Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 242:

"I'm a sword repairman, how could this happen?" Wang Wanhe was confident, "Sword repair? It's enough to cut people. What are so many bells and whistles doing?"

Jian Qisha nodded, and he was actually earnestly agreeing: "Our sword repairers will only kill people."

"Ma Ye..." Su Wangyou squatted on the ground in pain, covering his head, "So why did I organize such a mentally handicapped team of three swordsmen.

"On the Nth day when Su Dingdang was not by my side, miss him." Su Wangyou murmured weakly.

Wang Wanhe suddenly stretched out her finger and poked him.

"Don't touch me, I want to be quiet."

Wang Wanhe poked Su Wangyou again.

Su Wangyou frowned, but still did not look up, just said something.

"Don't wipe my oil!"

Wang Wanhe was exposed in his heart... Wang Wanhe was wronged, and immediately became anxious, and said, "No, look, someone is chasing and killing a woman over there. Look if it's Tan Hongxiu!"

Su Wangyou then raised his head, looking past.

A group of men in uniform cyan robes are chasing and killing a woman.


Jian Qisha touched his chin, and suddenly said: "emmmmm, I think it, Feng Lingzong... Listening to the name of this sect, I think the blue sect costume seems to be no problem, quite in line."

Wang Wanhe nodded.

"I think so."

"This woman... seems to be Tan Hongxiu..."

Su Wangyou activated his real name recognition, looking at the big three-character Tan Hongxiu above the other's head, and fell into contemplation.

The three did not move.

"Why don't you do it yet?"

"I thought you would do it."

"I'm just a kid in his early twenties, do you have the heart to let me hit people?"


"How do I feel that Tan Hongxiu is about to kill him."

"After watching these'performances' of these Feng Lingzong disciples, I suddenly felt that our ethereal Xianzong disciples are still very reliable. Sorry, Ning Yuluo, I will never say that you have no talent for fighting anymore."

"Scent of warning!"

It’s no wonder that these three people didn’t feel nervous at all, because the group of disciples who chased Tan Hongxiu were really too weak. They generally only cultivated at the Grandmaster level, and there were four or five of the Saints at the realm, immortals. There is only one environment.

If Su Wangyou was there, there would be nothing left after a sword.

Tan Hongxiu is naturally incomparable with Su Wangyou, but she was once a saint of a small sect. She can be called the word Tianjiao. From the current point of view, Tan Hongxiu is in a state of being surrounded, but But they were in the upper hand, those ordinary disciples did not dare to come forward to attack her.

If nothing happens, Tan Hongxiu should be able to win, but he doesn't know how much time it will take.

And Su Wangyou was too lazy to wait.

So Su Wangyou stood up slowly.

Jian Qisha stood motionless beside him.

"I advise you not to go. This kind of desperate battle is a rare panacea for every warrior. You also know how difficult it is for the current Zuguang to fight such a desperate battle. ."

"What's more, with us here, Tan Hongxiu will definitely be fine."

"Tsk." Su Wangyou sat back again, tangled: "It' looks annoying, the fighting skills are too inferior."

Jian Qisha laughed and said: "Naturally, it is not comparable to the peak battle between you and Chu Wushuang, and they are all used as textbooks."

"However, these people are really pecking at each other..." Wang Wanhe yawned and dropped her hands casually on her waist.

After that, she touched her empty belt. Wang Wanhe's eyes widened, and the unbelievers touched it a few more times. Naturally, she didn't touch anything. So she panicked and said, "My sword, where's my sword." I just spent my sword for this month! Have you seen my sword?!!!"

Jian Qisha covered his face with one hand, and said, "You just found out..."

Afterwards, he took out Wang Wanhe's sword from the storage artifact and slowly handed it to Wang Wanhe.

Wang Wanhe breathed a sigh of relief and showed a happy expression. She solemnly stretched out her hand, intending to catch this lost sword.

Suddenly, Jian Qisha's expression became cold, and with a strong flick of both hands, Wang Wanhe's sword was thrown at Tan Hongxiu who was in the melee!

Chapter Seven The King

Wang Wanhe's sword was thrown out like this, and Su Wangyou could clearly see the change in Wang Wanhe's expression.

From the beginning? (^?^*) to Σ(°Д °;) to convex (), Su Wangyou even felt that he had comprehended face reading.

[Oh, I found the lost sword, happy] ---- [Why did I lose my sword] ----- [Seven Kills of Gou Ri's Sword] The sword flew out and stabbed one accurately He was flying towards Tan Hongxiu's hidden weapon. The hidden weapon was already very close to Tan Hongxiu, so it looked like it was stabbing Tan Hongxiu.

The hidden weapon was stabbed by the sword, ejected out, and fell to the side. After the flying sword hit the hidden weapon, there was a slight change in the trajectory, and it was this small change that made Tan Hongxiu survive———— Feijian slid past her body, but missed him.

With just this hand, you can see the superb skills of the seven kills of the sword, the anticipation of the hidden weapon track, the force when the sword is released, the direction when the sword is released, the reaction after the two impacts, and even the reaction of Tan Hongxiu, these All are within his consideration.

I am a person with a little bit of foresight, knowing that I have met a master.

But some people don't think so. They think... if they can't do it, then others can't. If they can do it, it must be luck.

"Who is it!!" A young man's thunderous voice rang, "Who! Where's the hairy thief! Get out of me!"

Su Wangyou looked intently, and it was a young man in the sage level who threw the hidden weapon. Judging from his physique, this sage level was probably brought up forcibly by the ammunition pill.

When Jian Qisha looked cold, he drew his sword to kill.

Regardless of how friendly he was with Su Wangyou, I can say very clearly that 99% of the sword repairs in this world are not good-tempered.

And... take a hundred steps back and say, who is the Seven Swords?The elder of the Misty Immortal Sect, the inheritor of the top sword repair family in the ancient country - not to mention that he himself is also the sword emperor.

And the one who scolded him?

A sage...

A sage, even if he is the son of the emperor, would not dare to talk to an emperor like this...

"Hey, wait, wait!" Wang Wanhe excitedly held the sword seven kills, and said: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive. People only appear in the mouth of the storyteller, let's play with him?"

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