Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 240:

Jian Qisha said blankly: "You grab the head."

Su Wangyou frowned and said, "I'm helping you solve your opponent as soon as possible..."

"You grab the head."

"Seven lessons."

"Eight Hall."

"Qitang, don't pull it down."


Jian Qisha walked in the forefront happily.

Su Wangyou sighed secretly.

[Swordsmen always have an inexplicable attachment to Yijian Xiaoshou...Should I go to lure a wave of suzerain to throw all the lessons back to Jian Qisha?The three of them left soon, leaving one Tan Tianyi standing in place.

just now.

The enemy of his life, the enemy that cannot be shared, and the enemy that he could not defeat in his life, died.

There is no heart-stirring battle, there is no awakening to fight to the end, it's just a one-sided crush.

The ones who were crushed were naturally the City Lord and the Lin Family Patriarch.

Just now, the Seven Swords killed the City Lord, Su Wangyou faced the Lin Family Patriarch, and Wang Wanhe (because of laziness) stayed to protect Tan Tianyi.

The battle lasted no more than ten minutes from beginning to end.

After just ten minutes, Tan Tian also found that he had lost his goal.

[I tried hard to find a weak enemy. In front of them, I couldn’t even hold it for ten minutes...] Until this moment, Tan Tianyi clearly realized the weight of this title. .

[This... is the world's number one arrogant, the second sword soul of the ancient country, the youngest elder of Misty Xianzong.] Tan Tianyi suddenly remembered a very absurd fact.

[Su Wangyou...It seems to be my peers, no, he seems to be a little younger than me...The gap between people can really be so big.] "What are you in a daze?!"

Suddenly, Su Wangyou's voice came over.

Tan Tian also looked at Su Wangyou in confusion.

"Your sister's name is Tan Hongxiu, right?" Su Wangyou asked.

Tan Tian also nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's good." Su Wangyou nodded, and said: "From the conversation between the two guys just now, your sister should have been wronged. Since I agreed to Su Changge, then this justice will naturally be for you. To get it back, I have seen Tan Hongxiu before. I don't know if I can find her now. If I can find her, I will take her to Feng Lingzong to seek justice."

Tan Tian also remained silent for a long time.

He bent down, arched his hands and choked sobs: "This kindness is nothing in return. If there is a dispatch in the future, there will be no difference."

"That's not necessary. Seeing your sister that day was a coincidence. Now that you happen to encounter this kind of thing, you really can't just sit idly by."

Su Wangyou looked at Jian Qisha and Wang Wanhe, and said, "I'm afraid this matter will have to be dealt with for a while."

Jian Qisha's eyes lit up.

"Eight lessons!"

[I, Su Wangyou, hate being threatened by others...]

Even though he thought so in his heart, Su Wangyou still agreed.

[Actually, I don't want to betray my hue. It's all the world's fault. Why do you want to force me this innocent boy like this.Su Wangyou sighed secretly, and decided to ask the Sect Master to give Jian Qisha a package of twelve lessons per week. I hope Elder Jian will like it.

Thinking about this, Su Wangyou stepped onto Feijian.

Chapter 5 Tracing

Tan Hongxiu...Speaking of which, it is quite destined.

More than three years ago, Su Wangyou had just attended the Baju Ceremony. On the way to Misty Immortal Sect, he met Tan Hongxiu, a bandit leader.

Walking from the world of the Wind Spirit School, a lady who has been reading poems and books has turned into a bandit leader who does not know a word and is conservative. This change is really...

Su Wangyou suddenly understood why Feng Lingzong couldn't find Tan Hongxiu for so many years.

"Tan Tianyi, have you ever inquired about your sister for so many years?" Su Wangyou asked.

"No." Tan Tian also shook his head, and said: "I didn't even dare to leave Echo Valley, the changes in the outside world... I also learned about it from Su Changge later."

"Actually, I think we should have kept alive just now, so that might be able to force the position of Tan Hongxiu." Su Wangyou suddenly said.

"Wait!" Wang Wanhe stopped suddenly and said with wide-eyed eyes: "You mean you don't know the location of the other party?"

"Nonsense." Su Wangyou said naturally: "I have only met her once, and it has been more than three years. How can I know her location?"

"Then where are you going to take us?" Jian Qisha asked.

"Anyway... I'll go back to the place where I first met. I thought about it and felt that if Tan Hongxiu wanted revenge, he would also need a power. Maybe... She has become the King of Thieves, so let's go there and find out. "Su Wangyou said unnaturally.

"I suddenly felt that Su Changge is so reliable...If it were Su Changge, there would definitely be a reliable way at this time." Jian Qisha vomited.

"I feel so too." Wang Wanhe echoed.

[Mountain...What the hell is the King of Thieves...] Tan Tianyi suddenly felt heartbroken.

Su Wangyou was embarrassed and said angrily: "What do you know, Su Changge is trading his appearance for IQ. Sooner or later, he will be cultivated by others!"

"What!" Wang Wanhe was shocked, "So, isn't Su Changge practicing physical training?!"




Su Wangyou said quietly.

"This is the worst time Su Changge was hacked."

Two more days passed.

"That's it." Su Wangyou stepped on the flying sword, raised his chin to the bottom, and said: "Let's find the bandits separately... I found the sound transmission link."

"Wait——————" Jian Qisha widened his eyes, "My dignified elder of Immortal Sect, you let me come here to help you find the bandits?"

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