Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 192:

Near death, the male swordsman calmed down instead.

three times?

He asked himself very suspiciously.

[Three powers are almost equivalent to the ultimate imperial realm's full blow?A fairyland, use it three times?

he thinks.

[A... Fairyland?

He looked at his face without a trace of expression, the whole person just stood there, like an inviolable Su Wangyou like a fairy.

"Fairyland...Fairyland...ha, hahaha——————It really is a fairy......"

The male swordsman turned around and glanced at the poisonous spider.

There was only shock in the poisonous spider's eyes. Seeing him turning back, there was another imperceptible disgust.

The male swordsman clearly saw the trace of disgust, but still smiled at the poisonous spider.

"Live well..."

He said that, completely swallowed by Jianguang.


"...Run." The hunched old man's expression completely solidified, he felt that his brain had completely lost the ability to think, and only one word remained.




The humpbacked old man tore open the space without hesitation and jumped in.

The poisonous spider regained his senses abruptly, relied on being close, and immediately jumped in.

The blue-haired man was originally far away, but he was smarter. As early as when Su Wangyou swung his second sword, he felt something was wrong. When fighting the four elders, he deliberately or unintentionally approached the humpbacked old man who had the most ways to run. Hui will forcibly take a blow from the four elders and jump in.

Everyone dared not chase deeply, and the space crack disappeared.

"Elder Zhu Yao, step back." Su Wangyou said coldly.

Although Zhu Yao was surprised by Su Wangyou's combat power, she didn't say much. She relied on her ability to use inner energy but the mad ghost could not, and several secret methods forcibly escaped.

The blue light flashed in Su Wangyou's eyes and he swung his sword again.

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!"

The sword light is mighty, the sun and the moon are shining.

Chapter Thirty

The strength of the mad ghost is undoubtedly white. He is also sealed with internal energy, but he can fight with the candle Yao in a god costume for so long. Looking at the ancestral light, he can achieve this level of physical training no more than ten.

However, he is only self-cultivation.

The most afraid of physical cultivation is not the flexible method of cultivation, nor is it a strange monk.

What they fear most is always the tool repairs that hold the magic weapon in their hands.

Because people are just human beings, how can they compete with those magic weapons?

What's more, what Su Wangyou is holding is the Qinglian Divine Sword, which is called the number one divine sword of the heavens and the world in later generations...

Su Wangyou cut down with this sword, and directly cut off the crazy ghost who had been exhausted by Zhu Yao.

For the Emperor Realm, this was not a serious injury, it was just pure pain.

Su Wangyou naturally wanted to stay alive.

He hadn't had a chance before the opponent was aggressive, but now that he has a chance, he naturally wants to make a living.

The mad ghost was crawling on the ground, his face extremely pale, he stared at Su Wangyou, just staring so hard, without any emotional color in his eyes.

If it was someone else, he might be stared at by a mad ghost, but Su Wangyou felt nothing.

He raised the sword in his hand again.

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!"

The dazzling sword light crushed the entrails of the crazy ghost completely.

————Anyway, mad ghosts are self-cultivation and cannot die.

The opponent is strong, of course, to weaken him as much as possible now, and it will be easier to control later.

"Su Wangyou..." As the internal organs were crushed, countless blood spilled out of the crazy ghost's mouth, he roared: "Okay! You are fine! The whole world is underestimating you! You are waiting for --- ———"

The mad ghost completely ignored his injuries and roared like crazy: "I will kill you by myself!!"

Subsequently, the mad ghost made an amazing move.

————He committed suicide.

Su Changge's face changed, and one of them came to the crazy ghost and stretched out his finger to press on it.

After a while, Su Changge looked up solemnly and said, "Really dead, completely dead, there is no vitality in the body, there is absolutely no secret method of suspended animation."

[I will kill you by myself!!

Su Wangyou, Su Changge, Zhu Yao and Chu Yi, four people who knew the truth, all remembered this sentence.

Su Changge instantly set up the Transsion Network and pulled the four people in.

[He can resurrect, this organization can resurrect the dead warrior, otherwise he would never say such a thing.Su Wangyou frowned.

[But even so, why does he say such a thing?As soon as he said he wanted to kill me personally, he immediately committed suicide. Isn't this forcing others to think about resurrection?Perhaps the other party’s purpose is just that...

[Is it really okay to expose their cards in this way, or do they have other plans?Now that the information is not enough, everything is nonsense. This organization may send someone over. Although the possibility is very small, we have to guard against it. No matter what, let’s go back to the sect first. Then I will find the lord and let her Invite the masters of the big sects to come over for a meeting and tell the world about this matter.Indeed, this matter is not something we can solve, it should make the people of the world have a headache with us.There is no problem here in the ancient country, I will spread the matter out.

"Well, that's it!" Su Changge nodded and said, "I'm going to Xia Country."

Su Wangyou knew that he was going to talk to the Emperor, but he still didn't say anything.

"That's right!" Su Wangyou suddenly clapped his palms and took out a few charms from the storage artifact, "Su Changge, Chu Yi, Elder Zhu, and Qin Luoxue, hold these magical runes, It will be more convenient in the future."

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