Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 247:

Jian Qisha also smiled and said, "Little Fuzi, long time no see."

[Xiaoxiaoxiao...Xiao Fuzi? According to normal development, shouldn’t we call Fu Bo...] At this time, Jian Qisha smiled and introduced: "This is Elder Su, Xiao Fuzi, you must have heard his name. Su Wangyou is much more famous than me."

Afterwards, Jian Qisha said to Su Wang worry again: "This is Xiaofuzi, his full name is Jianfuliu. I watched him grow up."

I watched him grow up...

Su Wangyou looked at Jian Qisha, who seemed to be less than twenty years old, and at Jian Fuliu who was clearly in his forties and fifty, and fell into deep thought.

[So the age and appearance of the martial artist is really deceptive...] "It all depends on the promotion of the young master." Jianfu Liu smiled, "The name of the young man Su Wangyou is also like a thunderous ear, and today I know that the rumors are true. ——By the way, the young master is here at the right time, and the master also happened to be here for dinner with his friends."

"Oh?" Jian Qisha got interested, and said: "Just so, take me to them directly."

Su Wangyou frowned, and the voice transmission said.

[Will it be a little inconvenient?

[It’s okay, how can it be convenient or inconvenient.

Sword Seven Kills a confident voice transmission.

Seeing him say this, Su Wangyou was relieved and followed him.

When the three of them passed by a private room, they suddenly heard a voice like this from inside.

"Give me all, all, all, all the dishes in your store!"

"But...guest officer, you only have one person, are you sure you want to have so many points?"

"Shut up, since you said something like this, it represents your vision (super loud bb), you can't imagine the world of rich people at all! (vibration)"

Su Wangyou and Jian Qisha looked at each other.

[This is the voice of Elder Wang, right!It is definitely the voice of Elder Wang, right!] [What the hell is this guy doing with my card ah ah ah ah!!Does she know how many dishes are in this store?!!Is the 30-page menu just kidding you!!Elder Wang can’t feel embarrassed if he can’t finish eating...Wang Wanhe!It's over!Now our face has been lost!!] [Wang Wanhe?Who is this?Does our ethereal immortal sect have this person?Jian Qisha was silent for a while, transmission said.

[I forgot, our ethereal Xianzong does not seem to have an elder surnamed Wang.] So the two walked quickly over, pretending not to know the person in the private room.

A few minutes later, Jianfu Liu stopped and said, "That's it, so young master, I won't bother you."

"Well, Xiao Fuzi, go ahead." Jian Qisha knocked on the door and said, "Dad, I am Qisha, I'm here."

Then he opened the door.

"Mom, you are here too, eh, why are there..." Jian Qisha's voice suddenly lowered, "Human..."

Su Wangyou poked his head in curiously and saw that there were four people sitting in the room, of which he happened to know two.

The ancient monarch with a pale complexion, and Chu Yi, who was immersed in food.

Opposite them, sat a man and a woman. They must be the parents of the Seven Kills of the Sword. In the same way, warriors can't judge their age by their looks, and they look only 20 or 30 years old...

Su Wangyou didn't expect to see the monarch of the ancient country and Chu Yi here, and he was a little confused for a while, but he quickly reacted. The family of the sword seven killings is obviously also the super wealthy of the ancient country and knows the monarch of the ancient country. It’s not a weird thing to have a good personal relationship and have a meal.

The world's big brother is a family.JPG

The mother of the Seven Swordsmen heard the sound of the Seven Swords, so she turned her head, and she just happened to see Su Wangyou poking her head out from behind the Seven Swords of Swords. She trembled for a moment, and then she tremblingly grabbed the sword. Seven kills father's hand, with a crying voice: "His father... Seven kills him, he---he still shot the man!"

At this moment, the ancient kingdom monarch and Chu Yi also looked over.

The scene was silent.

Jian Qisha showed'I know this expression', and he said without love, "Mom, you are too much. If you let the people of the world know what you said, I don't know how many women would want to kill. Damn me, this is Su Wangyou..."

"Just kidding, why are you so flustered? If you find a Taoist companion to come back earlier, would I still make this kind of joke?"

"Daolu? It is impossible to find Taolu in this life." Jian Qisha whispered bb and took his seat.

Su Wangyou sat beside Chu Yi and whispered, "Why are you here?"

Chu Yi replied, "Why can I be forced out."

Su Wangyou squinted and said, "I think your food is delicious."

"No way, I'm here. Of course I have to eat and be happy." Chu Yi thought for a while, and handed over a huge lobster. "The last one is here. This is what the warriors transported from the beach day and night. ."

Su Wangyou took it.

[Hold the grass, you really pick it up, I'm just polite!

Chu watched as Su Wangyou had eaten the lobster, feeling that his heart was bleeding.

"What's the matter?" Su Wangyou asked aloud when Chu Yi had been staring at him.


Su Wangyou shrugged, and ate for himself.

At this time, Jian Qisha faced mixed persuasion from his parents.

"Why don't you find a Taoist companion?"

"The girl who was older than me scared me."

"When I was your age, my son was already a fairy!"

"Isn't your son me..."

"Seven kills, you have to understand that if you don't marry a wife and have children, and then I will be born with your mother, the family property may not necessarily be yours!"

"It's as if I want you to raise it, please, I am an emperor, and it is enough to raise a hundred concubines, okay?"


So Su Wangyou couldn't speak at all. He couldn't even speak basic polite language. I don't know why, the expressions of these parents always made Su Wangyou feel that they were saving the world...

Since I can't say it, I won't say it.

Su Wangyou ate without psychological burden.

A wine glass was suddenly handed to him, and Su Wangyou raised his head and found that the wine was handed to him by the monarch of the ancient country.

Su Wangyou took it.

"Echo Valley, you saved my life, I haven't officially thanked you yet." The ancient country monarch smiled and said: "We swordsmen won't talk nonsense, and toast you."

"Your Majesty is serious." Having said that, Su Wangyou accepted the toast from the monarch of the ancient country without humility, and replied.

"Speaking of which, how did you come to the capital of the ancient country?" Chu Yi asked.

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