Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 218:

"Then—please listen to the question."

The clown glanced at the subject and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This time the subject was normal.

"Excuse me, what is the character of Qin Qilin Zi Su Changge?"

If this question is given to Su Wangyou, it must be a sub-question, but for Zhang Qingxu...

I won't know what is not in the history book.JPG

But Su Changge's words should be better to express. Su Wangyou raised a finger and pointed at his heart.

Seeing that time is approaching, Zhang Qingxu replied tentatively: "Yixin?"

"correct answer!"

The clown was filled with smiling faces in an instant, and then he looked at Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao.

Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao said: "Come on!"

"It seems that this lady is very confident, then, please listen to the question--"

The clown saw the subject and suddenly smiled pityingly.

"Who are the ten most powerful emperor realms recognized during the Zuguang period? Regardless of the ranking, you can say the title and name, and the people from the outer demon are also included."

The difficulty of this question can be said to be quite high. After all, there are no records in the Zuguang period. If you want to accurately name ten people, the difficulty is not ordinary. Looking at the entire Taixuan Academy, no more than ten can answer this question. One.

Obviously, Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao was among the ten people.

"The words of the emperor...the great emperor of heaven, the shadow behind the scenes, the unparalleled sword emperor, the ancient kingdom monarch, the long song the great, the red ghost sword emperor, the fuwu emperor, the deep sea emperor, the mad emperor of Yinqiu, the emperor Wendao."

"Completely correct------!!"

The clown made an exaggerated expression.

But he immediately showed a kind and funny smile, "However, this is just an emperor..."

Afterwards, the clown looked at Ye Guzuo.

Ye Guzhuang looked confident and said, "Come on! I have already seen your question through!"

The clown looked at him suspiciously, and then read the question.

"Excuse me—"

"What are the names of the one hundred and sixty pills needed to be promoted to the perfect fairyland?"

Ye Guxuan's face was extremely pale.


"Yes, all, you have seven seconds left, oh, six seconds."

"Wait—it's impossible to report the names of one hundred and sixty kinds of pills in ten seconds!"

"Yes, so every time you report the name of a pill, I will help you +1s."

Ye Guzuo sneered, raised his head and rolled his eyes, making a mouth shape.

Then he started reporting.

"Reincarnation Feathering Pill, Ten Death Bone Broken Pill, Dongling Pill, Haoran Eternal Pill..."

One hundred and sixty seconds later, Ye Guzuo reported one hundred and sixty kinds of pills.

"How?" Ye Guzhuang asked. Although he looked calm, Su Wangyou still saw the cold sweat on his forehead.

[What's going on... If you are really confident, how can you sweat, but what he said is completely correct...] "Completely - - correct!" The clown exaggeratedly said: "Can remember one hundred and sixty The name of the pill, you are even better than the lady next to you."

Upon hearing this, Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao showed an unhappy expression.

You didn't ask my old mother how difficult it is. JPG

"Then, the last one in the first round, please listen to the question!"

Mo Qianhui assumed the posture of Commander Ikura, his eyes filled with the light of death.

"Come on! Let you see how powerful a 1050 score is in the college entrance examination!"

"Obviously it is four hundred points!"

Chapter 53—Two People Who Know Everything

"Then, please listen to the question."

The clown cleared his throat and read the topic from the book.

"How many styles are there in the six forms of Qinglian?"

Yes, it's another proposition.

Su Wangyou can't figure out how the clown asked the question now. It's as difficult as the names of one hundred and sixty pill, and it's as simple as one plus one equals two. This...

But now, there are several types of Qinglian Six Forms. It is very easy to change this question. It only needs to be changed to "the names of all the moves of Qinglian Six Forms", but even so, this question is genuine. Send the proposition, because...

"This is too simple! Six forms, of course six forms!"

Mo Qianhui's triumphant cry came from his ear.


The clown shook his head regretfully, and said, "I'm sorry, you were eliminated."

"What?" Mo Qianhui looked at his slowly transparent body with a dazed expression.

"It's nine styles." Su Wangyou sighed: "In addition to one to six styles, there are also zero styles, foreign styles, and final styles."

Mo Qianhui put on an expression of eating shit.

"Then why did Li Qinglian name this sword technique Qinglian Six Types..."

Mo Qian returned and was out.

A new round of questions begins.

The clown walked up to Su Wangyou again and said with a smile: "Please listen to the question."

"Excuse me---who are the strongest people in the five eras: Zu Guang, Dahua, Luo Sheng, Tiande, and Xiang Guo? The evil demons outside the sky are included.

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