Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 235:

The people's inquiries came from all directions.

Su Wangyou let out a sigh of relief and lifted the sheath high.

"we won."

When everyone heard the words, the hanging heart finally let go.

Su Wangyou looked at the broken body of Mo Ge under his feet and whispered, "Wu Tong is a good sword."

Afterwards, he looked away and left in strides.

Su Changge collapsed to the ground and smiled and said to Zhang Tulong, "Uncle, you are lucky."

"how do I say this?"

Zhang Tulong asked.

Su Changge ignored him and said casually: "I wanted to keep you too, but unfortunately, this battle beast formation was broken..."

Su Changge's implication was that if the Beast Array was not broken, Zhang Tulong would also die.

Zhang Tulong was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "In this way, my luck may be really good."

"Yes." Su Changge smiled and said: "But people's luck is limited, uncle, uncle, in the future..."

Su Changge suddenly showed a terrifying expression.

"Don't show up in front of me..."

Zhang Tulong's expression remained unchanged, and he faintly replied, "As for not wanting to see each other, my side is the same..."

Then he stood up, and disappeared after a few steps.


After a while, the emperor said: "Actually I feel that I can keep him."

Su Changge shook his head and said, "Guygumen, don't stand under the dangerous wall."

"What's more..." Su Changge closed his mouth suddenly, without saying a word, just a curve of the corner of his mouth.

And Zhang Tulong in the distance suddenly showed the same smile as Su Changge.

The group quickly left Echo Valley...

In the empty echo valley, a hand suddenly stretched out from under the soil.

This hand was really miserable. It was full of dense wounds that were cut by Jian Qi. Those wounds were scarred quickly, but they were quickly cut apart by Jian Qi, and so on.

It can be imagined what kind of pain the owner of this hand endured.

The hand leaned on the ground and used fiercely. This action caused the wound on his hand to crack open again, and countless blood shot out, but this person didn't care at all.

Soon, he was pulled out.

No, not the whole person, but the'half person'.

That's right, this person is Mo Ge.

He is still alive, he is still alive!

After being hit by the ancient kingdom monarch, human emperor, and Su Wangyou's fascination, he was even smashed into his head by a peerless divine sword like no sheath for a while.

Even so, he was still alive.

At this moment, Mo Ge lost even the remaining half of his brain. He collapsed on the ground, without eyes and ears, he could not see or hear.

And at this moment, he didn't know that the injury caused by the unsheathed could not be restored, that is to say, even if he survived, he would maintain his current state of being worse than death for the rest of his life.

But he didn't know how strong Unsheath was, he was glad he survived.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I remember now, you don't have ears and can't hear me, I will just say why I said just now that you just ignored me.] Suddenly, a strange, lazy voice spread to him.

Mo Ge was shocked, but he forced himself to calm down because he couldn't resist at all at this time.

So he mobilized his weak inner energy, and said.

[Your Excellency... who is it?

who am I?This question is a good question, I am an emmmmm, how can I put it, a person you can't understand and imagine.] After that, the voice continued to spread.

[Oh, the inheritance of the Mo family is still great, I knew that Su Wangyou's gang will definitely not kill you, so I squatted outside of Echo Valley, do you think I'm caring?Mo Ge was completely cold when he heard this.

[After all... Still can't live?

Soon, Mo Ge felt it.

The cold blade pointed at the remaining half of his chest.

[So, I am a very kind person, do you have any questions before you die?Mo Ge was silent for a while, transmission said.

[Let me understand, the Mo family’s secret method of death is the only one in the world who knows it. It is logically impossible for anyone to know this secret method. Why are you so sure that I must not die?] The tip of the sword, stab it down.

Before dying, a voice transmission came over.

This is a sound transmission that makes Mo Ge very puzzled.

[Nonsense, what I wrote myself, would I not know?

Basic customs clearance evaluation B

Mo Ge is dead, the evaluation is upgraded to SSS

Final evaluation SSS

Obtain the Eternal Cube*1

The current experience bar has risen to 9.3%.

————The copy is settled.

Three thousand feet of white hair at the end of the curl

Eternal Cube...

Su Wangyou reached out and held the Eternal Rubik's Cube.

[It’s really time to come...]

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