Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 201:

"Slid away."

This is not called counseling, this is called Congxin.JPG

Then Su Changge slipped away and disappeared.

Before the disciples recovered, Su Changge'come back'.

Su Wangyou stepped on the flying sword expressionlessly, carrying Su Changge's back collar in his hand.

Su Changge was lifted by him, his face looked unlovable.

"Can you put me down? Su Changge also needs to make a face, you see, I have helped you with two years of class. There is no credit and suffering..."

"Call Dad."


"Oh, no."

The disciples could clearly see the desperate expression on Su Changge's face.

Su Wangyou glanced at the disciples blankly, and said, "I haven't attended class for a long time. I came to the actual combat class in the afternoon. By the way, I will test your strength, and none of them can run away."

After that, he carried Su Changge and flew far away in the eyes of many disciples looking up at the boss...

Chapter Thirty Eight

"Die, or clean up my cave in two hours, you choose one." Su Wangyou said indifferently, and let go of Su Changge's back collar.

As soon as Su Changge was released, he immediately began to fight (jiao) bian.

"Wait—" Su Changge said loudly, like a twenty-five cubs about to sell his classmates to the old class. He pointed to the pile of snack bags and said, "These are all Tang Congxin eats. My business!"

"So?" Su Wangyou looked at Su Changge with some doubts. Although there was no expression on his face, Su Changge could still see his doubts in his eyes.

"Do you think Tang Congxin will clean it for you?"

"..." Su Changge was silent for a while, "Probably...not?"

"So, can you beat her? Can you threaten her to clean it for you?"

"..." Su Changge was silent for a while, "It seems...can't it?"

"Then do you think she will find her conscience to help you clean it?"

"..." Su Changge was silent again for a while, "maybe...not?"

"That's not enough." Su Wangyou threw the broom to Su Changge, "Also, the last question marks are unnecessary."

Su Changge took the broom and sighed like a fate.

"Miss me dignified..."

"Clean up!"


Su Changge moved quickly, making people a little distressed skillfully.

It’s no wonder that although Tang Congxin is Su Changge’s maid in name, in fact...

It's pretty bitter to think about Su Changge.

After all, this fellow Tang Congxin is not ordinary difficult to serve, but she never shows this side in front of Su Wangyou.

This aunt was hungry in the middle of the night and went to kick Su Changgemen and asked him to buy food...

However, Su Wangyou would not let Su Changge go because of this.

Me, Mo's feelings.

In the afternoon, Su Wangyou came to the martial arts field.

Started a pair of beatings... I mean sparring, sparring.

In the beginning, the disciples of Misty Xianzong were not used to being taught by their peers. After all, being able to enter Misty Xianzong was more or less a little arrogant, and there was always some arrogance in my heart. Let peers teach them, indeed Some people will be dissatisfied.

It's so fragrant, oh no, I mean so handsome.

However, Su Wangyou didn't teach long before he changed to Su Changge.

So he was a little bit dissatisfied.

Haha, do they think Su Changge is a modest son like Su Wangyou?Are you not angry even when you find fault?

Although Su Changge always seemed to be smiling, but with a black heart, ten Su Wangyou combined couldn't compare to him.

How many senior masters have been played by Su Changge between applause, it is unclear that the bloodthirsty emperor and the Qionglou emperor are still dead, let alone a few disciples?

There is no need to talk about these things. Anyway, for Su Changge, this is the kind of'little thing that I don't bother to show up on the wine table'.

Now when he and Su Wangyou and Chu Yi are drinking, they want to make a comparison, at least something like'I cut another emperor realm yesterday'...

I don't know what the imperial realm was like...

After all, this is still a bunch of young people in their early twenties...

After the unilateral beating was over, Su Wangyou began to seriously guide him. To his surprise, this group of disciples did grow a lot, and their growth rate far exceeded Su Wangyou's expectations.

————It can only be said that Su Changge is really suitable for being a teacher. In terms of pure combat power, Su Changge is really not high (compared to Su Wangyou), but if it is about the wide range of knowledge, the complexity, and the many, Few of Zu Guang can compare with Su Changge.

After the guidance, Su Wangyou didn't stay longer and returned to Longyin Peak.

After Su Changge was threatened with his life, he became a lot more reliable, and he cleaned up Su Wangyou's cave in just a few hours.

Su Wangyou nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes."

"That is!" Su Changge said proudly: "I don't even look at who I am, but I--"

Then he suddenly got stuck.

Who is he?

Qilin son of Qin State, the only descendant of Guigu School.

What is he doing now?

Clean up.

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