Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 260:

Zhu Yao laughed out loud and said, "Do you really think that this resource is rare..."

Sect Master said angrily: "This is not okay, that is not okay, or do you take his class?"

Zhu Yao narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "You try again?"

The lord was obediently like a maid's name, she said: "Sister Zhu, I was wrong, I said the wrong thing, don't be angry."

Yes, your Elder Zhu will always be your Elder Zhu.

Su Wangyou glanced at the Sect Master with contempt, then quickly withdrew his gaze, looked at Bai Ruoli, and said, "Then, the Ten Sect Conference...Do I need to do something?"

Bai Ruoli shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be necessary for you to do anything more. After all, it is the meeting place for the disciples. If there is no accident, you just need to watch it."

[When you say this, I always feel that something will happen...] Su Wangyou murmured silently, then nodded, and said, "In that case...Is there anything else?"

"It's okay." Sect Master waved his hand and said, "Anyway, you have a good rest for these four months, and don't make any troubles. Our ethereal Immortal Sect is counting on you to earn face."

Bai Ruoli squinted his eyes and said, "Hey, are you so insecure in your own disciples? Don't treat others as salted fish if you are a salted fish..."

Sect Master also learned Bai Ruoli squinted his eyes and said: "You can beat Qiu Tayu?"

"Uh... five to five."

"Have you beaten Jiang Tairan?"

"Emmmmmm, let's go for Sanqi, her inheritance restrains me."

"Obviously it is mutual restraint. You will be restrained if you are weak. Don't throw the pot to pass on. It is ashamed." The suzerain ridiculed a wave, and did not think about whose disciple it was, "Then I will ask you again. Is that madman in Qige?"

Bai Ruoli couldn't help but said: "How can I not fight? If it's a life fight! I can definitely fight!"

"But this is not a fight for life." Sect Master sighed: "Have you ever been able to fight?"

"Gan, I don't want to fight him because of my life..."

"Have you beaten that little girl from the Yin Yang family?"

Bai Ruoli glanced at Zhu Yao, and Zhu Yao said casually: "Don't look, you have no chance of winning, and her equipment is worse than mine."

Equipment rolling, nothing said.

"Tian Xingzong, I heard that the guy from the Lan family has been working hard since he lost to Chu Yi. He is like you, thinking about Tiao Kaizi all day long..."

Bai Ruoli covered the Sect Master's mouth, looked at Su Wangyou's direction in a panic, only to find that he had already left.

"You can always try this!"

"That's okay." Sect Master pulled away Bai Ruoli's hand, his expression more solemn.

"So...what about Li Buwu?"

"This person who was once considered to be most likely to defeat Chu Yi, after being defeated by Su Changge using illusion, studied illusion for two years. Not long ago, he went to the chaotic desert to kill an emperor who was good at illusion. Enemy, how confident are you?"

In the Baju Ceremony of the year, if it were not for Su Changge's defeat of Li Buwu, I am afraid that even if Su Wangyou defeated Chu Yi, he would not be able to defeat Li Buwu.

This is an enemy with almost no weakness except illusion, and it took him two years to fill in his last loophole...

"There is no chance of winning." Bai Ruoli raised his head with cold eyes, "I, and among the bunch of people just now, no one can compete with him. Among the same age, only Elder Su and Chu Wushuang can compete with him. ..."

Bai Ruoli hesitated for a while, and then said: "Then Su Changge seems not serious, but I always feel that he is not that simple. Although Li Buwu is not afraid of illusion, I always feel that maybe...Su Changge also……"

To the west of Zuguang.

One hundred thousand mountains.

In this boundless one hundred thousand mountains, there is a country.

Empty country.

The level of mystery in this country is very high, even in history books, only a few hundred words are recorded.

And now, a black-robed man slowly walked out of the hundred thousand mountains.

In official history, this man has the title of half-life invincible.

In fact, he was not invincible for half his life, but disabled for half his life.

But in that crippled half of his life, even if the Emperor saw him, he had to bend down.

Because he is a true hero.

Chapter 22 My Way Is Not Alone

There are very few records of this person in history books, almost few sentences, but vaguely mention that this person has made indelible contributions.

————And even this sentence of intelligence, which is not considered intelligence, can only be known by the top academic master Su Wangyou.

After all, it is not a simple matter to turn this sentence out and remember it in the more than two hundred pages of "Zu Guang Shi".

Su Wangyou returned to Longyin Peak and rested for a while.

The next day, Su Wangyou, who felt that the Seven Swords of Swords was too miserable, was discovered by his conscience and decided to go to class.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the sound transmission note.

"Senior Nephew Bai, that's the case. I have some time recently. I plan to teach the disciples. You can gather them..."

"!" Bai Ruoli's shocked voice came from the sound transmission symbol, "What did you say?! Elder Su? Did you kidnapped by Elder Sword? Why did you say such nonsense suddenly?"

Su Wangyou's face turned dark, and said, "Be less silly, go quickly."

"╮(~▽~")╭ Got it, I will go now."

After Bai Ruo separated from the skin, she was in a very happy mood. She hummed a small tune and gathered the disciples.

So there was such a voice in the dormitory.

"Get up! Go to class!"

"What class do you have? Isn't it a break today..."

"Elder Su's class, even if you don't attend..."

"You didn't say it earlier? I love learning!"

"Obviously I love Elder Su..."

In the martial arts field, hundreds of disciples lined up and stared at the white-clothed boy who came from a distance.

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