Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 241:

"That's it!" Wang Wanhe yelled: "The Misty Immortal Sect would rather die than surrender - unless you add money!"

Su Wangyou bent down, planning to hold the sword at his feet.

"I will go now!"*2

[Mmp, I am still the world's number one arrogant and sword soul of the ancient country, it's not the same.Su Wangyou murmured a few words in silence, and then started... looking for a bandit.

To be honest, this kind of thief has almost become an extinct animal in Zuguang, and there may be a little more in the chaotic desert and the hundred thousand mountains in the empty country. However, in the Central Plains, this creature is simply... a giant panda... …

To analyze briefly, the current situation is like this.

The world of the sect and the heirs of the philosophers and hundreds of families were born--planning to make a boss to make a name--how can Zuguang be so peaceful-Ma Ye Ye Jin Tian Ming is too powerful ————Forget it, find a small boss to fight————Why can’t even find a small boss————There is no way to find a bandit————Bandit, extinct.

After all, high-risk industries...

The four people searched for three days, but they didn't find any bandits.

"Elder Su, could it be that you remembered it wrong..." Jian Qisha said helplessly: "We have rummaged through this area for hundreds of miles, so how can there be any bandits..."

Su Wangyou was about to answer, but suddenly picked up the sound transmission note and said, "Wait, someone transmits to me."

Subsequently, he activated the sound transmission.

"Is it Su Wangyou?" Su Changge's voice came from the sound transmission note.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"Has the matter on Tan Tianyi been handled? I guess it should be almost done."

"not yet……"

"No, I remember that the two emperor realms are parallel imports."

"how to say……?"

So Su Wangyou quickly explained their current situation to Su Changge.

"Emmmm, I'll help you find it." Su Changge thought of the sound of flipping books, and occasionally one or two vague conversations sounded. It must be Su Changge who put the sound transmission note aside. .

Two hours later...

"I found it. It should be this. There was a woman in red who was chased by the Wind Spirit Sect at Yunting. If I guess right, it should be the person you are looking for. I am not very good at your current location. Clear, but I can tell you that Lianyun Pavilion is about two hundred and twenty-five miles south of Tianxiao City. That's it, I advise you to use the accelerated secret method to drive over."

Su Wangyou put down the sound transmission note and said, "Have you heard it?"

"This is a road we have gone around for nothing..." Wang Wanhe looked at Su Wangyou bitterly.

Su Wangyou pretended not to hear Wang Wanhe's voice, turned his head and said to Tan Tianyi: "Now the situation is a bit urgent, we will all have to use secret methods to drive on, I guess you will not be able to catch up, so let's go first. One step, when the time comes, gather in Tianxiao City."

After that, Su Wangyou handed him a sword match, "This is a token that Chu Yi gave me, with a sword spirit of Liangyi on it. If you hold this, I dare not measure the remnants of the City Lord’s Mansion and the Lin Family. Shot on you."

Tan Tian also gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely, "Excuse me!"

Su Wangyou turned his head and stepped on Feijian.

"If there are any speeding secrets, please let me use them..."

Chapter VI


"Treading the Waves——Perpetual Motion Speed!"

(PS perpetual motion speed is to make the consumption and recovery speed equal to achieve perpetual motion.)

Speed, this is definitely Su Wangyou's strength.

The increase in the ritual of the law is not strong, but it is strong in the basic law that does not consume. As long as you don’t use the fusion technique, Su Wangyou can play for a lifetime. It’s just that there are some runes floating around him all day.

This is a 40% increase.

Treading the waves is another wave of increase.

The "Silver Saddle Illuminates the White Horse, Fluttering Like a Shooting Star" of the Taixuan Magical Art is another 50% increase.

The [Qing Yun] of Qing Yun's Moon Cloth is another big increase.

Coupled with the almost invincible basic attribute blessing of Taixuan Divine Art...

When Su Wangyou ignored his teammates, his speed skyrocketed several times...

Jian Qi killed his scalp and numb, and said, "Ma Yeah, this is too fast, can he really persist for a long time like this? Wouldn't he just last a few seconds and drain his energy?"

However, the big boost above only consumes internal energy by Treading Wave...

"Don't talk nonsense, don't chase quickly, if you really get thrown away and you can't even see the shadow, we will not be mixed in the ethereal immortal school in the future." Wang Wanhe's sword light turned into a stream of light.

Jian Qisha was silent for a while, and slowly picked up a sword from the ground.

This is Wang Wanhe's sword, and she dropped her sword here.

"So... there is no reason why this guy is so poor." Jian Qisha shook his head and said, "She graced the reputation of the sword emperor... I'm afraid it wasn't p."

Afterwards, a stream of light flashed across, and Jian Qisha chased him up.

Although it is really ugly to say that, but I have to admit that Tan Tian is indeed the oil bottle among the four.

Now that there are no scruples, the flying speed of the three of them has naturally increased several times - except that only Su Wangyou can maintain perpetual motion.

In just seven hours, the three of them arrived at Lianyun Pavilion.

"Lian Yunting, I remember there is a legend here, the ancestor of Taoism shocked Hongzi..." Jian Qisha sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's find someone first." Su Wangyou interrupted him mercilessly.

"Yeah." Jian Qisha responded and stood still.




The three stood still, motionless.

An awkward breath spread.

"Wait..." Su Wangyou asked tentatively: "You... don't have any secret search methods?"

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