Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 261:

Su Wangyou's appearance, no matter how many times it is emphasized, is not too much. This is a perfect forbidden zone that God can't touch, and it is an unparalleled landscape that does not belong to the world.

Su Wangyou stepped forward. He glanced over and found that the disciples’ eyes were full of a desire for knowledge. Su Wangyou sighed slightly. Although he was the elder of the ethereal Immortal Sect, the number of lessons he gave to the disciples There are only a handful, even the elder Ke Qing, Su Changge, has more classes than him.

However... this group of disciples is not eager for knowledge...

Su Wangyou cleared his throat and said, "I haven't taught you for a long time. I don't know your current martial arts strength and actual combat ability, so today we will talk about the theory."

After all, Su Wangyou stretched out a finger and flicked it a few times in the air, but what was incredible was that as Su Wangyou's finger flicked across, a golden scratch actually appeared in the air.

Su Wangyou wrote two words in the air.


"What is specialization? I think you all have a certain understanding. Although we usually divide martial artists into sword repair, sword repair, physical repair, and law repair, in fact, martial artists are martial artists. There is no difference at all. It is just the specialization of everyone. The directions are different, and in the end a different path is taken."

Su Wangyou knocked on the two words in the air, and then said: "Everyone is the pride of heaven. I won't talk about those basic things. Today we will talk about some deeper things."

"There is a non-obvious restraint relationship among different specializations. Here I still suggest that you take a specialization route. Don't think about the mentally handicapped operations such as double swordsmanship and double swordsmanship... unless You are sure that you can reach the Emperor Realm anyway."

"The first is physical training. This is a profession that is best targeted and the most difficult to target. Our sect does not seem to have much physical training, so today we will talk about how to target physical training."

"There is a topic that can never be circumvented in physical training--just as there is a topic that can never be circumvented in physical training, does anyone know what these two topics are?"

There was a reply soon from below.

"How to prevent the body from getting close."

"How can I get close to my body."

Su Wangyou nodded, and said, "Yes, close, this is an eternal problem between physical training and its opponents - unless both are physical training."

He paused, and then said: "This question is unsolvable for us, because there are so many things we have to consider, how to face Fa cultivation, how to face sword cultivation, how to face monk Qimen—— ——But the training is different. They only need to consider one problem, that is, how to get close. The time we spend thinking about 11 million questions, they all use it to think about one problem, so this problem is almost insoluble , Even if we occasionally think of a good solution, it will be cracked by countless physical training, so we don’t consider this problem, let’s change our thinking."

Su Wangyou's eyes were slightly cold. He looked north, his gaze crossed countless mountains, across countless lakes, through countless forests, and finally fell on the land called Shang Guo.

"As a non-physical training, how to suppress physical training in close combat!"

Fantastic Nights.

There is no doubt that Su Wangyou is talking about dreams.

Why does physical training only think about how to get close?

Because for physical training, being close means winning.

And now, Su Wangyou actually said that he wanted to suppress physical training in close combat...

Even the female disciples who were fascinated by Su Wangyou, suspect that Su Wangyou is crazy...

Su Wangyou looked still.

Zu Guang - and even later Dahua, Luo Sheng, and even the early Tiande, were too afraid of being close.

Why is Zuguang so many sword immortals, but no one can develop qualified fighting swordsmanship?

Not martial arts, but fighting skills-fighting swordsmanship, fighting swordsmanship, etc.

For one thing, it’s because people don’t have this concept. From ancient times to the present, everyone has used martial arts.

Secondly, because of the power, how powerful is the martial arts?How powerful is fighting skills?Why not use martial arts, but use those unformed fighting skills?

Thirdly, in fact, many people have developed fighting skills, but they are not recognized by the people around them, so these people ran to find physical training—the kind of close, but the kind of unformed fighting. How could it be possible to have a physical training?

As a result, the ancestors of this group of fighting skills died in the hands of Shi Xiu unexplainably, and this fighting skills naturally died in the infancy.

After Su Wangyou defeated Chu Yi in the first place, he talked about swords publicly on the Misty Mountain, spreading the fighting skills of kendo.

And now, he intends to spread all the fighting skills.

If he really does this, Zu Guang's overall combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Su Wangyou did this naturally because of his reasons.

The evil demon... is coming.

Although he did not know the exact time, it must be within a thousand years.

The evil demon outside the sky is a complete war machine. They not only know the fighting technique, but also the method of battle formation that Zu Guang doesn't understand. Even in later generations, few people can penetrate the battle formation of the outside evil spirit.

Su Wangyou looked at the group of ignorant disciples below, closed his eyes and sighed secretly.

[Become stronger, be stronger, do everything possible to be stronger, what should come... will always come.Su Wangyou opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of cold light.

[And my task is to do everything possible to improve Zu Guang's overall combat power, and when the disaster comes, I can reserve more fire for Zu Guang.Su Wangyou, who didn't care about everything, suddenly had this idea.

He began to want to protect the world, for the people he cherished.

The existence named Su Wangyou has found his own way.

I don't know when it started, he is no longer alone.

The young man who sat alone under the window, sighing'the loneliness of my way' towards the endless night, finally found his companion.

Plot review:

Volume Two, Chapter 6,'The Solitary of My Way'

Su Wangyou easily knocked down the entire Skyscraper Academy. After returning to the villa, he felt utterly lonely. No one in the world could stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and the so-called Tianjiao could not even see his shadow.

Chapter 23 Sit up in dying illness, short and weak, another chapter

To be precise, teaching fighting skills to allow non-physical martial artists to engage in close combat with physical training is just a clumsy excuse.

Because since ordinary monks can learn, they can certainly learn the physical training - and because of the specialization and adaptation, they must learn better than those monks, so if Su Wangyou passes on the martial arts, the final beneficiary Instead, it is the physical training he wants to target.

But-it doesn't matter.

It's just an excuse.

The person Su Wangyou really wanted to target was the evil demon outside the sky.

No matter who benefits from it, as long as it is from Zuguang.

Su Wangyou always remembered the sentence at the end of Zu Guangshi.

[Five thousand years of bloody battle, countless people fell, countless people knelt at their graves and wept bitterly, how many people died, how many people were displaced, but in any case, I always dare to say that these five thousand years————] [ Zu Guang, there has never been a traitor.

not a single one.

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