Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 255:

Many dark shadows looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

"Come, do it." The mad ghost came up third and took away his soul. "Say it in advance. I won't necessarily listen to your orders."

"Of course." Zhang Tulong smiled and said, "Everyone is equal, and I will never force you."

With such a few examples, the people who follow can't help it. No matter what, as long as they get their own soul core, with their strength, where can't the world go?

Finally, the last person also removed his soul core.

Update time change notification (important)

A very heavy thing happened.

I'm starting school, and freshmen are not allowed to bring computers.

Believe me, I feel worse than you.

If you update, only Saturday and Sunday will be available...

emmmm, after considering a lot, decided to build a book friend group.

So be it.

Hope... The story of Su Wangyou will continue forever, instead of being overwhelmed by reality.

Book Friends 882351525

Group number 882351525

Sexy author, online coo.

One hundred words.


Chapter 16 Return

Half a month passed in a hurry.

Su Wangyou and Chu Yi stayed for half a month, and finally found out the "a drop of tear in the cover of a dry manhole", but their results were more than just that. Under the discussion between the two and the occasional guidance of the ancient monarch, they Also developed the form of this trick.

[You have learned [a tear in the dry cover], [a tear in the dry cover·change]] [a tear in the dry cover]: (previously, there is no water here, the simple explanation is 100% armor penetration, but Limited power.)

[A tear in the dry manhole cover·Change]: Su Wangyou and Chu Yi made new changes to this trick after discussing for half a month, so this trick was born.

Compared to the original move, the ability of this move to break defenses is not absolute, at most it can only ignore 80% of the opponent's internal energy defense, but the power is far better than before. Although the penetration ability is not as good as before, the power and speed are obtained. At the same time, the carrier needed to use this move must be one of the two types of "self-essence and blood" containing pain, regret and tears of various negative emotions. When the carrier used by oneself is the latter, The ability to penetrate the internal qi is once again strengthened, reaching 95%, and the internal qi has become corrosive, and will continue to corrode the other's meridians until the internal qi is completely eliminated.

Skill level: pseudo-eternal.

(What kind of pain is...?)

"It's done." Su Wangyou let out a long sigh, and said, "This trick is completely formed."

Chu Yi's expression is a bit complicated. Not long ago, in order to understand the true meaning of this trick, he once again sneaked into the memory of Thousand Fish in his mind. It was definitely not a good memory. Chu Yi still feels that An unnamed anger burned in his chest, making him want to kill everything in the world.

Su Wangyou obviously saw this too, but he didn't say anything, just patted Chu Yi on the shoulder, "The world...there is always injustice."

Chu Yi was silent for a while.

"I want to control."

As he said this, he pinched the hilt of Liangyijian.

The Liangyi Sword, the supreme artifact of Taoism, used to be a symbolic weapon of the Emperor, but now, this sword is in the hands of Chu Yi.

He wants to take care of the injustices in this world.

With this sword, and this man.

This is ridiculous. Even the ancient monarchs who are much stronger than him, even the emperor, and even the strongest of Gu Hong, Wu Quan, can't do such a thing, just like a toddler. Angrily shouted that I want to be the best in the world.

When the adults listened, they would only think that the child was cute, but they would not think of anything else.

Chu Yi now is just like that baby, even if he is so much stronger than the baby.

Even if it is number one in the world, I can't manage the injustice in this world...

Su Wangyou knew that Chu Yi was serious. This easy-going Chu Yi was far more persistent than he seemed. Once he identified a goal, his body, his will, his soul, and his sword would all drive him. He went on--but how can we manage the injustices in the world?

There are always injustices in the world.

But the young man is very ambitious.

There is always injustice in the world.

how is it?

"Draw the sword and cut it."

Su Wangyou put away his white hair for three thousand feet. The ancient kingdom monarch asked someone to make a scabbard for him. This scabbard fits perfectly. When the sword was sheathed, it made a burst of sharp sound of swords.

"Exactly to my liking."

He said.

I don't know if I'm talking about the scabbard or Chu Yi.

Su Wangyou paused, and said, "I should go now. Time is almost up."

"Go deal with---what's the matter?"

"Wind Spirit Sect." Su Wangyou reluctantly added, and then said: "If you have time, come to our ethereal Xianzong. I dare not say anything else. I always have a little bit of magical runes.

Chu Yi had calmed down at this time. When he heard Su Wangyou saying this, he smiled and joked, "Don't be heartache when you come."

Su Wangyou's expression remained unchanged, and he walked away step by step.

Sword House.

Jian Qisha chatted with his parents - and a Wang Wanhe in the living room.

As expected by the Seven Swords, Lin Ya told Wang Wanhe about the embarrassment of her childhood, and the Seven Swords could clearly read Wang Wanhe's eyes.

[15 classes, plus three months of breakfast, lunch, and lunch, I will not announce this.Are you the devil!] Jian Qi gritted his teeth murderously.

[It’s okay to eat, but I’m not in class!Do you know how many lessons Su Wangyou taught me?!] [That time extended to six months!


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