Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 203:

"But at the same time, the current Shang country is the strongest Shang country in the four thousand years of Zuguang. There is only one voice in the whole country, and that is Wang Mang's voice. The exercise technique called Demon God Pillar is so overbearing that it cannot be explained. What's more, it's still cultivation by the whole people? You can imagine what an ancient country with rigorous organization looks like."

Su Wangyou naturally understood the meaning of Su Changge.

Su Changge continued: "Moreover, Wang Mang was extremely xenophobic. After he came to power, he completely cut off the communication between Shang Kingdom and other countries, sects and even the various schools of thought. Some foreign aid is enough, and... it's not just us who want to be the perfect fairy."

"Here." Su Changge stopped Feijian suddenly and walked into the Misty Palace, Su Wangyou followed.

Su Wangyou raised his eyes and saw that he really had many acquaintances.

Chu Yi, Jiang Tairan, Bai Ruoli, Zhu Yao.

These four are known.

Then following Chu Yi's hunched old man, Su Wangyou felt a terrifying sword intent from him.

Next to Jiang Tairan sat an old man with a white beard and white robe, a kind face, holding a whisk in his hand, and a yin and yang fish tattooed on the white robe, which shows that he is a Taoist.

It's easy to understand when you look at it this way.

The hunched old man, the white robe old man, and Zhu Yao protected Chu Yi, Jiang Tairan, and Bai Ruoli respectively.

Su Changge smiled heartily and said: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

The white-robed old man said: "I wonder if the Changge little friend has a complete plan? This is a matter of sneaking into the business country. Big and big, and small and small. If the plan is inappropriate, we..."

"I have prepared myself." Su Changge slapped the map with a confident palm, and everyone looked at it and found that he had a few spells in his hand.

"Come on, worry, introduce them to your magic rune!"

Su Wangyou glanced at him and introduced a few words.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and the white-robed old man said excitedly: "Sir Wangyou is serious about this?"

Su Wangyou stretched out his hand and said, "You can try."

The white-robed old man calmed down for a while and said: "Then I will be rude."

After that, he picked up the magic talisman and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a while, the white-robed old man flew back and said: "It is a god, if it can be used in battle... But even so, this is a rare life-saving item. The old man dares to ask today. , Does Mr Wangyou mean to sell this thing?"

Su Wangyou said: "I don't lack anything."

The white-robed old man was so mature, seeing that Su Wangyou didn't answer directly, he knew there was a play.

"My Taoist inheritance is inclusive of all rivers and rivers, and there are no surprises. If Mr. Wangyou has an idea..."

"Cough, cough, cough." Su Changge coughed a few times and said: "We'll talk about these things when we come back."

The white-robed old man was interrupted by Su Changge and didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he smiled and said, "It should be so."

Afterwards, Su Changge said: "Although you may all know each other, let me introduce you a little bit."

The white-robed old man was named Liang Haoran, and he was one of several great worships of Taoism. This time he went out for Jiang Tairan's perfect immortal.

Su Changge, the humpbacked old man next to Chu Yi, didn't introduce much, but only said his name.


Everyone knew that this was not his real name, but no one asked more.

There is no doubt that this group of people was moved by Su Changge to seek the "perfect fairy" for themselves or their younger generation.

After Su Changge's introduction, he opened a map and floated it in the air with secret methods.

"The destination we are going to is here--" Su Changge clicked on the northernmost part of Shang Country, and said: "If we really want to pass, we must traverse the entire Shang Country. This is not a good choice. As far as I know, there is an air ban on Shang Guo. Not to mention us, even their physical training is not allowed to fly - even though few of them can fly in physical training."

Chapter Forty

"So we don't think about directly crossing the Shang country." Su Changge drew a cross and said: "Then the second option is to make a detour, go around a large circle from the left, but the scope of activities of the Shang people wants to come. It's huge, and the detour requires a long detour, so we will leave this road for now. My personal opinion is to take this road."

While talking, Su Changge drew a line on the map with his inner energy.

And that line, starting from their current location, heading all the way to the northeast, finally reaching the sea, going straight to the north in the sea, finally turning to land, and taking a few steps is their destination.

" sea?" Su Wangyou thought for a while and said, "I have no opinion."

The white-robed old man thought for a while, and said: "Indeed, the cavalry of the Shang people is invincible in the world. It is very likely that they will be entangled by their cavalry by land. The sea route can indeed effectively avoid this situation, but... this sea route is inevitable. It’s too long. Although we can fly forever, the speed of this flight is probably...not to mention flying there directly, although the possibility of being seen is very small, but the aura fluctuations are real. Shang Guo has always Highly guarded, I'm afraid..."

"Not only that." Jiang Tairan, who had been silent all the time, said, "If it is a flying boat or a ship, it is too big to be found, and the aura fluctuations it causes are also easy to be noticed..."

Su Changge nodded, and said, "What you said————"

Just when everyone thought that Su Changge was going to say "what you said makes sense"...

"I have considered it." Su Changge took a few steps forward and said: "Come here."

Everyone left the room and followed Su Changge to a clearing.

The singer Su Chang waved.

An ancient version of the'submarine' appeared in front of everyone.

"I told the Mo Family to create it secretly. There are dozens of formations arranged on it to allow it to sail underwater, and we can accelerate or decelerate by conveying internal energy. Its defense power is also guaranteed. , If you really encounter a strange beast, it will not be destroyed at will."

Su Changge was not at all hippy smiling like usual, but very serious.

"When sailing underwater, the possibility of being seen is almost zero if there is cover by the sea, and even if you see it, it is likely to be regarded as an illusion or a water monster. I think this should be the best solution. What is your opinion?"

Liang Haoran took a few steps forward, walked around the submarine a few times, carefully looked at the formation above, and praised: "The craftsmanship of the Mo family is truly amazing. The formation above is probably the long song Xiao Friends' handwriting, right?"

Su Changge nodded and said, "Yes."

"It's amazing." Liang Haoran sighed: "When I was your age, I didn't understand anything."

Everyone knows that this is a word of humility. As a great Taoist priest, how could Liang Haoran know nothing when he was twenty?

"If you are not at ease, we can try this submarine. If everyone has no opinion, we will set off at this time in three days."

Su Changge said.

Everyone tried the submarine, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

Mohist school's craftsmanship is still reliable, and Su Changge's formation is impeccably perfect.

Three days later...

The group of people stepped on the flying sword and headed towards the'Boundless Sea' in the northeast.

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