Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 202:

Gan, how can this force be rounded back?

So Su Changge immediately used the topic-changing method.

"By the way, forget worry, I see you running around in the past few years, do you want to be a perfect fairy?" he asked.

"Naturally." Su Wangyou nodded, then he frowned and asked: "Why are you asking about this? Me, you, Chu Yi, even Bai Ruoli, and even Jiang Tairan's group of people, who doesn't want A perfect fairy?"

I have to explain the perfect fairy again.

The perfect fairy does not mean to strengthen the physical fitness and internal energy to the limit of the fairyland - this is only a small part of the effect.

After all, there are resources to make perfect immortals, who cares about such attributes?When you arrive at the Emperor Realm, the attributes you get from a small breakthrough are all higher than these and I don't know where it is.

The true meaning of the perfect fairy is'perfection'.

If a warrior can really reach the perfect immortal and then break through the virtual realm, then he will get the following benefits.

One: It is almost impossible to have a heart demon unless you do it yourself.

Two: In addition to the great realm, there is no bottleneck.

Three: Completely repair the body, any sequelae of exercises or martial arts, and even secret methods have all disappeared, completely repairing their own genes.

Four: Wash the body, from now on, a hundred poisons will not invade - unless it is the ancient strange poison.

Five: Improve your own qualifications and understanding.

Each of the five benefits is enough to drive the warrior crazy, especially the second and fifth points.

And to achieve a perfect immortal, in addition to the requirements of the warrior himself, it also needs those 159 kinds of pills.

Su Wangyou is just two different.

And now, Su Changge said so.

"Wangyou, we have known each other for so long. Although my master told me that this matter should not be spread, I believe you too. Actually..."

"To be a perfect immortal, there are one hundred and sixty kinds of pills that are really needed. The world only knows one hundred and fifty-nine kinds of pills, but they don't know that this last one is the most important one.

Subsequently, Su Changge said again.

"The true perfect immortal made with these one hundred and sixty medicines has a sixth characteristic."

"That means everything is perfect."

No leaks all over.

What is this concept?

All warriors have weaknesses and dead ends.

Even the existence of Li Qinglian is no exception.

And no leakage means no weakness.

Martial artist, don't you want to have no weakness?

Su Wangyou didn't show any doubts about Su Changge's words, even if Su Changge's words were really absurd, he chose to believe it.

He believed that Su Changge would not lie to himself.

Su Changge said yes, then Su Wangyou believed it.

"The last medicine, what materials do you want?"

Chapter 39 Team

Su Changge also didn't expect that Su Wangyou directly believed in himself, and jumped directly to the last step, and would be stunned for a while.

But he quickly reacted and said: "The materials are also very troublesome to say, but the name of the medicine is called Reincarnation Yuhua Pill."

Su Wangyou was startled.

When he was in the Mo family, Su Wangyou practiced a feather pill for him. The system indicated that if the pill was taken with the reincarnation pill, it was an eternal grade pill, so Su Wangyou kept the pill.

"You practiced a feather pill for me last time. Does it have anything to do with this?" Su Wangyou asked directly.

Su Changge nodded, and said: "The Yuhua Pill and the Reincarnation Pill enter the pill furnace again, and use a special technique to practice it.

Su Wangyou asked: "In that case, this reincarnation pill..."

"It's not the main ingredient." Su Changge stretched out a finger and squinted his eyes: "'Legend of the Deserted Ancient', this thing..."

Su Wangyou understands the meaning of Su Changge.

He has heard the name of this treasure.

"Things only found in the far north of the Shang country."

Su Wang said indifferently, "I'm going to take a trip there."

Su Changge smiled slightly, and took out two more pills, and said: "For your contribution, Misty Xianzong's collection of geniuses and treasures is really good. Obviously there are not many alchemists in his own sect. ..."

In fact, in the past two years, Su Changge has taken on a lot of work.

He shines in the Eight Jue Ceremony, and the most important thing is his alchemy skills. Now that the Zuguang alchemist is withered, the'wild high-level alchemist' like Su Changge is rarer than the giant panda. .

Su Changge's long-sleeved dance is good at dancing. As long as someone comes to ask him to practice alchemy, almost everyone who comes will not refuse - - - those who do not bring gifts will disappear.

There will always be some materials left, because Su Changge’s alchemy skills are far beyond others’ imagination. Su Wangyou handed over his identity token to Su Changge and asked him to exchange medicinal materials at the Hall of Merit. , Su Changge has also taken those 159 kinds of pills.

But now, both of them are only missing the last pill.

"Speaking." Su Wangyou remembered something and asked: "Do you have any extra feathering pills?"

Su Changge glanced at him and wrote lightly: "Not only do I have excess, I can also produce energy."

Su Wangyou froze in place.

Gan... Make this kid pretend to be forced, uncomfortable.

Su Changge stepped onto Feijian and said, "Go, we will take you to meet our foreign aid."

"Foreign aid?" Su Wangyou stepped on Feijian to follow Su Changge, and asked, "What foreign aid?"

"Shang Guo is no better than Central Plains." Su Changge said slowly: "Wang Mang killed a river of blood after he came to power. I don't know how many people have risen to rebellion, but those people have been killed, and Shang Guo has almost lost eight points. One of them, and they are all young and strong warriors, the current state of Shang Guo can be said to be extremely weak."

Su Changge narrowed his eyes.

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