Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 246:

Jian Qi killed a few mouthfuls and swallowed the blue and white cake, and said: "I'll just tell you a little bit. Elder Zhu doesn't care about this, so it doesn't matter."

"Elder Zhu’s mother is Qi Fuxi, the great elder of the Yin Yang family, and her father is one of the strongest people in Zuguang. You may not know his name Pang Bupa, but you must have heard of him. The emperor's title is the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea."

(The next chapter explains why Zhu Yao is not named Pang)

"The Great Emperor of the Deep Sea is also a legend. He was originally just an ordinary fisherman, but in the process of going to the sea to catch fish, he strayed into the secret realm of the ancient Hong era. In order to kill an evil flood, Qi Fuxi also strayed into this secret..."

"Wait!" Su Wangyou squinted: "How do I know a little bit?"

"Huh?" Jian Qisha touched the back of his head, and said: "My mother and Qi Fuxi are best friends. Qi Fuxi came to my house once to play, and told my mother about it when he was talking about it. Tell me again, is there a problem?"

"...No, no problem."

[Gan, the big brothers in the world are all a family.

"Emmmmmmm, then I will continue talking?"


"Then... how do you say it? You know the hero save the beauty template, but Pang Bupo was saved..."

"Qi Fuxi was also the top arrogant of the year, and his status is similar to that of the current Bai Shinephew and Li Buwu. With her strength, even with a drag oil bottle, she can easily get out of this secret, Pang Bupa Followed behind her and lived out of this secret realm."

The expression of Jian Qisha suddenly became interesting.

"This is what Qi Fuxi said to my mother at the time, listen carefully!"

"That silly boy always looks at me secretly, thinking I don't know."

Su Wangyou thought of the great reputation of the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea, and suddenly felt like a collapsed human design...

"Later, these two people got the inheritance of this secret realm. It is worth mentioning that the inheritance of this secret realm is given according to the number of people. That is to say, as long as you live out, you can get the inheritance... and Pang Bupo also got it. An inheritance, this is the secret of others, I don't know, but I can be sure that this inheritance is related to water control, otherwise how did the Emperor Deep Sea come from?"

"Qi Fuxi quickly cut off the evil flood, and left, Pang Bupo returned to life in the fishing village, but all day long thinking about that woman who is like a fairy in the secret realm. His parents couldn’t stand it anymore, but they still respected their son’s choice. So the young Pang Da Hai carried a tattered bag in his arms and carried the 142 cents from the fish. Stepping into the rivers and lakes so daftly."

When talking about this paragraph, the look of Jian Qisha was very yearning, and this was almost the dream of every successful boss.

They yearn for such a day, they will return to their youth, with nothing, and embracing the blood to move toward their dreams.

It is a pity that there is a day when flowers re-open, and no one is young again.

————So these perverted big men entrusted their dreams to their apprentices.

Why are you hungry for your body and skin, emptied of your body, utterly messing with what you are doing? Anyway, how miserable you are, and even those who are leisurely have to direct and act in an annual divorce drama.

So ah, people are full and hold on —————— especially this group of emperor realm bosses are full and hold on, this thing is really terrible...

"When I have an apprentice, I will definitely play with him like this!" Jian Qisha laughed.

"...It's really miserable to be your apprentice."

"Okay, let's continue to tell the story of the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea." Jian Qisha shook his head and said: "From then on, it is nothing more than a story of a poor boy counterattack. Think about it, a young man from a rural fishing village liked the best in the world. Tianjiao, what a long road this is. Fortunately, the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea is also an off-the-shelf product. His luck is comparable to that of the descendant of the Qin Shengzong generation-called Qin Luoxue, right, I remember you know Qin Falling snow."

Su Wangyou nodded and said, "Her luck is beyond your imagination. Let's put it this way, I, Su Changge, Qin Luoxue, Fifth Huazhi, Tang Congxin, once started for a beauty genius. After a dispute, it was finally decided to draw lots. Su Changge still lost ninety-nine or eighty-one times in a row while cheating with secret methods..."

"It's amazing... I've also seen Su Changge's methods——————Wait a minute, you said that this kid makes a thousand ?????"

Su Wangyou raised his head, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Su Changge always pays a thousand every time he gambles, but he makes a difference that is not excessive. Sometimes he even deliberately let himself lose, just to experience the thrill of'I cheated in front of you, you can't find out.' Later, there was really no way, Chu Yi and I caught him and beat him as soon as we lost, and now he dare not beat me."

Jian Qisha pulled the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt distressed for Su Changge.

['Until now I dare not beat me', how miserable he was beaten...] "No wonder..." Jian Qisha exclaimed, "I think he can win every time he goes to the gambling shop under the mountain. , But won’t win much, I’m very curious. He doesn’t want to be someone who lacks this little money. It turns out to be like this... Every time Elder Wang sees him winning money, he gets red eyes and takes the monthly payment. I just entered the gambling shop and spent a month to spend a month, and finally asked Chen Huaniao to pay for her..."

(PS Chen Huaniao, the second sister of the legendary Misty Xianzong.)

"The topic is off the track." Su Wangyou reminded.

"Oh-yes yes yes yes, let's continue." Jian Qisha hurriedly said: "The deep sea emperor's luck was added, and he defeated the heroes in the eight jue ceremony of that generation, but the last battle happened to be these two people. , Tusk tusk, Pang Bupo also played bloody, this is also the original words, listen carefully!"

"That silly boy is also a hard-headed man, thanks to me being a martial idiot at the time. If I change a woman and get beaten like this in front of the world's heroes, I'm afraid I won't want to care about this guy in my life."

"What happened later became a matter of course and became No. 1 in the world. It was much easier to chase girls. It is worth mentioning that the Emperor of the Deep Sea is famously rich — why does anyone have no background? Will the poor boy have money? Because there is a whole sea behind him..."

Jian Qisha casually said: "Su Wangyou, I ask you, if I tell you that there is a genius treasure within five thousand nautical miles, how long do you think you can find it?"

Su Wangyou pondered for a while and said, "Ten minutes."

The sword that was about to blow seven kills was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Why is it so fast."

Su Wangyou replied in a serious manner: "Use the magic talisman to find Qin Luoxue, and then throw her out, wherever she falls. Considering that five thousand nautical miles is relatively large, I may have to throw it a few more times, so I will be humble. , Talked for ten minutes."

"...I'm really curious about how you guys got together. You can play Su Changge whenever you want, and lose the piano and snow..."

Sword Seven Killing said with a serious face: "No kidding, the normal emperor realm may need several days or even dozens of days, but the deep sea emperor only needs one second, do you know what I mean? How many treasures from the ancient macro era are in the deep sea ..."

Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows and said, "I seem to understand the reason why Elder Zhu is so moist..."

Chapter 10 Encounter

"Wait!" Su Wangyou suddenly discovered his blind spot, "Is it wrong————Why is Elder Zhu not surnamed Pang————not even Qi, but Zhu?"

"It's a long story--" Jian Qisha was trying to explain the wave.

"Then make a long story short." Su Wangyou interrupted him concisely and powerfully.

"Emmmm, let me streamline the language. To put it simply, it's——————" Jian Qisha thought for a while before he said: "Qi Fuxi was cursed with secret methods when he was pregnant, Elder Zhu Facing death when she was born, Pang Bupo hugged her across most of Zuguang and came to the top of Wuwo Mountain, the first of the ten famous mountains of Zuguang, and met the legendary Wuwuzi under the guidance of that one. Next, I went to the far north and saw the existence of a human head with a snake body."

"And that existence... calls itself the candle nine yin!"

"I don’t know what’s going on. I guess that only the Great Emperor in this world knows what happened there. Anyway, it should be the same thing. Zhu Jiu Yin rescued Elder Zhu, but the price was that Elder Zhu changed his surname. , Or a little deeper, let the elder Zhu become the heir of the nine yin of the candle and so on.

The two walked on, and they reached the most luxurious restaurant on this street.

"It just so happens. We haven't eaten any dinner in the past few days. Let's have a meal here." Jian Qisha sighed: "If Elder Su, you would cook a meal..."

"I don't want to, get out of here." Su Wangyou refused Jian Qisha without expression and walked in.

Jian Qisha gave a helpless wry smile and followed in.

As soon as the two of them entered, a maid greeted him, "Two sons, here--"

The word'please' was still an exit, and a middle-aged shopkeeper interrupted her, "Go and do your own business. I will entertain these two."

"Yes." The maid replied respectfully, leaving with a curiosity and a ninety-nine point of excitement.

The shopkeeper looked at Jian Qisha and smiled: "Master Qisha, long time no see."

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