Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 256:

Jian Qisha sat decadently on the chair, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, he picked up the sound transmission note and put it to his ear.

"Someone is looking for me, I'll go out." Jian Qisha said, and went out.

After a while, he walked back and said sternly: "Let's go, Wang Wanhe, it's time to deal with the little tail at the end of this trip."

Wang Wanhe stood up reluctantly. In fact, she was living comfortably here. As the top wealthy of the ancient country, Jianfu was absolutely unable to fault her in hosting guests.

"Quickly go!" Jian Qisha watched her slowly, thinking of the things she had threatened, and couldn't help but get upset, "Why are you slowly doing?"

Wang Wanhe reluctantly said goodbye to Jian Liuyun and Lin Ya.

When the two left the sword house, Wang Wanhe was surprised and asked, "Hey, why don't you tell your parents individually?"

"It's not necessary." Jian Qi said without looking back: "In our Jian family, when the child is an adult, unless he is going to die or do a life-long thing, he will not leave home. Saying goodbye to my parents is a rule left by our ancestors of the sword family."

Wang Wanhe raised her eyebrows.

[Where does this strange rule come from...]

Although she thought so in her heart, she didn't say anything - anyway, it's better not to complain about the rules left by other ancestors.

Chapter Seventeen Go to the Wind Spirit Sect

Although Wang Wanhe was puzzled, she still didn't say much.

The two left the sword mansion, set foot on the flying sword and flew towards the imperial palace - obviously, the imperial palace did not allow swordsmanship to guard the sword at will, so the two stopped in front of the imperial palace.

"Just here." Jian Qi killed said: "Su Wangyou will come here to find us."

Not long after, Su Wangyou walked out. He glanced at the two of them and said, "Let's go, go to Tianxiao City."

The two nodded, and stepped on Feijian.

A group of three headed towards Tianxiao City...

They didn't walk in a hurry along the way. They just took a break for two days when they encountered a city, passed by a place of interest, and went in a few times.

It took them a full month to get to Tianxiao City. What is worth mentioning is that when the three of them passed a river, Jian Qisha and Wang Wanhe went to buy some snacks, and it was just that. For a period of time, Su Wangyou, who was left by the river by them, watched the great river eastward, feeling a little bit, and had another epiphany...

"Dog, this is?"


Although it was not the first day that these two people experienced Su Wangyou's talent, they just bought a snack and Su Wangyou broke through. This is too...dogs?

In this matter, Su Changge probably shares many common languages ​​with them.

In any case, after a month of rushing - or traveling, the three finally arrived at Tianxiao City.

Tan Tianyi and Tan Hongxiu received a transmission from Su Wangyou not long ago and were waiting for them at the gate of the city.

I haven't seen them for a while, and the faces of the elder brothers and sisters have improved a lot. Obviously, it is a life-saving grace for them to get revenge.

Seeing Su Wangyou, the two respectfully stepped forward and paid a respectful respect, and called for grace.

Su Wangyou accepted the worship of the two upright, because he was indeed qualified.

"Come on." Su Wangyou paused and said: "I will take you to Feng Lingzong."

Although he knew about this, Tan Hongxiu couldn't believe it when it happened.

They have struggled for most of their lives so far, so they have to be solved so easily?

"If it's a thank you, let's avoid it." Su Wangyou didn't look back, and said loudly: "Tan Tian also helped us kill that one that day. That's the real big thing. Now I help you, just It's fine, don't have too much psychological burden, and don't feel that you owe us anything."

Tan Tianyi actually didn't feel that he had given anything at all. He just played a scene with Su Changge and didn't make much contribution, but Su Wangyou almost fulfilled all his wishes...

However, this is only Tan Tianyi’s perspective. From the perspective of Su Changge, a real layman, everyone who besieged Moge is indispensable. Anyone who is missing will eventually be released. Mo Ge - including Chu Yi and Tan Tianyi who seem to be just playing soy sauce.

"Actually... I still have a question to ask." Tan Hongxiu looked at Su Wangyou and said, "Can you offend it?"

"Say it."

Tan Hongxiu hesitated for a while, and asked: "My brother said...You have met me, but in my memory, I have never met Elder Su..."

"Is it so..." Su Wangyou said casually: "When I first met you, I was not Elder Su."

While speaking, he put his hand behind his back, and imitated the tone of the day, and said casually: "Come on, I will teach you today."

[Come on, I will teach you today.

These words were like a burst of thunder, and Tan Hongxiu instantly recalled the man in black who subdued himself more than three years ago.

Recalling carefully, at that time, Su Wangyou had indeed just won the Vault of Heaven Wushu Championship. He had a good reputation. He was also a casual person. In order to avoid the harassment of the major sects, it was normal to hide his whereabouts...

At this point, Tan Hongxiu figured it out.

She smiled bitterly twice, and said, "I laughed."

It's really shameful for a lady, a saint of the sect, to become a bandit.

"So...what the hell is going on?" Jian Qisha imitated Su Wangyou, and said coolly: "Come on, I will teach you today--what is the situation?"

"Don't ask too much if you shouldn't ask." Su Wangyou sighed and said: "Elder Wang, you have been living in Jian Qisha's house these days, have you encountered anything interesting?"

"Yes, yes!" Wang Wanhe's eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth to throw out the embarrassing history of sword seven killings.

"Shut up!" Jian Qisha became irritated and screamed, stunned Wang Wanhe, and then he quickly said, "I understand, I understand, let me leave it alone!"

But as soon as everyone set foot on the Flying Sword, the Sword Seven Kills couldn't help turning their heads, and asked, "By the way...How did Elder Su know that Wang Wanhe lived in my house these days?"

"Is it not easy?" Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows: "Look at Wang Wanhe's red face. I think I have eaten well these days. I think about it carefully and feel that with her luck, if she is alone in the waves outside If you can’t afford to eat, it’s normal. How can you have this look... So someone must have taken her in. Wang Wanhe couldn’t afford the sound transmission talisman. I just gave you the sound transmission, but you two came here together. , So she must be very close to you, so she should be living in your house."

Wang Wanhe was stabbed in the sore spot, and her face became unsightly right now. She opened her mouth, but found that she had nowhere to refute...

After all, it’s not once or twice that she lost her purse and couldn’t afford to eat when she was on mission...

Is it my fault that I can't afford the sound transmission...

"Gan!" Wang Wanhesheng looked at the sky impeccably, "If God grants me the luck of the sage heir to the piano, I would sacrifice the sword to seven kills for five thousand years of life."

"Trade your own lifespan for ah bastard!!"

In the air, the inexplicable and angry roar of Sword Seven Kills sounded.

A monk heard this sound and raised his head curiously, just to see a few streams of light go away.

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