Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 267:

The young man frowned and said: "My master once said that there are countless arrogances in the Central Plains, so I only spared time to come here for a trip. Why, don't the people in Central Plains even have this courage?"

"People of Central Plains" would call others this way, only Kongguo people, Shangguo people prefer the title of'Southern', and this further verified the identity of this young man.

"Really... don't come here to disrupt the situation, impolite kid." Li Buwu in the field sighed and said to the boy: "In the fairyland, you dare to provoke our Central Plains like this. Do you want to lie down and go out? ?"

The boy looked at Li Buwu.

————Fucking so strong?!

Jue Zong had a great experience in seeing people. Thanks to his gift, the young man could see Li Buwu's inner energy like a man of heaven.

Having said that, the young man was not timid. He grinned and said with a smile: "Perhaps I will lie down in the end, but before that, there will be more people falling down before me."

Li Buwu frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Inner Qi circulated slowly.

"Brother Li, you are already in the Void Realm. Isn't it inappropriate to bully the little guy in the Fairy Realm?" A voice from the seat of the Chaos Sword Sect was heard. At the same time, Qiu Tayu slowly walked out, "Not to mention waiting. If you and Su Shaoxia still have a fight, don't waste your inner qi, this guy...I will handle it."

Su Changge raised his eyebrows. If he didn't feel wrong, this Qiu Tayu... seems to be cutting off his back path?

Li Buwu took a deep look at Qiu Tayu and took the initiative to leave the field.

Su Changge shrugged, knowing that he was "accepted to the challenge", but in fact he could completely reject Li Buwu's challenge, but... he had an idea.

That being said, he Su Changge can't just let people calculate.

I wrote down this grudge. JPG

At this time, Qiu Tayu didn't know that he was remembered by some careful-eyed black belly. He turned around, looked at the boy, and said proudly: "I will not kill the unknown under my sword. I will report to you. The name comes."

"Hey." The young man said with a smile: "I am a prisoner of Jue Zong Jijun."

"Ji Jun prisoner...I took it down." Qiu Tayu slowly drew out his sword, "I am Chaos Sword Zongqiu————"

The word "tayu" was still an exit, and Ji Jun prisoner started!

He did not draw out any weapons, nor did he resort to any secret technique or formation, but the whole person rushed over like a phantom, and his speed was so fast that he could not see his movements clearly even in the virtual world.

The prisoner Ji Jun arrived in front of Qiu Tayu in an instant. Behind him, the black, ink-like phantoms remained in place as they were when he was running.

"I am the opposite of you." Ji Jun said with a grinning smile: "I dominate the unknown!"

After all, Ji Jun jailed him with a punch.

Chapter 29: Tianjiao, Step for Me (6)

So fast----!

Prisoner Ji Jun's movements were so fast that even Yu Qiu Tayu didn't even recover, and Prisoner Ji Jun had already arrived in front of him.

If the fairyland here is just a Tianjiao with no combat experience - even if his attributes are equal to Qiu Tayu, then this battle is over.

But standing here is Qiu Tayu, who killed the Emperor Qiu Tayu with the cultivation base of the fairyland. He is by no means an empty display of cultivation. On the contrary, his combat experience is far better than that of Ji Jun prisoner in this deep mountain and old forest. More guys come out.

Although the brain has not yet reacted, the body already has instincts.

Qiu Tayu's subconscious horizontal sword blocked Ji Jun prisoner's thunderous blow.

But there is a mantra called'speed equals power'.

What's more, Qiu Tayu's defense was a subconscious reaction in a hurry, and he didn't even bless his inner Qi.

So when Ji Jun’s fist hit Qiu Tayu’s sword, Qiu Tayu was directly smashed and flew for more than 100 meters. Qiu Tayu inserted the sword into the ground, which was barely stable. Lived.

The blow just now didn't seriously injure him, even minor injuries were reluctant, but in terms of momentum...

"One punch... knocked Qiu Feather into the air for more than a hundred meters?" Su Changge said with great interest: "Jie Zong... a bit interesting."

Qiu Tayu slowly stood up, and only then did he put away the arrogance in his eyes.

"Six sects, five families and one pavilion, the perfect sect can be ranked among them, it really is not a vain name." Qiu Tayu pointed his sword at the opponent.

Prisoner Ji Jun had even more arrogance in his eyes. He sneered and said: "Why, I was beaten back by a punch, and I felt very shameless. Only then did I think of blowing up a wave of peerless?

emmmm, although Ji Jun’s words are terrible, but it’s really the truth...

Being so ridiculed by others, Qiu Tayu did not seem to be angry.

Still the same sentence, warriors will never become stronger because of anger, anger will only make them weaker, Qiu Tayu, as the descendant of the Chaos Sword Sect, will naturally not be angry because of the two rubbish words of Prisoner Ji Jun.

————A small number of warriors who practice special techniques are exceptions. They might really become stronger because of anger.

————Su Changge’s trash talk is also an exception. This fellow is a ruthless man who uses the secret method of'three heads and six arms' to curse people...

In official history, Su Changge used to scold a Confucian student to death in Xia Guo's early court...

Prisoner Ji Jun saw that Qiu Tayu's expression did not fluctuate, and could not help showing a'really boring' expression.

He took a lazy step forward, and stretched out a finger to hook Qiu Tayu.

"Then—if you have any skills, let me see it."

Prisoner Ji Jun looked at Qiu Tayu with a smile.

"Otherwise, if I make a move, you won't have a chance to make a move."

Speaking arrogantly.

In any case, Qiu Tayu is also one of the top arrogances in the Central Plains, even if it is not as good as Chu Yi, Su Wangyou, and Li Buwu such enchanting, he is definitely not the kind of showy that can't be seen.

Qiu Tayu rushed up with a sword.

The two officially handed over.

Su Changge's face also became serious little by little.

Not only Su Changge, the faces of the disciples and elders of the ten sects were very ugly, and among them, the people of the Chaos Sword Sect were the worst.

Because what happens in the field, it can't even be called a battle.

————Qiu Tayu was naturally not pressed to the ground.

But now he is worse than being beaten on the ground.

Thirteen times, twenty-one stabbing, nine times, forty-one cuts, one hundred and twenty-five sword energy, seventy-two sword light.

Twice fascination, four offensive secrets.

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