Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 234:

He knew this yin and yang fish, perhaps said that this yin and yang fish was the dream of all descendants of Ghost Valley.

[The ultimate secret method of the Guigu Sect, the unworldly sorcery that affects people's hearts...] This is a peerless secret created by the second generation of the Guigu Sect, Fu Shizi, and it is also one of the most complete inheritance preserved by the Guigu Sect.

The Ghost Valley School has been passed down to this day, and there is only one person who has practiced this secret method, and that is the creator of this secret method, Fu Shizi.

[Now it seems... There may be an extra Su Changge. Brother ah, brother, where did you find this disciple...] Back in the chaotic desert, Su Changge used this method , Finally let the bloodthirsty emperor and Qionglou emperor both lose.

But now, he used this secret method on Mo Ge's body.

As a result, Mo Ge, who was already frantic, had a crazy idea.

[Resist that sword, kill Su Wangyou anyway!

In fact, Mo Ge still has a lot of reason, but firstly, the devilish energy lowered his san value, secondly, Su Changge's sneak attack affected his mind, and thirdly, he himself had a great hatred for Su Wangyou.

Three reasons, layer upon layer, finally made Mo Ge made a crazy decision.

He has to resist that sword, in exchange for injury.

Mo Ge was confident that he could kill Su Wangyou with one move. No matter what, this move was the secret of longevity.

In fact, there are some reasons why Mo Ge made this decision, which is hard to explain. Before Su Wangyou swung such a sword at him, he could have resisted it, but because of the fear of death, he was counseled. After cutting off half of his body, his combat power was greatly damaged, and he couldn't recover for some reason, resulting in being suppressed by the Emperor. Now, he wants to make up for his mistakes, and the way is...

Injury for life, kill Su Wangyou!!

Then, Mo Ge roared, raised his right hand high, his right foot jumped towards Su Wangyou.

But this time, he was really wrong.

There was a faint surprise in Su Wangyou's eyes. He originally thought that Mo Ge would temporarily avoid the edge, so he even prepared a back move. He didn't expect the other party to be so reckless...

Su Wangyou's surprise was quickly taken away by Su Wangyou. Although Mo Ge's behavior exceeded his expectations, it would not change the ending.

The two rushed towards each other.

There was no trace of fear on both faces.

They all feel they will win.

But there is only one winner.

Mo Ge looked terrifying, he didn't care about the sheath that rushed towards his brain, but directly hit the [Soul Broken Style] on his right hand at Su Wangyou.

The sheathless sword pierced Mo Ge's brain, as easily as a tofu block.

Perhaps for unsheathed, the hardest mineral in the world is no different from tofu chunks.

Mo Ge's brain was pierced, but he showed excitement.

Because the Soul Breaking Pose is infinitely close to Su Wangyou, this distance, let alone shifting the secret method, even the defense secret method is too late to use.

At first glance, Su Wangyou has fallen into a dead end.

Mo Ge was right.

At such a close distance, whether it is martial arts or secret methods, it is too late.


Mo Ge suddenly felt a sense of revenge. He looked at Su Wangyou proudly and seemed to see the future of Su Wangyou's death.

Then he saw Su Wangyou's eyes.

What kind of look is that?

It cannot be described in words.

When Mo Ge saw the look in his eyes, he knew he couldn't win.

He clearly understands that a person with such a look cannot win anyway.

Su Wangyou's spatial ring once again burst out with a faint light.

Su Wangyou's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Mo Ge.

But Mo Ge's life-threatening blow passed Su Wangyou's body, and finally hit the empty space.

At this time, the horror effect of Qingyun Biyueyi's ignoring inertia was once again manifested, and Su Wangyou instantly stopped moving at high speed and turned around.

He stretched out his hand and backhand grasped the unsheath pierced into Mo Ge's brain.


"Six forms of Qinglian..."

"Four Types·Over the Group————Feng!!!"

Chapter 66 The Battle of Echo Valley (End)

Qinglian sword light penetrated the ink barrier once again.

Qinglian Sixth Form, Qinglian Sixth Form again!

Mo Ge's gaze was terrifying.

[It's... the six forms of Qinglian!

Just such a move, completely killed the mad swordsman, forced the mad ghost to commit suicide, cut off half of his body, and let him be suppressed by the Emperor, and now...

He is dying under this sword.

[Pity me, the Mo family's eternal heritage...]

Mo Ge closed his one eye and turned into pure nothingness in the sword light of Qinglian.

Qing Lian's sword light dissipated, and Su Wangyou stood on the scorched earth, his expression without sadness or joy.

Human Sovereign crawled out of the pit. At this time, he was no longer solemn, his clothes were burned torn, but somehow he protected important parts.

The ancient kingdom monarch coughed and stood up, staring at Su Wangyou in a daze.


"we won?"


"Is Mo Ge dead?"

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