a mistake.

What is it that made him so gaffe?

the answer is

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!"

Su Wangyou's eyes were far deeper than Jiuyou, and he raised the sword again, "No...impossible, right?" The male swordsman muttered to himself, and he firmly held his sword. , "It's a lie, bluff, I want to kill——————"

The sword light fell down.

It was like a silver-white sky.

The male knife man tremblingly cut his veins with a knife.

The knife drank the blood, emitting a strange red light.

So, the male swordsman carried it again.

He got up from the dust, but the hand holding the knife became his left hand--his right hand was gone.

The male swordsman looked at Su Wangyou dementialy.

Su Wangyou's voice is really nice, but the male swordsman at this time heard that Su Wangyou's voice is far more terrifying than the roar of the painful banshee.

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!"

It was still this sentence, it was still these five words, and even the pauses between the names of the moves did not change in the slightest, and even the tone of the names of the moves and the vibrato between words did not change at all.

But the male swordsman really couldn't stop it.

three times?

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