Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 217:

[Why is Ye Guzuo so confident...]

"Gan, what kind of mentally retarded copy? It's over. My college entrance examination score of 400 points will be exposed!"

[Yes, you have been exposed, Mo Qianhui.

There are six people in total with Su Wangyou.

At this time, several other people also saw Su Wangyou and yelled.

"Wangyou! Gougou me!" This was Li Chunqiu. The first thought when seeing Su Wangyou was to let Su Wangyou help her.

"I refuse!" Su Wangyou wanted to imitate those people on TV pushing and pushing his glasses, and then said indifferently,'Because there can only be one person standing last, and that's me Su Wangyou!'

"Hmph, Su Wangyou, it’s also a good choice to beat you here~" This is Zhang Qingxu, Su Wangyou couldn’t bear to tell him that he was actually a school bully, hanging up all his peers on the earth and beating him. Kind.

"Brother! You play games without calling me!"

[Gan, it's the same as you called me.

Ye Guzhuang didn't say anything, just put on an expression of "I'm sure to win.

[So where are you confident...]

"No way." Mo Qian returned with a serious expression, "I have to show you my strength of 1050 points in the college entrance examination."

[Didn’t you just say four hundred points!!

Su Wangyou sighed and decided to hang up these guys and have a fight so that they could understand the cruelty of the world.

Six people are sitting on chairs, and these six chairs happen to be the six corners of a regular hexagon, and in the center of the hexagon, there is a small stage.

On that stage, a person slowly emerged from the ground.

Obviously, this scene does not scare everyone.

It was a clown with a white face. He took off his hat and bowed to Su Wangyou—then he didn't raise his head, but made a funny circle around the place.

So on the surface, he bowed to all six people...

"Okay! Ladies and gentlemen, I know you have a lot of questions, but I can tell you clearly that this copy is just the product of that adult’s boredom, so you don’t have to think about hidden plots or talk to me. What word game to play, I know that some of you will think that the phrase [survive to the end of the game] before the start of the dungeon is a problem, but I still ask you to give up the dangerous idea of ​​"kill the clown game will end", I swear, You don’t want to fight with me, and the game won’t end."

The clown put on his hat and said with a hippie smile: "Then the rules are like this. Start with this gentleman and ask questions clockwise. If you answer within ten seconds, you will be successful. If you don’t answer within ten seconds, then I’m very Sorry, you have been eliminated."

The clown pointed to Su Wangyou, and if he walked clockwise, it was Li Chunqiu, Zhang Qingxu, Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao, Ye Guzuo, Mo Qianhui.

"Six questions are asked in each round, and each round of questioning will slightly mention your final evaluation. As long as you are not eliminated in the first round, you can get rewards even if you fail to make it to the end, but the basic clearance evaluation will be reduced. , Whenever I ask someone a question, other people can speak out, but the person receiving the question cannot hear it, and I will temporarily turn off your ability to read lip language, and remind you that body language is allowed Yes, for a higher evaluation, please use body language as much as possible to help your enemy~~"

"By the way, when there is only one person left in the end, that person can take the initiative to turn on the'Additional Questions to Raise Evaluation'. If you can answer three questions in a row, the evaluation will naturally be greatly improved, but if you fail to answer it, your The evaluation is about to be cleared..."

"This matter should not be delayed, let's start asking questions!"

Obviously, this order of questioning is very unfair to Su Wangyou, but Su Wangyou has no opinion.

[If I lose, it means I am nothing but that.

"let's start."

He calmly said.

Chapter 52 The Counting Genius Li Chunqiu

"Then——————" The clown opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "Please listen to the question!"

"Excuse me, what are the largest and smallest count units called?"


Su Wangyou replied: "The largest unit of counting is called infinite number, and the smallest unit of counting is called Nirvana Silence."

"Congratulations--" the clown exaggerated loudly: "The answer is correct!"

At this time, other people's voices entered Su Wangyou's ears.

"I know I know, the biggest is called Yi, the smallest is called Hao... Excuse me, leave." Li Chunqiu first looked excited, and after hearing Su Wangyou's answer, he looked distressed. Finally, the clown affirmed Su Wangyou's After answering, her expression is a little exciting...

Su Wangyou sighed: "So you have to read more, Li Chunqiu, you won't be playing games this summer, right?"

Li Chunqiu coughed twice and pretended to be stupid: "Summer vacation? What summer vacation?"

At this moment, the clown looked at Li Chunqiu.

"Please listen to the question--"

"Excuse me--" The clown looked at the question in his hand and fell into deep thought. After a while, he slowly said: "One plus one... how much is it?"

Everyone: Σ(°Д °;)

This, this... Is the difficulty of this question one level?

What is the difficulty of Su Wangyou's question, and what is it?!!

The clown was stared at by the crowd and was a little frustrated, and couldn't help but explain: "Don't look at me, the subject given by the organizer is like this!"

[Black box operation, gtmd permission dog!

But at this time, Li Chunqiu fell into contemplation.

[One plus one equals how many, of course it equals two!No, things are not that simple!This game was made by Su Wangyou's father. Could it be that he was implying that I want me to marry Su Wangyou, and then one plus one equals three so that he can hold his grandson, yes, that's it!(??????)?? I'm so smart!So Li Chunqiu opened his mouth confidently.

——————Autumn bean sacks!It's not that simple!How can there be such a simple question?Is it a flock of sheep plus a flock of sheep or a flock of sheep?No, is it the life and everything in Taoist thought?Oh, it’s so annoying. There are such problems in the world, and even I can be stumped. Damn it, let me think about it again...] The clown and everyone just watched Li Chunqiu’s constant thinking, showing each Such a tall, thinking expression, it really looks like that...

"That..." The clown raised his hand, "It's time--"

"!!!" Li Chunqiu was taken aback, and found that his figure was slowly fading. It was obvious that he was forced to withdraw from the copy.

"Wait—at least tell me the answer!"

"Two!" The clown couldn't help screaming: "Just like you."

"Really..." Li Chunqiu pretended to sigh deeply: "The great way to Jane, I am the one who took the picture..."

The clown also sighed: "For so many years, you are the stupidest one I have ever seen..."

Li Chunqiu, out.

Then, the clown looked at Zhang Qingxu.

Although Zhang Qingxu was a little panicked at first, he was still a reliable warrior and soon calmed down.

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